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  1. X

    What Annoyed You Today?

    had an unexpected eye exam this morning during 8:30-9 a.mish. Frikkin eye docs think white blood cells are leaking in one of my eyes and something something fatty tissue. I'm like ok whatever. If I had that crap a long time ago I would know if that stuff would bef affecting me. I know my body...
  2. X

    What Annoyed You Today?

    whats annoying today is that its hot and humid out. cant even be outside for a minute where you start sweating like crazy
  3. X

    What Annoyed You Today?

    It's this very commercial of Jack Daniels that I just mentioned which its the people in the commercial I can't stand. Especially the chick with the guitar where she's like an angry Janis Joplin or whatever https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PRsW5BsTAuk
  4. X

    What Annoyed You Today?

    What's been annoying me besides today is that Jack Daniels commercial that keeps popping up on Hulu and Plutotv. the one where its these amateur guitarists where they act "cool" especialyl the annoying chick that screams or makes faces when she's "singing"
  5. X

    What Annoyed You Today?

    thing/things that annoy me any other day. not just today. its those stupid medication commercials for people supposedly that have diabetes where they're at risk or whatever from pneumonia etc. I've had enough of listening to that crap on tv or the live commercials on Hulu Live. Let's all...
  6. X

    What Annoyed You Today?

    one thing that annoys me is Gamefaqs these days where ban you everwhere whenever you try to sign up for their stupid messageboads Its like they know every IP address or use a satelitte from space to track your exact location or something.
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