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  1. Mikey the Moblin

    Tears of the Kingdom Link’s House…

    They should have also let you customize the entire town and let you run a farm, and sell livestock and such to earn rupees And they should have also had a special creator mode camera angle that let you view the whole town from high up and kind of let you rearrange the buildings however you...
  2. Mikey the Moblin

    What Game(s) Are You Playing at the Moment?

    Fraxinus plays rune factory iirc
  3. Mikey the Moblin

    Your Favorite Form of the Humble Potato

    Try different hash browns, it can really vary, I know it sounds like cope
  4. Mikey the Moblin

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    Don't watch this video https://youtu.be/3B4NYzKVwDQ?si=VoAMBeEjsiykTY9j Instead just read the comments and laugh at the nonstop self diagnosis going on
  5. Mikey the Moblin

    Apparently {SPOILERS}

    You don't play as castlevania in castlevania
  6. Mikey the Moblin

    Your Favorite Form of the Humble Potato

    could never pick just one
  7. Mikey the Moblin

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    Forget that, everyone needs to suffer
  8. Mikey the Moblin

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  9. Mikey the Moblin

    Rate Your Day

    eating dry ramen/10
  10. Mikey the Moblin

    What's the most important meal of the day?

    least british food enjoyer
  11. Mikey the Moblin

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    time to change your user title
  12. Mikey the Moblin

    What's the most important meal of the day?

    less about the hunger and more about missing out on all that tasty food haha
  13. Mikey the Moblin

    What's the most important meal of the day?

    to add on, exercise also only results in a temporary increase in metabolic rate, so you can't just "burn it off" with exercise. Hunter-gatherer societies today still burn 2,000 calories even with their constant activity. Maintaining calorie intake and reducing stress (cortisol production)...
  14. Mikey the Moblin

    Things That Are on Your Mind

    also in the "moving leaves no time for anything else" boat here but I'm still house hunting and it's hard to relax without having a place nailed down
  15. Mikey the Moblin

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    frickin candyman every time
  16. Mikey the Moblin

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    welcome back, me from a decade ago
  17. Mikey the Moblin

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    It just has to be done for the sake of the future
  18. Mikey the Moblin

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    Crazy kid I know you hate twilight princess but these are three of the most traditional games in the series vs 3 of the more experimental ones
  19. Mikey the Moblin

    Remembering an Old Friendship

    yeah, one of my friends literally walked away from me in middle school while I was talking to him (about pokemon) and we kind of stopped talking after that I interacted with him maybe 3 or 4 times until graduation, and when I moved to utah he gave me a lovely letter that I still have I...
  20. Mikey the Moblin

    Post your desktop or phone wallpaper

    not actually my desktop background however, the illustrator, David Petersen, is apparently the creator of Mouse Guard, one of the inspirations for bloomburrow. I found that this artwork didn't actually look great as a background, otherwise it totally would be mine. I'm still waiting for a nice...
  21. Mikey the Moblin

    What's the most important meal of the day?

    no meal is important enough to never be skipped
  22. Mikey the Moblin

    Spoiler Totk Dragon Ending Theory

    So theoretically they could recall back to before the calamity and kill baby Ganon?
  23. Mikey the Moblin

    OoT V.S. MM

    I was expecting majora's mask to be winning this poll, wow I think objectively it's hard to compare the games directly since they're trying to accomplish two pretty different goals I'd say it's easier to make the claim that majora's mask is better because it's such a unique game, it's very easy...
  24. Mikey the Moblin

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    ewww, are they gonna kiss?
  25. Mikey the Moblin

    Latest Video Game Purchase

    The only from software game I like less than those two is dark souls 2 Dark souls 3 is a great entry point all around
  26. Mikey the Moblin

    Escaping Hades

    first try
  27. Mikey the Moblin

    Are you hard to please with video games?

    I would say no but lately new games haven't really hooked me idk
  28. Mikey the Moblin

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    why would I ever take something like healthy interpersonal communication seriously?
  29. Mikey the Moblin

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    last little bit is just someone eating copious amounts of tire absolutely terrifying
  30. Mikey the Moblin

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    asking if someone's busy=induces anxiety and puts them in a spot where they feel obligated to commit
  31. Mikey the Moblin

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    I dunno you just seem like the kind of person who likes to self police like that asking if someone's busy=induces anxiety and puts them in a spot where they feel obligated to commit ask specifically for an action at a given time=frontloads the expectation and makes it easy for them to decline...
  32. Mikey the Moblin

    Last person to post wins

    asking if someone is busy without providing the context for what you need is a microaggression, you should be ashamed of yourself
  33. Mikey the Moblin

    The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom Announced

    huh, interesting that is pretty indicative in fact I wonder if you play as link in the twilight zone
  34. Mikey the Moblin

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    the main competition is called "Make A Good Map" and it focuses on a small, well scoped, polished execution the theme for the team aqua's hideout discord is "water" so I'm reworking slateport city to make it feel larger, more vibrant, and more interesting to explore
  35. Mikey the Moblin

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    it's on hiatus right now during july and august because there's a hacking competition going on. Technically, the map that I'm working on for that is still part of my main hack, I'm just doing things I probably don't want to do in the complete hack that I'll have to revert once my contest...
  36. Mikey the Moblin

    Opinion: Tears Of The Kingdom was more damaging to Zelda theorycrafting than the timeline was

    The official timeline was published in Hyrule Historia, and while some still debate the canonicity of that source, it's safe to say the majority of Zelda theorycrafters base their theories off that timeline and generally try to make their theories work within that context. Before the official...
  37. Mikey the Moblin

    Meme Extravaganza

    subscribed to kyle hill on yt?
  38. Mikey the Moblin

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    sports fans smh
  39. Mikey the Moblin

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    walf is cringier but wolp is harder to interpret as wolf
  40. Mikey the Moblin

    What Annoyed You Today?

    the pervasive misconception that "meta" is somehow an acronym for "most effective tactic available"
  41. Mikey the Moblin

    Last person to post wins

    there's definitely some upside to a spigot and a basin for regular cleaning but I guess it just kinda depends on your scope, like obviously you'll need an external water source either way for showering etc so whatever your plan is for that could also double as your plan for drinking water and...
  42. Mikey the Moblin

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    the water thing sounds like a stretch I agree with chevy you'd probably want at least 10 gallons of stored water if you were actually using it for cleaning/cooking/whatever
  43. Mikey the Moblin

    Things That Are on Your Mind

    actually tho
  44. Mikey the Moblin

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    of course the foreman is white
  45. Mikey the Moblin

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    it's kinda ugly ngl
  46. Mikey the Moblin

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    dude if you posted something publicly people don't really need to ask your permission to use it however they want that's kinda how forums work
  47. Mikey the Moblin

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    your cheese factory somersault activated my bovine bomb trap, I get to create a dairy cow for each time you tapped your cheese factory
  48. Mikey the Moblin

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