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  1. Bowsette Plus-Ultra

    Does the Triforce of Power Always Go to a Villain (or Can the Triforce Change Allegiances?)

    I mean, that's some base line wisdom. That'd be like saying I'm the embodiment of wisdom because I had the smarts to call 911 during a home invasion. A wise decision, but one I'd expect literally everyone to make.
  2. Bowsette Plus-Ultra

    Does the Triforce of Power Always Go to a Villain (or Can the Triforce Change Allegiances?)

    I mean, we don't exactly have a lot of data on the subject. No one else has wielded the Triforce of Power barring that one comic, so we don't actually know how it would affect people. The Triforce of Wisdom never made Zelda smart, so I'm not sure why the Triforce of Power would make anyone...
  3. Bowsette Plus-Ultra

    Does the Triforce of Power Always Go to a Villain (or Can the Triforce Change Allegiances?)

    I'd still contend that there's nothing evil about power. Power is just a thing that you have. How you use it is what determines who you are.
  4. Bowsette Plus-Ultra

    Does the Triforce of Power Always Go to a Villain (or Can the Triforce Change Allegiances?)

    Link used the Triforce, an incredibly powerful magical artifact capable of warping reality. Midna used the Fused Shadows, whose initial transformation caused her to tear Hyrule Castle down in what amount to a tactical airstrike. That's power if I've ever seen it.
  5. Bowsette Plus-Ultra

    Does the Triforce of Power Always Go to a Villain (or Can the Triforce Change Allegiances?)

    I mean, it doesn't seem like it corrupts. Link, Midna, and (allegedly) Zelda all wield vast magical power without suffering any ill effects.
  6. Bowsette Plus-Ultra

    Does the Triforce of Power Always Go to a Villain (or Can the Triforce Change Allegiances?)

    It doesn't feel very fleshed out whether it does or not. Theoretically, the Triforce fragments should drift to people who represent those aspects, be they good or be they evil. None of the Triforce characteristics are inherently good or evil. There is nothing inherently evil about power and...
  7. Bowsette Plus-Ultra

    Does the Triforce of Power Always Go to a Villain (or Can the Triforce Change Allegiances?)

    My answer: we don't really know. The question of how the Triforce is distributed is kind of like the question of who can lift the Master Sword. We've never seen anyone else attempt to do so or be given access to any aspect of the Triforce, so we don't know if it's capable of going to someone...
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