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  1. Mikey the Moblin

    What Annoyed You Today?

    the pervasive misconception that "meta" is somehow an acronym for "most effective tactic available"
  2. Mikey the Moblin

    What Annoyed You Today?

    People who give their pets names and then call them another name for the entirety of their life
  3. Mikey the Moblin

    What Annoyed You Today?

    please don't use moblin as a slur
  4. Mikey the Moblin

    What Annoyed You Today?

    Well lucky for you daddy long legs aren't spiders, so you had nothing to worry about!
  5. Mikey the Moblin

    What Annoyed You Today?

    my roommate keeps leaving the scrubby pad in the sink. I remind him that I like to keep it out of the sink so that it doesn't get gross and mildewy but the repetition is making me feel like he just doesn't care about it enough to try remembering, and that hurts my feelings heck, I don't even...
  6. Mikey the Moblin

    What Annoyed You Today?

  7. Mikey the Moblin

    What Annoyed You Today?

    elevator broken microwave broken staff out of office nowhere to be found
  8. Mikey the Moblin

    What Annoyed You Today?

    Maybe you should do more chores
  9. Mikey the Moblin

    What Annoyed You Today?

    My roommates didn't do a thing to clean the apartment while I was on vacation. I've been on a weird schedule to catch the live league of legends games so I haven't had much time in the afternoons to do more than quick cleans and since I was on vacation I didn't have a chance to do it either...
  10. Mikey the Moblin

    What Annoyed You Today?

    You're already doing much better than me tbh
  11. Mikey the Moblin

    What Annoyed You Today?

    Mfw not sure if ace or cooties r gross
  12. Mikey the Moblin

    What Annoyed You Today?

  13. Mikey the Moblin

    What Annoyed You Today?

    I wasn't the one gatekeeping food and calling someone else's "palette" (it's palate) limited
  14. Mikey the Moblin

    What Annoyed You Today?

    This behavior ticks me off so much
  15. Mikey the Moblin

    What Annoyed You Today?

    I liked the part where oocoos dad came in, said "it's oocoos dad time" and oocoos dad'd all over the place. One of the dads of all time
  16. Mikey the Moblin

    What Annoyed You Today?

    I think you're thinking of Morpheus xd
  17. Mikey the Moblin

    What Annoyed You Today?

    bibliographies are those kinds of things that won't help you succeed in life in any way but you'll be a better person for having understood them at some point
  18. Mikey the Moblin

    What Annoyed You Today?

    England be like
  19. Mikey the Moblin

    What Annoyed You Today?

    My name is also not Jesse
  20. Mikey the Moblin

    What Annoyed You Today?

    Why would that annoy you? Japan is really good at baseball
  21. Mikey the Moblin

    What Annoyed You Today?

    I've had mine for about a year, hopefully it lasts longer than that
  22. Mikey the Moblin

    What Annoyed You Today?

    How long have you had yours?
  23. Mikey the Moblin

    What Annoyed You Today?

    He just like me fr
  24. Mikey the Moblin

    What Annoyed You Today?

  25. Mikey the Moblin

    What Annoyed You Today?

    that's not happening for me
  26. Mikey the Moblin

    What Annoyed You Today?

    Try using a steel or psychic sandwich and just chill in any ruin area, they'll show up a ton
  27. Mikey the Moblin

    What Annoyed You Today?

    People refusing to take screenshots of switch/PC and using their phone to take a picture of their gross cracked screen with led flares
  28. Mikey the Moblin

    What Annoyed You Today?

    I've literally never gotten one Skill issue
  29. Mikey the Moblin

    What Annoyed You Today?

    I think it makes sense for the dummies and players to have identical models because otherwise the training mode is not helpful but the individual bolts from the reef lux should like... have a larger hitbox then? It's intentional that I'm not hitting all three because I'm not fully charging it...
  30. Mikey the Moblin

    What Annoyed You Today?

    well, it sure FEELS like it does it all the time considering I can't hit for crap the only way I've found to actually hit semi consistently is to fully charge and then jump before releasing which is slow and makes you a sitting duck to every shooter
  31. Mikey the Moblin

    What Annoyed You Today?

    this is the bow
  32. Mikey the Moblin

    What Annoyed You Today?

    Five color sure is a lot
  33. Mikey the Moblin

    What Annoyed You Today?

    Have you tried looking for a card shop to play at
  34. Mikey the Moblin

    What Annoyed You Today?

    Just remember that the author of Ecclesiastes is considered clinically depressed I like to remember ether 12:27 when reading scriptures is bumming me out :)
  35. Mikey the Moblin

    What Annoyed You Today?

    I don't understand why certain personality types or certain behaviors set me off so much when I'm talking to 99% of people about anything it's really easy to like, have a human conversation but that 1% seems perpetually unwilling or unable to actually understand what I'm trying to communicate...
  36. Mikey the Moblin

    What Annoyed You Today?

    finale for sure has an option that lets you automatically change the key signature, other programs probably have the same meaning it takes 30 seconds max haha
  37. Mikey the Moblin

    What Annoyed You Today?

    you can convert an audio file to MIDI format, and notation software can read MIDIs. The problem is MIDIs always look incredibly messy and are usually immediately noticeable, with impossible chords and insensible octave changes
  38. Mikey the Moblin

    What Annoyed You Today?

    If it's easier, you could write a quick note and leave it somewhere he can read it later
  39. Mikey the Moblin

    What Annoyed You Today?

    You really need to tell him it upsets you man
  40. Mikey the Moblin

    What Annoyed You Today?

    I could teach you how to play hot cross buns on the piano by telling you where your fingers go and what order to press them you wouldn't know anything about piano or how to read music but you could play hot cross buns while I agree that in general there's nothing wrong with tabs for people who...
  41. Mikey the Moblin

    What Annoyed You Today?

    That might be a your school problem... Math might not be a great metaphor to explain it then Bottom line is that tabs are bad for learning "how to make music" and don't really make sense to be used as a metric for progress either It's not really a "some people learn music better some ways"...
  42. Mikey the Moblin

    What Annoyed You Today?

    Basically: Tabs aren't the "answer" like the way you want to have the answer in a hypothetical math problem Guitar tabs only help you learn to play those tabs by rote It would be like learning multiplication tables without ever understanding what multiplication was
  43. Mikey the Moblin

    What Annoyed You Today?

    our blood pumps at 140 bpm we have to get it out somewhere
  44. Mikey the Moblin

    What Annoyed You Today?

    I installed steam to play a game with my friends and my brother refuses to give me his login information so now I have to make a brand new steam account for nothing also this means he stole two games from me he can't even use steam on his apple computer so there's literally nothing motivating...
  45. Mikey the Moblin

    What Annoyed You Today?

    You seem like an incredibly outgoing person lol. People are naturally attracted to big personalities
  46. Mikey the Moblin

    What Annoyed You Today?

    it's just weird that we refer to dinosaurs mostly by their genus but nobody goes around saying who's a good canis familiaris? yes you are!
  47. Mikey the Moblin

    What Annoyed You Today?

    I wish we gave dinosaurs common names
  48. Mikey the Moblin

    What Annoyed You Today?

    Ask customer support to merge the accounts for you!
  49. Mikey the Moblin

    What Annoyed You Today?

    My school's science pipelines being how they were, I could see it being just as bad for artistic studies
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