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  1. Apple34

    Aonuma: OoT was restricting, the BotW format will continue

    I was neutral about Aonuma until I learned he basically didn't play games at all until someone showed him Dragon Quest and it was a game he could actually make progress in and thought was ok. This is in contrast to Yoshiaki Koizumi, who I think at least tried Mario and was like oh yeah this is...
  2. Apple34

    Aonuma: OoT was restricting, the BotW format will continue

    Well I just remember in Breath of the Wild trying to do whatever shrine I came across and like a couple times it would be a "super hard" combat shrine, which just isn't practical to complete without some better weapons/armor/health. That meant, being driven towards the basically "easier" shrines...
  3. Apple34

    Aonuma: OoT was restricting, the BotW format will continue

    Well I haven't read all the opinions but I find BotW and TotK to be semi-linear, it's just disorganized. You can't beat X enemy until you have Y strength which requires Z orbs to get whatever container which is best gotten after you do one larger dungeon and so on and so forth. The really...
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