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  1. Echolight

    Dreams thread.

    mario job simulator is cracking me up also, between the both of these pretty sure your subconscious has an infatuation with Mario Galaxy
  2. Echolight

    Dreams thread.

    I was outside beside the house, and as I walked around to the front yard I saw a group of people in hooded black robes encircling a particular area of grass. As I came closer, I saw that it was a circular area of flattened grass, and in the center of the circle was a procession of ants. They...
  3. Echolight

    Dreams thread.

    I had a dream that a bunch of new emojis were made as ZD post reactions but at the same time the originals were taken off. The like emoji was replaced with a generic (imo creepy) smiley face, and everyone was upset.
  4. Echolight

    Dreams thread.

    Dreamt that I heard some weird noises inside the closet, and when I went to investigate I saw a wooden comb on the ground sliding around on its own. Then it started to levitate and slam into the wall and fall back down, and I was very freaked out, hah. I ran into the kitchen, grabbed a trash...
  5. Echolight

    Dreams thread.

    Guys. It finally happened. I had a dream of splatoon. It all started when I booted up the switch and saw that @Fraxinus was online playing splatoon 3. I really wanted to battle with him in a match, so I also started the game. And just so you guys know this dream version of splatoon has a few...
  6. Echolight

    Dreams thread.

    We were all just normal people. I can't remember exactly what you looked like, but I remember just by looking out you, you gave off the vibe of being ketchup? If that makes sense. Dreams are weird. Like the way you spoke and the general vibe you gave off was accurate and reminded me of you...
  7. Echolight

    Dreams thread.

    I had a dream I hung out with chevy, ketchup, and mikey at my dad's pawnshop. I felt all excited and nervous to see them in real life. I vividly remember going up to chevy for the first time and asking him to guess who I was with like a grin or something?? lol
  8. Echolight

    Dreams thread.

    I would've cared Dizzi!
  9. Echolight

    Dreams thread.

    I had a dream I hung out with an emo boy in a black hoodie and listened to Jrock together.
  10. Echolight

    Dreams thread.

    haha I can just imagine Ex grinning and waving at us as he passes and leaves us in the dust. I wonder where we were biking to...
  11. Echolight

    Dreams thread.

    I had a dream I was hanging out with @ExLight . You looked like Nagito haha. And for some reason you really liked foxes, so I made a snow-fox for you with coal pieces for eyes and twigs for whiskers. (it was winter)
  12. Echolight

    Dreams thread.

    I had a dream that in the sb users were making fun of other users for not uploading the posts for the 10 Day Music Challenge thing on time :(
  13. Echolight

    Dreams thread.

    No, I just remember you and your house, which had a wood table which I sat and played MM with you India would be so cool to tour tho! Maybe I should try to dream about that next time :)
  14. Echolight

    Dreams thread.

    I dreamt I went to India and stayed at @Giri ’s house with my sister and played MM there
  15. Echolight

    Dreams thread.

    I have had a dream once. there is this square piece of land, just floating. There’s a table on it, and I and some other people are eating. There’s also a slide on the corner of the land. After I finished eating, I went over to the slide, and got in it. The inside of the slide is stripes of black...
  16. Echolight

    Dreams thread.

    I had a nightmare, which is really rare. It was my family had gone to this hotel room, and the room looks just like the living room in my house, which had door leading to bedroom on the sides. I slept by my sister on this inflatable mattress. There was, for some reason, a girl with us. Suddenly...
  17. Echolight

    Dreams thread.

    I dreamed that I, my grandmother, sister, and brother were at a really busy pavilion, and to big dudes snatched up my bother and was going to kidnapped him. I then ran at them screaming, and beat them up. I then returned to my grandmother with my brother safe. This was just after finishing a...
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