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  1. RamboBambiBambo

    Does the Triforce of Power Always Go to a Villain (or Can the Triforce Change Allegiances?)

    I honestly think it would be quite an interesting concept for Link to be born in a game where the Triforce is divided and he possesses the Triforce of Power, with him being a muscular behemoth of a man. Meanwhile the possessor of Courage would be a little scrawny kid who is very much afraid of...
  2. RamboBambiBambo

    Does the Triforce of Power Always Go to a Villain (or Can the Triforce Change Allegiances?)

    Oddly enough, this was likely to be the plot of the cancelled Twilight Princess sequel. We see at the end of Twilight Princess that the Triforce of Power abandons Ganondorf as he dies. It doesn't appear suddenly for Link or Zelda to acquire, nor does it automatically appear within either of...
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