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  1. victorjhurtado

    If you could give Redeads a makeover a la Gibdo in TotK, what would you change about them?

    I like that! What if redeads try to possess you once they've paralyzed you. The corrupted soul ever longing to have a real body once more.
  2. victorjhurtado

    If you could give Redeads a makeover a la Gibdo in TotK, what would you change about them?

    Sadly, I don't think we will get any real dark designs for a while. We had it good with Twilight Princess.
  3. victorjhurtado

    If you could give Redeads a makeover a la Gibdo in TotK, what would you change about them?

    Since the Gibdo got an instect-hive mind makeover. How would you redo redeads? Personally, I'd go the plant/fungi route. Something akin to a clicker or a bloater, but less gross. Or, I'd make them completely out of clay. What about you?
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