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  1. thePlinko

    What Annoyed You Today?

    I have tried buying shoe organizers for my game collection off of Amazon, and both times I have gotten something completely different than advertised. This is why I tell people not to give me Amazon gift cards for my birthday but nobody ever listens.
  2. thePlinko

    What Annoyed You Today?

    The panic button on my car keys has a damn hair trigger.
  3. thePlinko

    What Annoyed You Today?

    They do, but it’s used so infrequently that I never check it unless I’m told to.
  4. thePlinko

    What Annoyed You Today?

    You know what I love? Driving a half an hour to my only class of the day only for there to be a sticky note on the door saying the teacher has a sinus infection and class is canceled.
  5. thePlinko

    What Annoyed You Today?

    It used to. That’s actually how I originally played LA for the first time. Fake games have a habit of breaking out of the blue.
  6. thePlinko

    What Annoyed You Today?

    I was cleaning one of my gameboys and decided to test it out with my copy of LADX that I’ve had for the past 5 years or so. I put it in, it didn’t work. I put it in another gameboy. It didn’t work. I cleaned both that gameboy and LADX. Didn’t work. Tried a different game. It did work. Looked at...
  7. thePlinko

    What Annoyed You Today?

    This actually happened a few days ago. I was in Florida for about a week with my family, my mom really didn’t want to drive so we flew instead. About a day before we came home I started getting some sinus problems that persisted on the plane ride back. One thing lead to another and now my ears...
  8. thePlinko

    What Annoyed You Today?

    beat me to it
  9. thePlinko

    What Annoyed You Today?

    Waking up at 7 PM because I stayed up too late a couple days ago. Every single time I get back to a reasonable schedule I just kill it again. Why do I do this to myself?
  10. thePlinko

    What Annoyed You Today?

    Math homework that says it has X amount of questions, only for each question to have 5 different parts. If you want to give me 100 questions, just say it’s 100 questions. Stop trying to give me hope by telling me its only 20.
  11. thePlinko

    What Annoyed You Today?

    I think I might have a fever, but mom hid the thermometer around somewhere and yelled at me for waking her up to try to figure out where it is. It’s not my fault that you moved around the medicine stuff to make room for a bunch of Christmas crap that you’re just going to remove tomorrow.
  12. thePlinko

    What Annoyed You Today?

    So an update, I took my car to another shop to get it fixed, and just got it back. They told me that they found another 3 things wrong with it and fixing it would run me over $1k. Literally none of these things were problems until recently because I had just got it checked a few months ago...
  13. thePlinko

    What Annoyed You Today?

    Took my car to get some new tires, and 5 minutes after I leave the automotive section at Walmart I get an announcement to come back. Apparently as they were taking my car in the cable bearing on the shift busted, so now I can’t take my car out of park. They put some Zip ties on it which will...
  14. thePlinko

    What Annoyed You Today?

    There is a special place in Hell for any used video game store that does this. I want this game to look good on a shelf dammit, and your ugly eyesore of a sticker is completely unnecessary. It’s bad enough when someone puts the sticker on the case itself instead of on top of a new sleeve like...
  15. thePlinko

    What Annoyed You Today?

    That feeling is always horrible, especially since you know that they’re gonna act like it’s your fault when it’s clearly theirs.
  16. thePlinko

    What Annoyed You Today?

    Bruh, Ceaser? You’re really gonna chose a salad dressing as the president of your made up country?
  17. thePlinko

    What Annoyed You Today?

    You should try to play along with it next time, see how long you can waste their time.
  18. thePlinko

    What Annoyed You Today?

    Exactly what Mikey said. The fact that you care so much about the things you love has completely changed my outlook on multiple topics for the better. I’d hate for that to go away.
  19. thePlinko

    What Annoyed You Today?

    I finally got around to trying out the copy of Kirby Air ride I spent $70 on about a month ago, and it turns out it’s all scratched up. Furthermore, they said I can’t return it because it’s been a month. Now I have to spend an extra $15 on fixing it.
  20. thePlinko

    What Annoyed You Today?

    4 weeks ago on Monday I get to work, and about an hour in to my shift I’m told that our preventative maintenance was that day for that week only. Of course nobody bothered to tell me beforehand so I’m an hour behind on a day I’m only working for 4 hours. Then the next week I come in on...
  21. thePlinko

    What Annoyed You Today?

    My mom and sister just love to tell me to do stuff while I’m sleeping, and then get mad at me later for not doing it.
  22. thePlinko

    What Annoyed You Today?

    Yeah pretty much. however after I was about 3/4 of the way done one of the other troubleshooters came and offered to help out, and to him at the very least I am grateful.
  23. thePlinko

    What Annoyed You Today?

    So at work we spray the inside of tires before they go into the mold with a chemical that needs to be filtered first. Every day we clean the filter 4 times in a sink, and pump the waste from the vat that the drain leads to into containers that we get forklifts to carry to narnia or something...
  24. thePlinko

    What Annoyed You Today?

    My boss decided that our entire shop deserved to go to a Chinese buffet for lunch on company money, so he said we’d leave at 11:30. It’s also company policy that the fire watch is supposed to wait 30 minutes after a welding job is done to make sure nothing catches while it’s cooling down. I...
  25. thePlinko

    What Annoyed You Today?

    I’ve said already that our winter shutdown started on the 26th, so that was nice. So I’m already in a bad mood when I get there, and I look at the list of jobs to see they have planned for me today: thePlinko- Just look at a guy weld for like a half an hour lol. Really? One job? One...
  26. thePlinko

    What Annoyed You Today?

    I get a holiday ham from work every year. Or at least I’m supposed to. We got an email at 4:03 PM Friday, saying that we were supposed to pick it up on Sunday. 4:03 PM. As in, a half an hour after a good chunk of employees leave for the weekend. Including myself. Thanks guys.
  27. thePlinko

    What Annoyed You Today?

    My boss walked up to me and told me that I had running inspections that were long overdue. Now I stay on top of my running inspections, making sure that they are done relatively early, so this was news to me. Apparently, someone else didn’t do a couple of their running inspections that were...
  28. thePlinko

    What Annoyed You Today?

    I just found out that one of the last classes I have to take to finish my degree and go full time isn’t being offered until next summer. So because of the college’s incompetence and admittedly a little bit of my own my 2 year long internship is taking 3 years
  29. thePlinko

    What Annoyed You Today?

    Can’t wait until you see the final boss
  30. thePlinko

    What Annoyed You Today?

    I feel like we have before, but nobody’s bothered to let anyone know. Plus, nobody is willing to pay like $20 for a bunch of drinks nobody wants.
  31. thePlinko

    What Annoyed You Today?

    The vending machine at work gives you the wrong drink, and despite being hot and thirsty, I refuse to be given another diet green tea when I payed for a Dr.Pepper. This has been going on for over a year, and nobody has done a thing to fix it. Usually I just go to the break room a little further...
  32. thePlinko

    What Annoyed You Today?

    Well yeah, but independent locations have different times on the website
  33. thePlinko

    What Annoyed You Today?

    Fast food restaurants that say their times online, only to have a piece of paper on the menu saying that they close an hour earlier now. like dude, shouldn’t the more easily viewed place be the first thing you update?
  34. thePlinko

    What Annoyed You Today?

    while I was at work my dog tore into the pack of beef jerky I had in my room. Thank God she didn’t eat the moister packet, but I’m still annoyed with her.
  35. thePlinko

    What Annoyed You Today?

    To the person driving the white Toyota Tacoma in front of me on the interstate: I wish you nothing but minor inconvenience for the rest of your day.
  36. thePlinko

    What Annoyed You Today?

    So I started the new semester, and it turns out my schedule is all screwed up. My degree requires me to take either English 101 or English 160, not both. I’ve already passed 101, and guess what? They’re making me take 160. The director of the program I’m in told me specifically that I’m not...
  37. thePlinko

    What Annoyed You Today?

    Not when you’re trying to learn a specific subject they aren’t.
  38. thePlinko

    What Annoyed You Today?

    I live a half an hour away from class. It took me an hour to get there because of traffic on the 2nd road on the route. On top of that my professor is the living example of the “old person goes on a storytelling tangent” stereotype.
  39. thePlinko

    What Annoyed You Today?

    I went to they eye doctor the other day, and I was super excited that they got a new special camera that allowed them to look in my eyes without those awful eye drops to dilate them unfortunately the doctor found something in the back of my eye and referred me somewhere else, where they...
  40. thePlinko

    What Annoyed You Today?

    I left my wallet at home.
  41. thePlinko

    What Annoyed You Today?

    I had class today. I got an email with a zoom link, but these classes are in person and they never said anything about moving it to being online. I ask my friend if the classes were in person today and he said yes. I make the 30 minute drive to class only to find out that my friend misread my...
  42. thePlinko

    What Annoyed You Today?

    I have a class in college that only meets on Monday’s. This past Monday was a national holiday so we didn’t meet. I am 99% positive that the teacher said we didn’t have any homework this week. So imagine my surprise when I get an email saying I have 5 homework assignments due tonight. My...
  43. thePlinko

    What Annoyed You Today?

    For the past few months my mom and sister have been keeping the news on during dinner, and they yell at me when I ask to change it. Every single time this happens, there’s a news story that comes on that makes me complain. Then they scream at me for having an opinion. I’m sorry but if you don’t...
  44. thePlinko

    What Annoyed You Today?

    My mom is angry at me for not doing something she told me to do while I was sleeping. Had I known to do this before I made plans I wouldn’t have made said plans. She’s one of those people who use “gaslighting” as an insult to people who point out anything they did wrong. I even attempted to do...
  45. thePlinko

    What Annoyed You Today?

    I got an email from PayPal trying to confirm a purchase on some Brazilian twitch channel. I don’t know of any Brazilian Twitch channels, and cannot speak Portuguese. I emailed them with an appeal, and the said that the purchase was somehow authorized. I email them back and they insist it was...
  46. thePlinko

    What Annoyed You Today?

    One of my biggest pet peeves is when people specifically turn something on the TV because everyone really likes it, only to immediately have a conversation or some crap while you’re trying to watch.
  47. thePlinko

    What Annoyed You Today?

    I swear the train usually doesn’t come at this time. Now I’m late because of it. also if I never have to pull a pallet jack ever again I’d die a happy man.
  48. thePlinko

    What Annoyed You Today?

    Murphy’s Law is being itself again
  49. thePlinko

    What Annoyed You Today?

    I’ve been having so much car trouble recently, and it’s all because of the stupid battery. also I went out to eat with some friends yesterday and I was driving, my friend said he’d pay for the parking meter with an app he has that lets him add time whenever. We eat, come back about an hour...
  50. thePlinko

    What Annoyed You Today?

    I just got pulled over for a law nobody ever abides by. It just so happened to be me that got punished for it.
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