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  1. Daku Rinku

    What Annoyed You Today?

    Moblins are bad guys in Hyrule like Urak Hai in Middle Earth. Its appropriate.
  2. Daku Rinku

    Last person to post wins

    Haha it is called in a show Californication.
  3. Daku Rinku

    What Annoyed You Today?

    Moblins who throw their car door out into yours in a parking space.. if only this was Hyrule…
  4. Daku Rinku

    Last person to post wins

    Every state says that about other states, except Ohio they admit on their signs:
  5. Daku Rinku

    Last person to post wins

  6. Daku Rinku

    Watermelon is the pie of Summer! :)

    Watermelon is the pie of Summer! :)
  7. Daku Rinku


  8. Daku Rinku

    I choose three! Triforce! Three is my fav number.

    I choose three! Triforce! Three is my fav number.
  9. Daku Rinku

    I expect a present.. :D

    I expect a present.. :D
  10. Daku Rinku

    Its fitting for summer. :)

    Its fitting for summer. :)
  11. Daku Rinku

    My profile pic? :)

    My profile pic? :)
  12. Daku Rinku

    What Annoyed You Today?

    You get car insurance, get in an accident and the insurer says “well you gotta pass your deductable and if you have us fix your car.. your monthly goes from 500 to 1000 a month.” So I am paying for insurance because…
  13. Daku Rinku

    What are your Favorite Covers?

    The book cover to Star Wars The Comics Companion
  14. Daku Rinku

    What Annoyed You Today?

    I find those videos annoying were perported doctors say they can heal your gut, make you look youthful forever, and etc but only if you buy their supplement formula, “don’t go out and buy these ingredients! It won’t work without our patented version!” Sure snake oil salesman.. sure..
  15. Daku Rinku

    Last person to post wins

    Reminds me of City Hunter’ mask:
  16. Daku Rinku

    Dark Triforce

  17. Daku Rinku

    Meme Extravaganza

  18. Daku Rinku

    Last person to post wins

    This made me die. XD :lol:
  19. Daku Rinku

    What Annoyed You Today?

    When department stores ask you to pay 10 cents a bag, and there is no bags.. come on people! :D
  20. Daku Rinku

    Things That Are on Your Mind

    Thinking about how nothing lasts.. not even blood can keep people together. We watch and play these stories with happily ever after endings and people promising at altars to stay together forever.. and inevitably separation comes. Makes one wonder why bother at all…
  21. Daku Rinku

    What Annoyed You Today?

    Hallmark Company strikes again..
  22. Daku Rinku

    Game Thread The Legend of Zelda: Blossoms of Shadow

    That works. Go for it! :)
  23. Daku Rinku

    Game Thread The Legend of Zelda: Blossoms of Shadow

    The Sciff reached Rito Island which had several shanties, and light house where a Rito Girl was perched. There was a little market where some Ritos and sailors got supplies. Daku and Zelda stepped off on to the sands, Daku helping Zelda down from the boat. They then began walking towards the...
  24. Daku Rinku

    Game Thread The Legend of Zelda: Blossoms of Shadow

    (You can have his boat arrives there, he was en route with Kaze.)
  25. Daku Rinku

    Game Thread The Legend of Zelda: Blossoms of Shadow

    (Yep! Reunion!)
  26. Daku Rinku

    Yeah I went incognito for a bit. I’ll switch it back.

    Yeah I went incognito for a bit. I’ll switch it back.
  27. Daku Rinku

    Game Thread The Legend of Zelda: Blossoms of Shadow

    Yuri batted her eye lashes, her white hair swaying, “Oh no reason..” She was not good at being subtle. She looked out at the sea. “You think we’ll ever reach the world’s end?” As she spoke, a shipmate mentioned. “Approaching Rito Island.”
  28. Daku Rinku

    Game Thread The Legend of Zelda: Blossoms of Shadow

    Yuri blushed, her Yiga mantels rustling in the wind. “I am happy for you Hero. A farm maid is a worthy choice, besides I have seen Malon’s devotion to you.” She smirked, “Your brother, the deity is still single right?” She laughed heartily.
  29. Daku Rinku

    The Shadow of A Feeling

    Thanks! It was a fun short story. :)
  30. Daku Rinku

    Game Thread The Legend of Zelda: Blossoms of Shadow

    (I’m only going to be Daku, Zelda, and Yuri this time.) Yuri was aboard Tetra’s vessel, she was eyeing Blue Eyes (Rinku) who had made a declaration of love for Malon. “Welp.. once again passed over.” She laughed.
  31. Daku Rinku

    Game Thread The Legend of Zelda: Blossoms of Shadow

    Go for it. :)
  32. Daku Rinku

    The Shadow of A Feeling

    The Hero helped Zelda off the roof, holding on to her as he descended with the chain of his longshot. The rains stopped and looking inside the half destroyed castle they saw the Golden Goddesses all gathering around Midna and Dark Link, their floated in a circle over them as Link and His...
  33. Daku Rinku

    The flutes are amazing and the stringed intruments. This is probably closer to how it would...

    The flutes are amazing and the stringed intruments. This is probably closer to how it would sound in Hyrule.
  34. Daku Rinku

    Game Thread The Legend of Zelda: Blossoms of Shadow

    Out in the sea the two lovers began to swim, the process was tiring till they came upon a boat with a man who helped them in. “You two escape that burning ship?” Zeruda coughed as she laid in wood sciff. Daku nodded to the man, who said, “You two rest, I am heading to Rito Island. There you...
  35. Daku Rinku

    What Are You Doing Right Now?

    Waking up…
  36. Daku Rinku

    Which Song Are You Currently Listening To?

  37. Daku Rinku

    Dark Triforce

    Indeed, but is it called courage in Lorule since the place is opposite of Hyrule? :) Would that be pride or conceit instead of courage? :)
  38. Daku Rinku

    Game Thread The Legend of Zelda: Blossoms of Shadow

    [Gonna reopen just so I can continue Dark Link and Zelda. No one is obligated to jump back in and RP.] Daku held on to bottom of great Galleon, and came up for air in periods, the crew walking about as the sun went down. At night most crews were skeleton, and so he climbed up. To his suprise...
  39. Daku Rinku

    Meme Extravaganza

  40. Daku Rinku

    Meme Extravaganza

  41. Daku Rinku

    Last person to post wins

    Sun making me sleepy…
  42. Daku Rinku

    Last person to post wins

    I am regressing to 1998. So no worries.
  43. Daku Rinku

    The Ruto Of My Life

    The Hero of Time had banished the dark future of Ganon and returned to his childhood. He grew up having no one who remembered what happened, Navi leaving him and he spent his childhood in Kokiro village till he no longer could dwell in his tree. Leaving the forest as a Young Man he traveled...
  44. Daku Rinku

    Last person to post wins

    He sounds controlling. :D
  45. Daku Rinku

    What Annoyed You Today?

    A chain for my necklace turned my neck green and is now all rusted.
  46. Daku Rinku

    Sign Ups Nintendo Bounty Hunters

    Welcome to the Hunt! :)
  47. Daku Rinku

    Last person to post wins

    I have a cringy fan fict now! Thank you. XD
  48. Daku Rinku

    Last person to post wins

    Link was suppose to marry her, that was the pact as kids, he was only let out by her becoming Sage of Water.. though I’d have said to her, “when your not saging, wanna marry?” :D
  49. Daku Rinku

    Last person to post wins

    Awww.. I had.. do I admit this? A crush on Ruto.. I know make fun. XD
  50. Daku Rinku

    Meme Extravaganza

    I do! Lan Parties! And 20 McDoubles for our crew and the lady at McDonalds looking at us like crazy as we say “its not all for one person!” :D
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