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  1. Echolight

    What Annoyed You Today?

    got like 12 bugbites on my legs and they are driving. me. crazy. pretty sure most of em happened yesterday when I was standing around in a gas station, looked down, and realized there was a single mosquito biting me for who knows how long. You'd think you'd be safe indoors :dry: anyways...
  2. Echolight

    What Annoyed You Today?

    Beginning to feel self conscious about my chin lately and that's not something I want to entertain :err: It's not on my mind 24/7 but I always have a sinking feeling whenever I see my face from the side, egh
  3. Echolight

    What Annoyed You Today?

    aaaaaa dangit, man that's horrible let's hope that unlucky luck will end here pft
  4. Echolight

    What Annoyed You Today?

    ickkkkk I hope it was just at home and not at like...restaurants 'cause that's even more gross
  5. Echolight

    What Annoyed You Today?

    hm, then what would it be called then? Also I'm sorry you deal with it too :hug:
  6. Echolight

    What Annoyed You Today?

    A mood I wish I could get out of. It frustrates me, like, I don't want to do this but I still do it anyways... I don't wanna look lazy to people, I do work hard when there's a time crunch or when I'm passionate about what I'm doing but if it's not either of those it's so hard to do stuff. And...
  7. Echolight

    What Annoyed You Today?

    Procrastination sucks. It's really flaring up with English because writing assignments take so much active concentration. I write a couple sentences and before I know it I've been searching stuff that comes to my head, browsing sites, and wasting all my time. Wish I could properly focus on the...
  8. Echolight

    What Annoyed You Today?

    Having support is important! I only got back to where I am now with the support of other people, in addition to my own perseverance. Without my friends I don't know where I'd be after everything in 2023. So don't feel bad about sharing what's troubling you, I'm glad to listen and offer my...
  9. Echolight

    What Annoyed You Today?

    :hug: That's horrible, I understand though...been through the similar. So sorry you have to deal with that.
  10. Echolight

    What Annoyed You Today?

    Oh wow, huh. That is strange. Maybe he says it as a way to joke around? Though if it bothers you he should stop because then it's not a joke anymore, just an annoyance, and even hurtful.
  11. Echolight

    What Annoyed You Today?

    That's such a weird way for him to phrase that. I mean, fix his malfunction? what does that even mean, hah. It seems you were helping fix whatever problem there was, through a good method as well. Asking questions to get to the heart of issue was very smart of you. And considerate too! Lotta...
  12. Echolight

    What Annoyed You Today?

    I'm so overwhelmed, I was trying to study my notes and go back to lessons to do the final exam for my biology for the first semester and I needed to do the dishes and my lil brother wouldn't stop trying to roughhouse with me but I'm sore so I kept pushing him away and telling him to stop but he...
  13. Echolight

    What Annoyed You Today?

    can I just not feel horrible anymore it's become a constant I'm used to pain now, doesn't make it hurt any less. Just makes it normal to hurt. I felt horrible all evening, not from pain, I wasn't focused on that. Eating was so hard. My mouth feels like it's coated over all inside and I have a...
  14. Echolight

    What Annoyed You Today?

    been feeling pretty similar to that this past week ex, I get how it feels have you tried music and your hobbies and stuff? Something to take your mind off of whatever is causing you stress? :hug: I'm so sorry you're feeling like that. Hopefully you'll feel better soon.
  15. Echolight

    What Annoyed You Today?

    Kinda mad at myself rn for reading things that are going to start my anxiety again. I know it's going to effect me negatively, but I read it anyway because I want to know I'm not alone in what I'm going through. I browse exmormon reddit and I'm not a big fan of reddit (as many of you guys aren't...
  16. Echolight

    What Annoyed You Today?

    man I feel so sick right now. Yesterday and now this, cmon. I have indeed caught my younger brother's fever, and while he's steadily getting better throughout the day (good for him) I'm progressively getting worse. It just started as a weird feeling in my throat but now my lower back really...
  17. Echolight

    What Annoyed You Today?

    Woke up this morning to a sore throat. Looks like I caught my sister's cold. It hurts to swallow and talk and stuff. Not that fun. Hopefully the tea I'm going to make soon will soothe it, but I'll probably still be feeling a little sick for the next few days.
  18. Echolight

    What Annoyed You Today?

    ohhhh haha I didn't realize that was your account lol guess I should've I don't understand why it's doing that though. Later I might go see if it does that in my game too, or if it's just a problem with, idk, your game?? I don't know why it'd only happen to you though. Does it do that all the...
  19. Echolight

    What Annoyed You Today?

    does that happen with your bow too?
  20. Echolight

    What Annoyed You Today?

    well I only paid for teachers in math and english, the rest I do by myself with my mom as teacher, so idk if the students who also have my english teacher would have the same math teacher or a math teacher at all. I have no idea how to contact them anyways, since I communicate to my teacher...
  21. Echolight

    What Annoyed You Today?

    I'm trying to balance it the best I can. I'm going to do a math lesson when it's due as well as catching up on english, and then when I get english caught up I'll get a math lesson + english done when it's due as well as catching up on say, biology. Though biology is hard because they have a...
  22. Echolight

    What Annoyed You Today?

    I'm really behind in school, and it's not really my fault at all. So I think most of you guys know I chose to just do online school this year because I like having a flexible schedule, being able to chat with you guys when I'm eating lunch and stuff, I just get to jam out to tunes as I work...
  23. Echolight

    What Annoyed You Today?

    I remember thinking that Solomon really does sound depressed as I read through the chapters. So yeah it makes sense. All his gloomy talk throughout the whole thing really started to spread into me and I started to feel gloomy too. Especially when he talked about the vanity, or meaningless of...
  24. Echolight

    What Annoyed You Today?

    My family is reading through ecclesiastes for church. We finished most of the chapters this morning and reached the end. I tried to not focus on it too much, but the constant saying that everything's vanity began to get to me at the end. I got reminded of when I was feeling pretty down last year...
  25. Echolight

    What Annoyed You Today?

    I could. If I had to talk I'd rather talk to my mom. But I hate confrontations or anything tough to talk about like that. So I'd rather write it, because then I can clearly express everything without getting interrupted by either my dad or by my own emotions spilling over. It'd probably be...
  26. Echolight

    What Annoyed You Today?

    That's the only way I've been able to confront him in the past, so yeah I'll probably have do that soon. I'm feeling too nervous to do it right now. My chest is racing just from talking about this, plus I kinda just finished crying a second ago. I need to calm down.
  27. Echolight

    What Annoyed You Today?

    I know. I know. I know I do. Why can't I? Why am I crying? Why am I so scared and nervous? I"m so frustrated with myself that I can'r get the courage to confront him about it. It seems so easy to do but I just, I can't. I mean I can, but it's so hard
  28. Echolight

    What Annoyed You Today?

    I'm getting really sick of my dad's teasing. I know he doesn't mean any harm, but it does really hurt me sometimes. I just don't have to courage to stand up and tell him. They're watching something in the living room right now, and I just heard my dad comment on my lack of presence in the room...
  29. Echolight

    What Annoyed You Today?

    I got my braces tightened a couple days ago, and they're really sensitive. Even my bottom teeth touching them makes them hurt. I had trouble eating oatmeal, not because of the oatmeal, but because the spoon kept making contact with my teeth. I remember last year I had just gotten them, and...
  30. Echolight

    What Annoyed You Today?

    I'm annoyed at myself actually. My friend at school has gone and is going through a lot of hard stuff, and I'm so shy. I don't know how to comfort her. I can comfort fine online, but in person I find myself just standing there awkwardly, overthinking about what I should say, and then never...
  31. Echolight

    What Annoyed You Today?

    I'm still really interested in ringtails since I found out about them, and they've become one of my favorite animals. So obviously I look up some videos so I can see their cuteness in full glory. And guess what, one of the videos was about some hunter in Texas who killed one for their fur and...
  32. Echolight

    What Annoyed You Today?

    I casually told my dad I had a fear of needles, and he decided to put on a scene from a movie with someone getting a shot. I told him to stop, but when he started to search for it on Youtube I just walked out of the room. He called out to me and said, “You can’t go through life being scared of...
  33. Echolight

    What Annoyed You Today?

    I got a cold. I had phlegm/sore throat yesterday, (which has almost completely gone away thankfully) and now a runny nose today. I'm trying to get some drawing done, but it's not getting very far due to the fact I have to get up every minute to blow my nose. I didn't sleep well last night...
  34. Echolight

    What Annoyed You Today?

    This makes me so sad. What the heck is wrong with some people?! Who would think that is okay? That’s horrible. Anyone who thinks otherwise, regardless of political party, is, honestly, a terrible person.
  35. Echolight

    What Annoyed You Today?

    My Wii U charger won’t charge. I thought I just got it in the summer, I was hoping it would last longer.
  36. Echolight

    What Annoyed You Today?

    I got a cold yesterday, and last night I could hardly sleep because I had to blow my nose every other second. I wake up this morning and feel very tired, and my throat and mouth are dry because I had to breathe through my mouth last night. Still have a runny nose, plus a slight headache. Yeah...
  37. Echolight

    What Annoyed You Today?

    I saw this game on the App Store, Genshin Impact. It looks amazing, I fell in love with it at the first look. See how pretty it is!! And it’s free! So I looked up the minimum requirements and our pc barely makes it, but it does make it past the requirements. I downloaded the game yesterday...
  38. Echolight

    What Annoyed You Today?

    Yeah, camping is really fun, but it comes with a price sometimes. And I wasn't even camping, just enjoying the outdoors and walking through some woods. Hopefully they will go away after a few days, the itchiness was making it really hard to fall asleep last night. Usually if I have a bug-bite, I...
  39. Echolight

    What Annoyed You Today?

    Got at least 10+ chigger bites on one leg, and 5+ on the other. They itch so bad. I can handle a couple, but 15+ bites all itching at the same time is driving me crazy.
  40. Echolight

    What Annoyed You Today?

    My WiiU pad charger is taking a long time to get here. Hopefully it comes today. I haven’t been able to play any WW or BotW for a week or two. It’s not only games, our Netflix account is on the WiiU, and it can only work with the WiiU pad. My mom’s side of the family is sharing Netflix, so we’re...
  41. Echolight

    What Annoyed You Today?

    My WiiU charger broke. I know I can live for a week without games, but I’m still a little annoyed it happened.
  42. Echolight

    What Annoyed You Today?

    There used to be a row of small pretty trees leading to the road where we set our trash cans. Now this morning I see that they have been torn down. Looks like they might be building a house there. sad about the trees :(
  43. Echolight

    What Annoyed You Today?

    I think I have a fear of needles, a mild phobia maybe. Just thinking of a shot makes me shudder. I had to get two shots, one on each arm a couple days ago. Gave me a lot of anxiety preparing for it. It wasn’t that bad when they did it, but I still have a fear of needles. My arms are sore from...
  44. Echolight

    What Annoyed You Today?

    Since my computer is damaged, I’m waiting to get all the data on a new computer. I now can’t write my stories. I have many stories with notes and outlines on there, hopefully we get a new computer soon so I can start writing again. It feels strange not jotting down a few sentences when my...
  45. Echolight

    What Annoyed You Today?

    Our computer hinge broke, and now we can’t close the computer without severely damaging it. We’re getting the data off of it so we can put it on a new computer. I hope I can get my stories off of it in time...
  46. Echolight

    What Annoyed You Today?

    I was enjoying my time, watching a guy reacting to this scary quiz in bed, when suddenly this giant spider ran across my freaking arm!! I freaked out, waving my arm and then I jumped out of bed. I was watching a scary vid too! I don’t want to sleep in my bed now... Gosh it scared me so much
  47. Echolight

    What Annoyed You Today?

    :( I’m so sorry it didn’t work. I care about you so much! If you disappeared I would miss you, I love you, just as I love everyone else on this site. You matter, always remember that. I know depression is hard to come out of, but if there’s anyway I can help, even just talking with you, I would...
  48. Echolight

    What Annoyed You Today?

    :( Oh gosh are you ok?! That must’ve hurt so bad! :hug:
  49. Echolight

    What Annoyed You Today?

    Young women’s camp is canceled. I was looking forward to it, but the virus is still out here, even now, I thought it would weaken because the summer, but it’s still canceled. I’m so sick of the virus, I wish it would just disappear:( I can’t take this anymore, even though I’m homeschooled, I...
  50. Echolight

    What Annoyed You Today?

    I just accidentally knocked over a mug that was on the table, and it completely shattered. Just bits of glass all over the kitchen. I had to clean it up with a broom, then swiffer. :(
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