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  1. W

    The Person Above Me, Me, the Person Below Me

    ↑ Should post outside of Mafia more often. ← Likes Chinese food. ↓ Sharted in class once.
  2. W

    The Person Above Me, Me, the Person Below Me

    ↑ Is a hume. ← Hasn't posted in here in ages. ↓ May or may not be a hume.
  3. W

    The Person Above Me, Me, the Person Below Me

    ↑ :rolleyes: ← Wants to see Berserk as well. ↓ ஒரு சமூக முரண்பாடு இருக்கிறது.
  4. W

    The Person Above Me, Me, the Person Below Me

    ↑ Alcoholic Anonymous. ← Is an incredibly powerful sage, and can cast extremely powerful, high level spells. ↓ Thought Paranormal Activity 3 was simply terrible; arguably the worst movie of the century.
  5. W

    The Person Above Me, Me, the Person Below Me

    ↑ Is the voice in my head. ← Exists. ↓ Once sharted in a movie theater and shamed his/her family name by doing so.
  6. W

    The Person Above Me, Me, the Person Below Me

    ↑ 'Cause we all just wanna be big rockstars; livin' in hilltop houses driving fifteen cars. ← The girls come easy and the drugs come cheap; we'll all stay skinny cause we just won't eat. ↓ And we'll hang out in the coolest bars; in the VIP with the movie stars.
  7. W

    The Person Above Me, Me, the Person Below Me

    ▲ ↑ ↑ ↓ ↓ ← → ← → A B A ◄ ↑ ↑ ↓ ↓ ← → ← → B A Start Select ▼ A B A C A B B
  8. W

    The Person Above Me, Me, the Person Below Me

    ↑ I si ti. ← Solamente por una mejor ciudad. ↓ Trolls Youtube in his/her spare time.
  9. W

    The Person Above Me, Me, the Person Below Me

    ↑ Incorrect! ← Remembers the "take a potato chip, and eat it!" meme; used it heavily. lol ↓ Exists?
  10. W

    The Person Above Me, Me, the Person Below Me

    ↑ ARGH! ← Is annoyed by the "...arrow to the knee" meme. ↓ Will use the "...arrow to the knee meme" to annoy me... :dry:
  11. W

    The Person Above Me, Me, the Person Below Me

    ↑ Don't feel bad for me. For I would not [cannot] reciprocate such an emotion in a hypothetical scenario. ← Is a half-demon. ↓ Be trollin'
  12. W

    The Person Above Me, Me, the Person Below Me

    ↑ Unfortunately, no. At least not enough to boast. ← Had the WORST night last night. ↓ Decided to have breakfast today; it's been a while...?
  13. W

    The Person Above Me, Me, the Person Below Me

    ↑ Dark Link? ← Doesn't sleep... ↓ Is annoying...?
  14. W

    The Person Above Me, Me, the Person Below Me

    ↑ Things could be a lot worse. At least you don't have Fibromyalgia. ← Is suffering from soda [caffeine] withdrawal... >.> ↓ Doesn't workout on a weekly basis...
  15. W

    The Person Above Me, Me, the Person Below Me

    ↑ CM Punk? ← Is eating a variety of foods that are not typically enjoyed together... :/ ↓ Eats food...
  16. W

    The Person Above Me, Me, the Person Below Me

    ↑ Maybe. ← Is wondering what he's having for dinner... ↓ Has a bad habit that is becoming detrimental to his/her well-being, and is negatively affecting those around him/her. He/she is not entirely aware of it just yet...
  17. W

    The Person Above Me, Me, the Person Below Me

    ↑ >.> Well, that depends on what you consider is interesting. :P ← Is being consumed by ennui... ↓ Likes cookies!
  18. W

    The Person Above Me, Me, the Person Below Me

    ↑ Um...no? ← has been chatting on Skype all day... ↓ Is highly interested in the functions of his/her integumentary system; knows what that is.
  19. W

    The Person Above Me, Me, the Person Below Me

    ↑ No, but I am interested in the series. ← Is patiently anticipating December 21st. ↓ Is constantly followed by a trail of green smoke.
  20. W

    The Person Above Me, Me, the Person Below Me

    ↑ Dark Cloud? ← HasZbeenEincrediblyLbusyDlately.A ↓ Is not aware of the secret message hidden in the above text.
  21. W

    The Person Above Me, Me, the Person Below Me

    ↑ No, I hated turkey... >.< ← Derpamagnetizer... ↓ Exists in limbo.
  22. W

    The Person Above Me, Me, the Person Below Me

    ↑ Is neither a Heartless nor a Nobody, but an Unversed. ← Had Twilight Princess ↓ Realizes that it's okay to like both Microsoft and Nintendo while acknowledging each company's individual strengths and weaknesses.
  23. W

    The Person Above Me, Me, the Person Below Me

    ↑ Is not a perfect person. ← Yes, unfortunately, I am American. ↓ Is a human?
  24. W

    The Person Above Me, Me, the Person Below Me

    ↑ So I've been told, but I guess it depends on one's definition of "weird", I guess. ← Can't think of anything right now. *howls* ↓ ↑
  25. W

    The Person Above Me, Me, the Person Below Me

    ↑ Yeah, but unfortunately it's too late for me. ← Changed his avatar and signature back to the originals now that Christmas is over. ↓ Eats edible food, I think. lol :yes:
  26. W

    The Person Above Me, Me, the Person Below Me

    *gasps* How'd you know? ← Must change his signature and avatar now that Christmas is over and done with. Sayonara... ↓ Likes a the spicy meat a balla.
  27. W

    The Person Above Me, Me, the Person Below Me

    ↑ Only on Wednesdays. ← Has already begun counting down to 2012 - possibly the most crucial year I'll ever see in this lifetime. ↓ Is an unfortunate product of middle/high school social hierarchy and society's standard of what's "normal."
  28. W

    The Person Above Me, Me, the Person Below Me

    ↑ I forget; it's been a a while, really. :yes: ← Can't wait until Christmas is over. Is also surprised by the fact that this year will have passed in 6 days. wow... ↓ Wonders where the hell has time gone... :hmm:
  29. W

    The Person Above Me, Me, the Person Below Me

    ↑ Darn tootin' lol ← Also took Wolf Sage's arrows. ↓ Is like "lolwtf?"
  30. W

    The Person Above Me, Me, the Person Below Me

    ↑ Nope. ← Special Class: Archsage Assassin (broke the rules) :right: ↓ Is a Dragon Lord.
  31. W

    The Person Above Me, Me, the Person Below Me

    ↑ Yes. ← Raw steak is a part of a wolf's balanced breakfast. ↓ Likes Steak-Ums.
  32. W

    The Person Above Me, Me, the Person Below Me

    ↑ Chicken nugget burritos. ← Likes eating raw steak. ↓ Is baffled by my rhetoric...
  33. W

    The Person Above Me, Me, the Person Below Me

    ↑ Nope. ← Knows who Michael Rosen is. ↓ Wonders who Michael Rosen is?
  34. W

    The Person Above Me, Me, the Person Below Me

    ↑ Nah, I'm straight, bro. :yes: ← Wonders when his next video game purchase will be. ↓ Wonders how and why I use actual arrows instead of "^< v".
  35. W

    The Person Above Me, Me, the Person Below Me

    ↑ What's that? By the way, you were epicly ninja'd. ← Wonders where on Earth is Carmen Sandiego. ↓ Believes in ghosts, aliens, and other paranormal entities.
  36. W

    The Person Above Me, Me, the Person Below Me

    ↑ Bleh! >.< ← Hates tomatoes. ↓ Likes tomato bisque.
  37. W

    The Person Above Me, Me, the Person Below Me

    ↑ Nah. ← Does not think wings would look good on him (a wolf). ↓ Believes in him/herself.
  38. W

    The Person Above Me, Me, the Person Below Me

    ↑ I don't who or what the hell that is. Is it a racial satire? Whatevers... At any rate, I'm an atheist. :yes: ← Is working on an amazing idea for a new animated signature. ↓ Believes in the Easter Bunny.
  39. W

    The Person Above Me, Me, the Person Below Me

    ↑ LYES! your lyeing n00b zelda is awsum. ← Does not relish the fact that tomorrow is Christmas Eve. ↓ Is having figgy pudding and eggnog as I type this.
  40. W

    The Person Above Me, Me, the Person Below Me

    ↑ If you are referring to my brain, which operates as a supercomputer, then yes. ← Is slowly becoming more intrigued by the new timeline developments. ↓ Should really hurry up; there's no time to waste. Stop procrastinating and get the show on the road before it's too late. :yes:
  41. W

    The Person Above Me, Me, the Person Below Me

    ↑ Guilty as charged, judge. ← Dislikes the notion that a master timeline exists. ↓ Thinks that it's ludicrous to believe in Santa, the tooth fairy, the easter bunny, etc.
  42. W

    The Person Above Me, Me, the Person Below Me

    ↑ NO!!! ← Hates firearms. ↓ Believes in Santa Claus.
  43. W

    The Person Above Me, Me, the Person Below Me

    ↑ Spiders be spidin'. ← Is most powerful on the night of a lunar rainbow. ↓ Should really tell her how you feel. She'll understand.
  44. W

    The Person Above Me, Me, the Person Below Me

    ↑ Practically ONLY posts on this thread. GOSH! ← Is the wolf. ↓ Might want to talk to his or her parents/guardian about it. If he/she lets it go on for too long, the damage it may cause will be irreparable.
  45. W

    The Person Above Me, Me, the Person Below Me

    ↑ Should let others post on this thread as well. It is also recommended you expand your horizons [other sections]. ← Kingdom: Animalia|Phylum: Chordata|Class: Mammallia|Order: Primates (Carnivora)|Family: Hominidae (Canidae)| Genus: Homo (Canis)| Species: Homo sapiens (Canis lupus) ↓ Should...
  46. W

    The Person Above Me, Me, the Person Below Me

    ↑ Um...no. ← Wishes he was anywhere but here [Earth]. ↓ Likes doing the truffle shuffle.
  47. W

    The Person Above Me, Me, the Person Below Me

    ↑ Should probably give someone else a turn to post. (that goes for you, too, Minininny) [Again] ← Wonders why he still posts in this thread. [again] ↓ Always eats with his/her fingers only.
  48. W

    The Person Above Me, Me, the Person Below Me

    ↑ Should probably give someone a turn to post. (that goes for you, too, Onidarklink) [Ninja'd, but still stands] ← Wonders why he still posts in this thread. ↓ Is a member of the Haplorhine clade, which INCLUDES HUMANS.
  49. W

    The Person Above Me, Me, the Person Below Me

    ↑ Since 1990. (when I was born) ← Is still bored out of his mind. ↓ Is a member of the Haplorhini clade.
  50. W

    The Person Above Me, Me, the Person Below Me

    ↑ Does not make much sense to me right now. ← Is bored out of his mind. ↓ Probably likes Zelda.
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