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  1. Uwu_Oocoo2

    Does the Triforce of Power Always Go to a Villain (or Can the Triforce Change Allegiances?)

    This is actually a really excellent question that I never thought about but it made me wonder. Like maybe Ganondorf didn't make a wish? All he wanted to do was aggressively poke the triforce and it was like "urm wut no now I gotta explode" and all the main characters get a piece. And so, I did a...
  2. Uwu_Oocoo2

    Does the Triforce of Power Always Go to a Villain (or Can the Triforce Change Allegiances?)

    I have no doubt that the ToP could go to somebody good. When Ganondorf touched the triforce in OoT he was unable to wield all of it, and the Triforce gave him the one that best suites his personality (Goddeses gave him one of those which-triforce-piece-are-you buzfeed quizzes ig). Because Ganon...
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