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  1. A Link In Time

    What Made You Happy Today?

    It's always a good time when The Olympics are on. I wasn't so sure about the athletes entering on boats, but now I appreciate that France tried something different.
  2. A Link In Time

    What Made You Happy Today?

    If I'm counting and remembering correctly, we had a Zelda game release in 7 out of 10 years in the 2000s, 8 out of 10 years in the 2010s, and, so far, in the 2020s, we've only skipped a Zelda release in 2022, so we're definitely in an amazing period of time as Zelda fans since the turn of the...
  3. A Link In Time

    What Made You Happy Today?

    You'll always remember your first. Skyward Sword was my first Zelda hype cycle on here, but it was announced over a year before I joined the forums. A Link Between Worlds was the first announced after I was a member.
  4. A Link In Time

    What Made You Happy Today?

    I successfully defended my PhD in chemistry today.
  5. A Link In Time

    What Made You Happy Today?

    My third article was published today. I'll be walking into my defense in a few weeks with 3 published articles. Very happy about that.
  6. A Link In Time

    What Made You Happy Today?

    Very happy that I managed to upload my Super Mario Maker 1 tribute level in Super Mario Maker 2 before the end of April. Here is the code if anyone wants to check it out: FCB-P7S-87G
  7. A Link In Time

    What Made You Happy Today?

    Very happy to own one of my favorite and most emotional anime on Bluray.
  8. A Link In Time

    What Made You Happy Today?

    Im glad that the final TAS level in Super Mario Maker 1 was cleared so all levels in the game have officially been cleared by human players.
  9. A Link In Time

    What Made You Happy Today?

    Had an awesome Easter with my family.
  10. A Link In Time

    What Made You Happy Today?

    This beauty arrived today.
  11. A Link In Time

    What Made You Happy Today?

    I went to my 10 year high school reunion tonight, and it was a great time. I got to see a few people I haven't seen since 2013, and we exchanged phone numbers/LinkedIn profiles so I hope we can keep in touch more often.
  12. A Link In Time

    What Made You Happy Today?

    Got a 100% on my statistics final. Very satisfied with that because I was a bit anxious beforehand.
  13. A Link In Time

    What Made You Happy Today?

    Got my second scientific paper published today. Just one more to go before I'll defend my thesis hopefully next year.
  14. A Link In Time

    What Made You Happy Today?

    Got back from a nice trip to Tennessee. Lots of attractions that we saw in Memphis, Nashville, and the Smoky Mountains these past few days.
  15. A Link In Time

    What Made You Happy Today?

    Went swimming for the first time this year. It was so relaxing.
  16. A Link In Time

    What Made You Happy Today?

    Picked up the Tears of the Kingdom Switch OLED today.
  17. A Link In Time

    What Made You Happy Today?

    Picked up some Zelda manga for the first time today. Excited to read them. Starting with Ocarina of Time.
  18. A Link In Time

    What Made You Happy Today?

    Just got back from another scientific conference. It was a pleasant time across the past few days.
  19. A Link In Time

    What Made You Happy Today?

    Lori Lightfoot lost reelection for mayor of Chicago!
  20. A Link In Time

    What Made You Happy Today?

    Buzz Aldrin, on his 93rd birthday, punching a moon landing denier makes me happier than it has any right to.
  21. A Link In Time

    What Made You Happy Today?

    Received my first citation on my article. I'm pretty happy about that. Hopefully it's the first of several to come.
  22. A Link In Time

    What Made You Happy Today?

    Best World Cup final ever. I'm glad Messi finally has his crown.
  23. A Link In Time

    What Made You Happy Today?

    Pretty happy about reaching 10,000 VR in Mario Kart 8 Deluxe for the first time.
  24. A Link In Time

    What Made You Happy Today?

    Got through a major presentation today, which is always a relief.
  25. A Link In Time

    What Made You Happy Today?

    It's so nice to have Bleach back after so many years, and the first episode of The Thousand Year Blood War absolutely delivered.
  26. A Link In Time

    What Made You Happy Today?

    All done with my presentations. What a relief.
  27. A Link In Time

    What Made You Happy Today?

    I had a good time at my first poster presentation at an in-person scientific conference today. Now all that's left is my oral presentation tomorrow.
  28. A Link In Time

    What Made You Happy Today?

    I'm glad Bayonetta 3 finally has a release date. I've had it on preorder since December 2017. It's officially the longest amount of time I've had a game preordered. October can't come soon enough.
  29. A Link In Time

    What Made You Happy Today?

    I had a great time today at a barbecue at my professor's house. There were quite a few of us PhD students and a few additional professors there. 5 hours went by fast.
  30. A Link In Time

    What Made You Happy Today?

    Won for the first time in Fall Guys so now I can officially say my life is complete. ;)
  31. A Link In Time

    What Made You Happy Today?

    Went on a nice trip to Zion National Park and Bryce Canyon National Park today. That also makes Utah the 14th state I've visited.
  32. A Link In Time

    What Made You Happy Today?

    I passed my preliminary exam and officially advanced to PhD candidacy today.
  33. A Link In Time

    What Made You Happy Today?

    My first scientific article was published today! I'm so happy. I started writing it last June, so it took almost a year to get it out. Now that I have experience, I hope the others go quicker. I need to publish at least 3 articles for my PhD.
  34. A Link In Time

    What Made You Happy Today?

    I had my first poster session at a scientific conference today. It was all on Zoom, so a little less pressure. I had a great time and the people there asked some good questions. I just wish the time was a little better for me, haha. It started at 4 AM. Now I'm going back to sleep. Over the...
  35. A Link In Time

    What Made You Happy Today?

    Really excited for the Obi-Wan series. Looks to be up there with The Mandalorian as far as Star Wars content under Disney goes.
  36. A Link In Time

    What Made You Happy Today?

    Got my university billing error resolved.
  37. A Link In Time

    What Made You Happy Today?

    Glad to be back home for the last day of the year.
  38. A Link In Time

    What Made You Happy Today?

    Had a nice trip to Death Valley today. Gave me Badlands plus Red Rock Canyon vibes. Definitely a lot of beautiful geography.
  39. A Link In Time

    What Made You Happy Today?

    Just submitted the second of my final papers. Glad to be done with the semester.
  40. A Link In Time

    What Made You Happy Today?

    Had a productive day today. Submitted the first of my two final papers. Just one to go.
  41. A Link In Time

    What Made You Happy Today?

    Happy to be done with my presentation.
  42. A Link In Time

    What Made You Happy Today?

    Well, I was really satisfied that we had a great semifinals series in the League of Legends World Championship this morning. Best Worlds series since 2018.
  43. A Link In Time

    What Made You Happy Today?

    Finally got done with the dreadful thing known as a group presentation today.
  44. A Link In Time

    What Made You Happy Today?

    Had a nice day celebrating my younger brother's birthday.
  45. A Link In Time

    What Made You Happy Today?

    Had a nice day at the aquarium today.
  46. A Link In Time

    What Made You Happy Today?

    They did it. April Ross and Alix Klineman are gold medalists in beach volleyball!
  47. A Link In Time

    What Made You Happy Today?

    So happy to see April Ross and Alix Klineman in the women's beach volleyball final at the Olympics. It's time to reclaim the American dynasty after that semifinal loss to Brazil 5 years ago.
  48. A Link In Time

    What Made You Happy Today?

    Happy Poland finally won a gold medal at this year's Olympics.
  49. A Link In Time

    What Made You Happy Today?

    Glad the summer workshop I was teaching ended, so I can focus on watching the second half of the Olympics.
  50. A Link In Time

    What Made You Happy Today?

    Went to the pool today for the first time in 20 months. It was a nice time.
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