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  1. I

    Between MM and TP

    @TheBlueReptile an interesting thought about SS link... such a little thing (The Heros Shade) made into such a controversial topic)
  2. I

    Between MM and TP

    exactly also Shades shield could be a faded and old Mirror Shield, whish is also supported at Zelda Wiki > >http://www.zeldawiki.org/Heros_Shade loook under Hero's Lineage Theory
  3. I

    Between MM and TP

    It's most likley that Shade is Ocarina link, they exists in the same timeline, and Ocarina Link may not use ALL of the moves that Shade does, but i doubt this really matters, especially since OOT link may have learned the moves after OOT/MM was over when he got older and since that OOT is...
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