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  1. Terminus

    Funny or Memorable IM or Shoutbox Conversations.

    "If I was his age I'd **** the **** out of Sir Ian McKellen" - @Pen December 20 2018 4:25 PM PST
  2. Terminus

    Funny or Memorable IM or Shoutbox Conversations.

    [3:41:03 PM] Eric the Red: things are back to normal [3:41:07 PM] Eric the Red: I feel super relived [3:41:16 PM] Chase: woop [3:42:36 PM] Eric the Red: Ive been painfully stressed out lately, this is a huge wight off my shoulders [3:42:45 PM] Eric the Red: weight [3:42:53 PM] Chase: o [3:42:55...
  3. Terminus

    Funny or Memorable IM or Shoutbox Conversations.

    Seth-Today at 7:07 PM omg Punisher is on Netflix finally Loz-Today at 7:07 PM I'd like for you to punish me. Seth-Today at 7:07 PM Loz, this is a public chat pm me Loz-Today at 7:08 PM Oh, sorry. Erixperience-Today at 7:09 PM im kinkshaming Seth-Today at 7:13 PM Good, I...
  4. Terminus

    Funny or Memorable IM or Shoutbox Conversations.

    [4/27/2016 10:08:21 AM] GoodguyStebs: Hey man! Exhausting honestly lol [4/27/2016 10:08:41 AM] Eric the Red: Busy season at work? [4/27/2016 10:16:52 AM] GoodguyStebs: Very busy. I got a break with pax but now im back at it. How are you doing? [4/27/2016 10:17:30 AM] Eric the Red: Uni is boring...
  5. Terminus

    Funny or Memorable IM or Shoutbox Conversations.

    So I was talking D&D classes with my friend Chase because we want to set a campaign up before he goes to the Navy and I know nothing about it, and then all of a sudden Daniel out of ****ing nowhere.
  6. Terminus

    Funny or Memorable IM or Shoutbox Conversations.

    WhatsApp ****posting with @Pendio and @Link Floyd
  7. Terminus

    Funny or Memorable IM or Shoutbox Conversations.

    I was skyping a friend about this girl I've been talking to and this happened: To be fair... that is one sexy muffin.
  8. Terminus

    Funny or Memorable IM or Shoutbox Conversations.

    [8:24:00 PM] Byser: Go back to playing Fall Scrolls and Elder out or whatever you play banter
  9. Terminus

    Funny or Memorable IM or Shoutbox Conversations.

    [8/25/15, 12:24:58 PM] Yellow Hero: No you're doing it cause you love me [8/25/15, 12:25:12 PM] Eric the Red: nobody loves you trip [8/25/15, 12:25:23 PM] Yellow Hero: I love me [8/25/15, 12:25:28 PM] Yellow Hero: And that's all that matters [8/25/15, 12:25:32 PM] Eric the Red: therefore you're...
  10. Terminus

    Funny or Memorable IM or Shoutbox Conversations.

    10:49 PM - Pendio: I have a Pendio fetish.
  11. Terminus

    Funny or Memorable IM or Shoutbox Conversations.

    2:27 PM - Beauts: I like kids with ass cancer Cards against humanity is great
  12. Terminus

    Funny or Memorable IM or Shoutbox Conversations.

    6:01 PM - Azure Sage: is he a milf
  13. Terminus

    Funny or Memorable IM or Shoutbox Conversations.

    [5:37:15 PM] Eric the Red: https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/cd/39/b2/cd39b2b012eb3692c3d38080a940edb2.jpg [5:37:21 PM] Eric the Red: lads and gents [5:37:25 PM] Eric the Red: my countrymen [5:41:16 PM] JordieLDR: Murica [5:41:21 PM] JordieLDR: Land of the three
  14. Terminus

    Funny or Memorable IM or Shoutbox Conversations.

    [3:25:10 PM] Eric the Red: Like Fallout is a LOT different than pokemon [3:25:20 PM] Petter: Totally! [3:25:37 PM] Choice Scarf Marcus: nah it is basically the same game :P [3:26:00 PM] Eric the Red: I missed that part where I blew Lysandre's head off and melted him down into a puddle of slime
  15. Terminus

    Funny or Memorable IM or Shoutbox Conversations.

    [10:47:54 PM] Byser: well good night [10:48:03 PM] RizzyPOW: night [10:48:07 PM] Eric the Red: BYEser [10:48:13 PM] Eric the Red: (chuckle) [10:48:16 PM] Eric the Red: im so clever
  16. Terminus

    Funny or Memorable IM or Shoutbox Conversations.

    [5/28/2015 9:28:50 PM] Eric the Red: although I dont know much else about circumstance so my advice is li,miyrd [5/28/2015 9:28:57 PM] Ari: Lol [5/28/2015 9:29:05 PM] Eric the Red: sorry been playing a PC game my typings shot I was playing Wither 3 and having a chat with @Ari and I have no idea...
  17. Terminus

    Funny or Memorable IM or Shoutbox Conversations.

    [1:42:42 PM] AcidTrip: My laptop is running slow any ideas on how to speed it up anyone? [1:43:08 PM] Eric the Red: sacrafice a goat or small child You can trust me I'm a professional
  18. Terminus

    Funny or Memorable IM or Shoutbox Conversations.

    10:12 PM - Terminus: Oh yeah speaking of drugs 8:14 PM - Mellow Ezlo: Why is Ultron trying to grab a Red Rupee? 8:13 PM - Terminus: http://prntscr.com/78z1di :cool: 8:27 PM - Kitsu: i should ban you just for linking funnyjunk I'm rebuilding my quote index after mine got wiped in the switch.
  19. Terminus

    Funny or Memorable IM or Shoutbox Conversations.

    11:30 PM - Matt: heh heh heh heh heh heh heh 11:30 PM - Matt: heh heh heh heh heh heh heh 11:30 PM - Matt: and then another 11:30 PM - Matt: heh heh heh heh heh @Matt are you ok?
  20. Terminus

    Funny or Memorable IM or Shoutbox Conversations.

    [2:49:10 PM] Eric the Red: http://www.amazon.com/Datamancer-The-Sojourner-Keyboard/dp/B00MJ3M91E/ref=sr_1_6?ie=UTF8&qid=1431467343&sr=8-6&keywords=mechanical+keyboard why [2:49:27 PM] Eric the Red: thats so expensive [2:49:43 PM] Ari: and ugly af [2:49:45 PM] Ari: lol [2:49:54 PM] Eric the Red...
  21. Terminus

    Funny or Memorable IM or Shoutbox Conversations.

    [9:50:56 AM] Eric the Red: [12[2222222222222222222222222222222222222-q2'[ [9:50:56 AM] Eric the Red: W [9:51:02 AM] Eric the Red: W'0PA'p' [9:51:10 AM] Eric the Red: p-wwwq[]21] [9:52:05 AM] Eric the Red: :)[[q [9:52:13 AM] Dangar: You okay there Eric [9:52:26 AM] Eric the Red: **** THATS WHAT I...
  22. Terminus

    Funny or Memorable IM or Shoutbox Conversations.

    Can we take a moment to appreciate Brett Daltons twitter name? https://twitter.com/IMBrettDalton IMBD or I'mBrettDalton its great wait the site is imdb **** i ****e d up This gem from a FB group chat. I should really think ahead when I type stuff.
  23. Terminus

    Funny or Memorable IM or Shoutbox Conversations.

    [7:46:43 PM] PokemonTripHD: Just finished a workout :] [7:46:56 PM] Eric the Red: Just finished a pizza [7:47:02 PM] Eric the Red: so who's the REAL winner here [7:47:07 PM] PokemonTripHD: Touché
  24. Terminus

    Funny or Memorable IM or Shoutbox Conversations.

    You want to spam a gaming chat with UK politics? I'll have my revenge.
  25. Terminus

    Funny or Memorable IM or Shoutbox Conversations.

    [10:57:06 PM] Eric the Red: http://i.kinja-img.com/gawker-media/image/upload/t_original/bjffkh9otub8rryieejt.gif [10:58:47 PM] Daniel Peterson: WTH [10:58:57 PM] Daniel Peterson: or shall I say WTF Good, good, I'm succeeding at traumatizing my friends.
  26. Terminus

    Funny or Memorable IM or Shoutbox Conversations.

    The Skype chat for the MPL: [4:19:40 PM] Slaxorus: what are you gonna stream trip? [4:19:49 PM] PokemonTripHD: idk... [4:19:52 PM] Eric the Red: Digimon Racing [4:19:54 PM] Eric the Red: ;p [4:20:00 PM] PokemonTripHD: don’t look at the bottom slax... [4:20:12 PM] Brett : DIGIMON IS LOVE DIGIMON...
  27. Terminus

    Funny or Memorable IM or Shoutbox Conversations.

    [7:28:49 AM] Christopher D Bowers: Skye works [7:28:55 AM] Christopher D Bowers: SkyNet [7:28:58 AM] Christopher D Bowers: Skype [7:29:06 AM] Christopher D Bowers: same thing
  28. Terminus

    Funny or Memorable IM or Shoutbox Conversations.

    [9:27:37 PM] Eric the Red: Sorry for unloading [9:27:46 PM] Eric the Red: I have a lot of repressed emotions at the moment [9:27:47 PM] Sir Dan: No it's cool [9:28:02 PM] Sir Dan: I would rather you did unload your truck into my bay. [9:28:17 PM] Eric the Red: something something innuendo...
  29. Terminus

    Funny or Memorable IM or Shoutbox Conversations.

    [2/11/15, 10:21:36 AM] Eric the Red: If I had to draw my own logo it would look passable but seams would show [2/11/15, 10:22:33 AM] Eric the Red: Good ****ing god there was another US shooting .-. [2/11/15, 10:23:02 AM] justweavilelol: sweg [2/11/15, 10:23:45 AM] ipa-vaiva: that comment could...
  30. Terminus

    Funny or Memorable IM or Shoutbox Conversations.

    [12:07:48 AM] Beckanator: You're not big on intense rides aye? [12:07:53 AM] Eric the Red: No [12:08:31 AM] Eric the Red: I'd projectile vomit and combined with acceleration I'm pretty certain I'd knock somebody out with my digestive fluid
  31. Terminus

    Funny or Memorable IM or Shoutbox Conversations.

    [9:40:55 PM] LegendofZelda: Guys, I am **** talking the #10 chess player in the world on Chess.com right now. #yeahimcool [9:41:21 PM] Eric the Red: (cool) [9:42:53 PM] Ghost 13: oh [9:42:55 PM] Ghost 13: amazing! [9:43:19 PM] Ghost 13: is he smart [9:43:22 PM] Ghost 13: is he answering back...
  32. Terminus

    Funny or Memorable IM or Shoutbox Conversations.

    [4:52:25 PM] Beckanator: I wonder what idiot decided it was a good idea for students to have to start their lives in a ****ing ocean of debt [4:52:53 PM] Eric the Red: Capitalists [4:53:40 PM | Edited 4:53:44 PM] Beckanator: d***heads [4:53:53 PM] Eric the Red: Same difference [4:53:54 PM] Eric...
  33. Terminus

    Funny or Memorable IM or Shoutbox Conversations.

    [7:02:21 PM] Beckanator: yeah, dont know what to cook/eat though... mmmm thatd be nice [7:09:08 PM] Eric the Red: c: [7:09:12 PM] Eric the Red: gonna go eat myself [7:09:13 PM] Eric the Red: gah [7:09:16 PM] Eric the Red: comma [7:09:25 PM] Beckanator: haha :P [7:09:28 PM] Eric the Red: I'm not...
  34. Terminus

    Funny or Memorable IM or Shoutbox Conversations.

    [8:19:00 PM] Rep: I don't get it. [8:19:04 PM] LegendofZelda: Zelda II joke [8:19:09 PM] Rep: Oh. I am Error [8:19:13 PM] Rep: That dude. [8:19:19 PM] LegendofZelda: I am Error is my hero. [8:19:43 PM] Rep: Japanese didn't realize the name Error would sound kinda dumb [8:20:10 PM] Eric the Red...
  35. Terminus

    Funny or Memorable IM or Shoutbox Conversations.

    [8:43:49 PM] Eric the Red: back [8:43:53 PM] Eric the Red: Had to deal with pizza [8:44:00 PM] JuicieJ: You're always dealing with pizza [8:44:10 PM] Eric the Red: Yep :P You're goddamn right :P
  36. Terminus

    Funny or Memorable IM or Shoutbox Conversations.

    whoops... deadbox
  37. Terminus

    Funny or Memorable IM or Shoutbox Conversations.

    ...JuicieJ: Ugh [6:36:27 PM] JuicieJ: Gonna be a pain [6:36:29 PM] JuicieJ: But WORTH IT [6:36:48 PM] Eric the Red: Brreding is tedious [6:36:59 PM] JuicieJ: bbreding [6:37:01 PM] JuicieJ: **** [6:37:07 PM] Eric the Red: xD [6:37:09 PM] JuicieJ: I just typoed your typo [6:37:20 PM] JuicieJ: MORE...
  38. Terminus

    Funny or Memorable IM or Shoutbox Conversations.

    Educating the masses :rolleyes:.
  39. Terminus

    Funny or Memorable IM or Shoutbox Conversations.

    ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ PRAISE LORD TYPO༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
  40. Terminus

    Funny or Memorable IM or Shoutbox Conversations.

    Might want to hyphenate that, bud ;)
  41. Terminus

    Funny or Memorable IM or Shoutbox Conversations.

    Just had to screenshot :rolleyes:
  42. Terminus

    Funny or Memorable IM or Shoutbox Conversations.

    [science intensifies]
  43. Terminus

    Funny or Memorable IM or Shoutbox Conversations.

    Nobody can read anymore
  44. Terminus

    Funny or Memorable IM or Shoutbox Conversations.

    Oh Dan how I have missed you :xd: :P
  45. Terminus

    Funny or Memorable IM or Shoutbox Conversations.

    Since I faceplanted my keyboard earlier this evening I can't judge xD
  46. Terminus

    Funny or Memorable IM or Shoutbox Conversations.

    Calling Dinner Djinn! :P
  47. Terminus

    Funny or Memorable IM or Shoutbox Conversations.

    ...do already have a spot [3:12:22 PM] Eric the Red: Ok, defnitely need to make a second team for legue then ;p [3:12:31 PM] Eric the Red: And awwww **** [3:12:43 PM] Vergo: ? [3:12:44 PM] Eric the Red: Guess what I found in my water glass? [3:12:47 PM] Eric the Red: My AR [3:12:53 PM] Vergo...
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