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  1. mαrkαsscoρ

    What Made You Happy Today?

    the hell does that mean
  2. mαrkαsscoρ

    What Made You Happy Today?

    random pleasant memory of playing Dark Cloud for the first time and going through the first dungeon, then my mom randomly comes in to ask if I want to go to a buffet w/ her, reason its random is b/c she only ever makes stuff at home and we seldom ever go out to eat, but anyways we went, food was...
  3. mαrkαsscoρ

    What Made You Happy Today?

    it's not perfect but I've been having a great time revisiting Vice City on the Switch, at its core it's still that same game I've loved for practically 20 years
  4. mαrkαsscoρ

    What Made You Happy Today?

    this wasn't today and was actually quite some time ago, but I want to write it down anyway My parents have been divorced for around a decade now and are generally not in the best terms, but some time ago I was in my dad's car by my place and my mom was walking around or something, I'm not sure...
  5. mαrkαsscoρ

    What Made You Happy Today?

    freaking FINALLY, American Dragon Jake Long is on Disney+ I completely forgot Jake's love interest had the same voice as Katara from Avatar (which is hilarious seeing Jake shares Zuko's voice actor); even though the show had some issues, it's still a childhood favorite of mine
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