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  1. Pokémaniac13

    Does the Triforce of Power Always Go to a Villain (or Can the Triforce Change Allegiances?)

    That quote is what I based this whole thing on. I wanted some other opinions on the matter, but for the most part, I was thinking the same thing. Especially the Mjolnir part.
  2. Pokémaniac13

    Does the Triforce of Power Always Go to a Villain (or Can the Triforce Change Allegiances?)

    I meant if someone else were to separate the Triforce like Ganondorf did, but got left with, say, Wisdom, and a hero had Power, and Zelda had Courage. Is that a possible scenari? Because I always thought of it as the Triforce doesn’t pick good or evil, but instead, as some people have mentioned...
  3. Pokémaniac13

    Does the Triforce of Power Always Go to a Villain (or Can the Triforce Change Allegiances?)

    In all fairness, a lot of adults ARE incompeten.
  4. Pokémaniac13

    Does the Triforce of Power Always Go to a Villain (or Can the Triforce Change Allegiances?)

    Zelda got the Triforce of Wisdom because she was the only one smart enough to realize that Ganondorf was evil, even at a young age.
  5. Pokémaniac13

    Does the Triforce of Power Always Go to a Villain (or Can the Triforce Change Allegiances?)

    I have been wondering: what would happen if the Triforces chose others? Like, “I think we should see other people, Link.” Any thoughts?
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