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  1. Bowsette Plus-Ultra

    Spoiler Thoughts on the Ganondorf Implication

    I don't mean to be that guy, but... :eyes:
  2. Bowsette Plus-Ultra

    Spoiler Thoughts on the Ganondorf Implication

    I can't wait for the inevitable dumb leaps of logic said book will make to explain this nonsense.
  3. Bowsette Plus-Ultra

    Spoiler Thoughts on the Ganondorf Implication

    It's frustrating. If they want to pull a Final Fantasy and keep every game standalone then just do it. Don't put on the show of pretending you care about continuity while openly not giving a **** with each new installment.
  4. Bowsette Plus-Ultra

    Spoiler Thoughts on the Ganondorf Implication

    I think it's a bad retcon. The even more pessimistic view is the same one I've always espoused: Nintendo doesn't care about continuity.
  5. Bowsette Plus-Ultra

    Spoiler Thoughts on the Ganondorf Implication

    I'm dubious of any claim that there's more than one Ganon. I don't think TotK set out to establish any sort of alternate Ganon, I think it did what Zelda games tend to do: ignore the lore and just introduce more contradictory information.
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