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Search results for query: *

  1. 43ForceGems

    The Person Above Me, Me, the Person Below Me

    ^ How'd you know? < ZD member... maybe V Not a ZD member
  2. 43ForceGems

    The Person Above Me, Me, the Person Below Me

    ^ Why... Thank you :D < Isn't actually that awesome :P V Loves Chirstmas time
  3. 43ForceGems

    The Person Above Me, Me, the Person Below Me

    ^ Is an AVENGER! < Has never played Resident Evil V Likes chewing on toothpicks
  4. 43ForceGems

    The Person Above Me, Me, the Person Below Me

    ^ I hate sandals. But Jesus sandals. I don't know what you mean. < Prefers slip-ons V Likes tie shoes
  5. 43ForceGems

    The Person Above Me, Me, the Person Below Me

    ^ Not really no :P < Doesn't usually have many thoughts V Likes thinking
  6. 43ForceGems

    The Person Above Me, Me, the Person Below Me

    ^ Likes emoticons < Doesn't know what emoticons are V Likes emoticons
  7. 43ForceGems

    The Person Above Me, Me, the Person Below Me

    ^ No idea what you're talking about. Yes? No? I don't know! < Loves Dairy Queen V Loves Dairy Queen
  8. 43ForceGems

    The Person Above Me, Me, the Person Below Me

    ^ Yes, I am :P < Hates Cyndaquil with his life V Likes to eat soup
  9. 43ForceGems

    The Person Above Me, Me, the Person Below Me

    ^ No I do not < Has a PSP V Has a 360
  10. 43ForceGems

    The Person Above Me, Me, the Person Below Me

    ^ Sort of I guess :P < Is listening to Brawl music V Loves Brawl
  11. 43ForceGems

    The Person Above Me, Me, the Person Below Me

    ^ I guess.. maybe? < Is actually loving school lately V Hates school, the norm :devil:
  12. 43ForceGems

    The Person Above Me, Me, the Person Below Me

    ^ Heck yeah I do :P < Likes looking at odd trees V Thinks that trees are cool
  13. 43ForceGems

    The Person Above Me, Me, the Person Below Me

    ^ Wrong, considering today is Sept. 1st, that'd be pretty cool if you found someone who joined today < Joined 7 months ago V Joined at least 6 months ago
  14. 43ForceGems

    The Person Above Me, Me, the Person Below Me

    ^ Nope, don't even really have one < Is bored V Is not bored
  15. 43ForceGems

    The Person Above Me, Me, the Person Below Me

    ^ Nope, wrong < Is not Bige V Is Bige :P
  16. 43ForceGems

    The Person Above Me, Me, the Person Below Me

    ^ Yes I have :P < Is hungry (Taco Bell = yum) V Likes Taco Bell
  17. 43ForceGems

    The Person Above Me, Me, the Person Below Me

    ^ Depends. :dog: YES! :cat: NO! :cucco: I don't want to die O.o < Is tired V Wants a cucco for a pet :P
  18. 43ForceGems

    The Person Above Me, Me, the Person Below Me

    ^ Wrong :P :P < Is bored :( V Is not bored
  19. 43ForceGems

    The Person Above Me, Me, the Person Below Me

    ^ No, I have a bought pet :P < Is not hungry at all V Is hungry at all ;)
  20. 43ForceGems

    The Person Above Me, Me, the Person Below Me

    ^ Wrong I never watch TV < IS ACTUALLY ON THE FORUMS AGAIN (O MY GOSH!) V Missed me :P Just kidding
  21. 43ForceGems

    The Person Above Me, Me, the Person Below Me

    ^ You bet < Is epic V Is epic but not as much as me :P
  22. 43ForceGems

    The Person Above Me, Me, the Person Below Me

    ^ Nope < Is tired V Has posted here before
  23. 43ForceGems

    The Person Above Me, Me, the Person Below Me

    ^ Wrong (never even heard of it actually) < Is eating candy V Likes eating candy
  24. 43ForceGems

    The Person Above Me, Me, the Person Below Me

    ^ No idea < Is fine V Is............ I dunno
  25. 43ForceGems

    The Person Above Me, Me, the Person Below Me

    ^ Yes! How'd you know? :P < Is hungry V Is also hungry
  26. 43ForceGems

    The Person Above Me, Me, the Person Below Me

    ^ Ohohhhhohohhohoho, you bet < Got burned in the sunlight (ah, Summer) V Has been burned
  27. 43ForceGems

    The Person Above Me, Me, the Person Below Me

    ^ Yeah, I don't know many who don't :P < Is tired V Is hungry
  28. 43ForceGems

    The Person Above Me, Me, the Person Below Me

    ^ Dunno XP < Loves Peanut Butter V Knows that Peanut Butter is WHERE. IT'S. AT!
  29. 43ForceGems

    The Person Above Me, Me, the Person Below Me

    ^ Right, and I just lost :P < Just woke up V Has been up for hours
  30. 43ForceGems

    The Person Above Me, Me, the Person Below Me

    ^ haha, right < Is a complete Noctowl! (ba boom, chi!) V Same 'ol, same 'ol
  31. 43ForceGems

    The Person Above Me, Me, the Person Below Me

    ^ Knew it was going to be me < Yawns V 13, is bored.
  32. 43ForceGems

    The Person Above Me, Me, the Person Below Me

    ^ Right you are < Is starting to get a little tired V Is 13F?
  33. 43ForceGems

    The Person Above Me, Me, the Person Below Me

    ^ What in real life, or the forums? Forums, I've got about.....2, real life, none. Just the shortened name of my actual name. < Finally got a new AVATAR :D V Has an avy they've had for a while
  34. 43ForceGems

    The Person Above Me, Me, the Person Below Me

    ^ Not really < Is only bored on weekends V Does stuff on the weekends
  35. 43ForceGems

    The Person Above Me, Me, the Person Below Me

    ^ Likes Hockey < Doesn't work yet, answering your question V Does have a job
  36. 43ForceGems

    The Person Above Me, Me, the Person Below Me

    ^ Wrong < Knows who Vee is now V Vee (Bige :P)
  37. 43ForceGems

    The Person Above Me, Me, the Person Below Me

    ^ Was right and wrong < Has seen Toy Story 3 but not in 3D (I HATE 3D) V Likes 3D
  38. 43ForceGems

    The Person Above Me, Me, the Person Below Me

    ^ Wrong < Still doesn't know who Vee is :P :P V Is this "Vee"
  39. 43ForceGems

    The Person Above Me, Me, the Person Below Me

    ^ Was wrong < Says that it's 8:00 PM V Is in a different time zone
  40. 43ForceGems

    The Person Above Me, Me, the Person Below Me

    ^ Was right < Is tired even though it's not late O.o V It is late for them
  41. 43ForceGems

    The Person Above Me, Me, the Person Below Me

    ^ Was wrong < Doesn't usually care about avys, but that is kinda cool V Isn't like me
  42. 43ForceGems

    The Person Above Me, Me, the Person Below Me

    ^ Wrong < Just had a brownie and loves brownies V Likes brownies
  43. 43ForceGems

    The Person Above Me, Me, the Person Below Me

    ^ Was wrong < Doesn't eat breakfast because I wake up too close to lunch (and I'm never hungry that early) V Deos eat breakfast
  44. 43ForceGems

    The Person Above Me, Me, the Person Below Me

    ^ You are right < Is starving V Is not hungry
  45. 43ForceGems

    The Person Above Me, Me, the Person Below Me

    ^ Was wrong < Is going to get new shoes V Has shoes :clap:
  46. 43ForceGems

    The Person Above Me, Me, the Person Below Me

    ^ Is totally and in all ways wrong < Is burnng up (it's like 100 degrees) V Hates hot weather
  47. 43ForceGems

    The Person Above Me, Me, the Person Below Me

    ^ Was way wrong < Likes Melee V Likes Melee
  48. 43ForceGems

    The Person Above Me, Me, the Person Below Me

    ^ Was sort of right < Uses the SB a few times V Is tired
  49. 43ForceGems

    The Person Above Me, Me, the Person Below Me

    ^ Was wrong < Is a little sick V Is not sick
  50. 43ForceGems

    The Person Above Me, Me, the Person Below Me

    ^ Was right < Is eating Reeses Pieces V Likes Reeses Pieces
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