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  1. Turo602

    Aonuma: OoT was restricting, the BotW format will continue

    Making false claims about what I said or meant and then cherry picking stuff that I've said that doesn't even support your false claims as well as arguing against points I never made, is you making illogical arguments. Don't even deny it, because my next post will just be a series of quotes...
  2. Turo602

    Aonuma: OoT was restricting, the BotW format will continue

    You're being way too pedantic, blatantly misconstruing what I'm saying, and flat out arguing against false assumptions you’re projecting onto me. So I'm gonna save myself the headache and just say what I have to rather than respond to every individual paragraph of intentional miscommunication...
  3. Turo602

    Aonuma: OoT was restricting, the BotW format will continue

    Do you even bother to read anything?
  4. Turo602

    Aonuma: OoT was restricting, the BotW format will continue

    Because "progressing through a clearly defined world" isn't the most vague and generic description that can be applied to pretty much any video game ever... That doesn't tell me anything about the game in question. Are you talking about Mario? Metroid? Zelda? Exploration is literally at the...
  5. Turo602

    Aonuma: OoT was restricting, the BotW format will continue

    Still not really proving anything. But go off.
  6. Turo602

    Aonuma: OoT was restricting, the BotW format will continue

    That's not proof and those posts have no bearing on the points I've made that you've ignored. It's okay to admit you have no proof. Zelda 1 has that reputation because it was designed that way. The map doesn't tell you what to do and where to find items and secrets.
  7. Turo602

    Aonuma: OoT was restricting, the BotW format will continue

    That's why it was such an easy and straightforward game right? The map had all the answers... Show me proof. And what exactly were previous games rooted in? Surely, the appetites of their respective times. But that doesn't mean they haven't been trying to push the envelope with each and every...
  8. Turo602

    Aonuma: OoT was restricting, the BotW format will continue

    The entire point of Zelda 1 was exploring the unknown and figuring out how to progress on your own. It is an early example of a non-linear game and can be completed without ever touching the sword. To say Breath of the Wild has nothing in common with this core concept that is the very foundation...
  9. Turo602

    Aonuma: OoT was restricting, the BotW format will continue

    It's funny how for so many years I've seen Zelda fans complain about Zelda games being too linear and praising games when there was more choice and freedom involved. Then Breath of the Wild happens and suddenly people want Zelda games to be more restrictive again. I loved Ocarina of Time and...
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