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  1. TheGreatCthulhu

    What Made You Happy Today?

    Wife, her friend, and I went to a Renaissance Fair today. Had a ton of fun, got a couple of awesome local hand-crafted things. The blacksmith, unfortunately, didn't have his greatswords ready, and even if he did, we didn't budget enough for one. Still, my wife got a hand blown glass quill...
  2. TheGreatCthulhu

    What Made You Happy Today?

    One of the best TMNT comics since the Mirage days, that's for sure. I actually was excited when they announced that they're making a faithful movie of the comic. I hope it's going to be rad, as I'm always cautiously optimistic.
  3. TheGreatCthulhu

    What Made You Happy Today?

    It's a benign growth of fibrous tissue that grows in the skin. They're pretty common, but they're annoying, because they look like bumps on your skin, and if you poke them, they're tender or itchy. So I had mine removed, because I sleep on my left side, more commonly, so it was right where I...
  4. TheGreatCthulhu

    What Made You Happy Today?

    Got my dermatofibroma on my left shoulder removed by my doctor. He was fascinated, because mine was much larger than what he's removed before. It was directly under my epidermis, and went all the way to my muscle, underneath. So I saw part of my deltoid muscle, which was crazy. He called it...
  5. TheGreatCthulhu

    What Made You Happy Today?

    They're freaking adorable, even made my dad laugh with how cute they are.
  6. TheGreatCthulhu

    What Made You Happy Today?

    That was gonna happen regardless. I would send some right now, but I found out through my mom on Mother's Day, so that was wild, but I forgot to ask. The kittens barely opened their eyes.
  7. TheGreatCthulhu

    What Made You Happy Today?

    My niece's cat went out and got pregnant and gave birth to a litter of kittens. They're only 2 or 3 weeks old, and she's giving one to my wife and I, and by extension my parents, since my wife and I are moving into my parents' house. So Cthulhu might be sending a lot of kitty pictures! Happy...
  8. TheGreatCthulhu

    What Made You Happy Today?

    It's my birthday today! Except, I turn 34. :mellow:
  9. TheGreatCthulhu

    What Made You Happy Today?

    Studio Ghibli is magic.
  10. TheGreatCthulhu

    What Made You Happy Today?

    Wild, but April 18th is my birthday, lol. And I can tell you, it feels good to get them off.
  11. TheGreatCthulhu

    What Made You Happy Today?

    Well, my mixed voice is getting a bit more range and power. I'm now able to song many songs I could using head voice just using my mixed voice, though certain songs keep giving me issues where I have to tap into head voice, and I'm practicing on smoothing out the transition. I might remaster...
  12. TheGreatCthulhu

    What Made You Happy Today?

    There was a job opening at a local music shop/school for a guitar teacher, so I applied. I have been itching to teach guitar again, but the issue I'd run into, people would say they want to learn from me, yet never follow up, leaving me making lesson plans, charts, and stuff for no reason. So...
  13. TheGreatCthulhu

    What Made You Happy Today?

    Playing War with my wife.
  14. TheGreatCthulhu

    What Made You Happy Today?

    I'm now at 197 lbs. At 6 feet tall.
  15. TheGreatCthulhu

    What Made You Happy Today?

    So, I've lost 34 lbs. I'm now at 200 lbs, where, at my biggest I was at 234. So I'm glad for that.
  16. TheGreatCthulhu

    What Made You Happy Today?

    My friend couldn't go to Megadeth tomorrow, so he gave me his tickets, so my wife and I are going. :)
  17. TheGreatCthulhu

    What Made You Happy Today?

    Watching a nature documentary on toque macaque monkeys.
  18. TheGreatCthulhu

    What Made You Happy Today?

    A small thing made me happy today, which made my inner zoology and paleontology nerd really happy. So for many animals, their ancestry can be fuzzy and incomplete, and for many others, their origins and ancestors are quite well known. For birds and dinosaurs, we have loads of fossils, for us...
  19. TheGreatCthulhu

    What Made You Happy Today?

    Taco Bell is offering free tacos on Tuesday. Guess where I'll be on Tuesday? ;)
  20. TheGreatCthulhu

    What Made You Happy Today?

    Hurrah!! That's good.
  21. TheGreatCthulhu

    What Made You Happy Today?

    I just uploaded all of our finished songs that we just got from our audio engineer to DistroKid. Everything sounds great! I had to do some serious research into what the band members use as far as gear, and to make sure all songwriters got credit, that our audio engineer got his dues, and make...
  22. TheGreatCthulhu

    What Made You Happy Today?

    Had a great DND session, and had a fun nostalgia trip listening to the punk rock bands I used to listen to every day as a kid.
  23. TheGreatCthulhu

    What Made You Happy Today?

    Well, I joined my local city's astronomical society last night, and now I have to study up on my astronomical news and knowledge, as well as find some binoculars and/or a telescope. Yay science!
  24. TheGreatCthulhu

    What Made You Happy Today?

    Went to Olive Garden today. It was good! :)
  25. TheGreatCthulhu

    What Made You Happy Today?

    I had physical therapy today, and everything the therapist did I felt loads of relief off of my lower back. Though, my hip and butt are still sore from the deep massage and pressure he did to the muscle agitating my sciatic nerve, but that will improve with more sessions.
  26. TheGreatCthulhu

    What Made You Happy Today?

    Despite my panic attack I had today, I really find dogs to be incredibly calming and heartwarming. Doesn't matter, it could be a video of adorable puppies playing, it could be seeing a dog excel in agility sports, how to train specific breeds of dog, or seeing a dog that's had a rough life be...
  27. TheGreatCthulhu

    What Made You Happy Today?

    Dragonland just dropped their new album The Power of the Nightstar today. :)
  28. TheGreatCthulhu

    What Made You Happy Today?

    Local Japanese place serves a delicious spicy beef ramen. It is delicious.
  29. TheGreatCthulhu

    What Made You Happy Today?

    I find it heartwarming that out of all the sounds cats can make, over 100 vocalizations, only 1 is reserved for their mothers and humans. And that's the meow.
  30. TheGreatCthulhu

    What Made You Happy Today?

    I helped paint some random stranger's house through my wife's work, even though I don't work for my wife's company. Still felt good to see her coworkers, finally meet them, and have fun helping someone out.
  31. TheGreatCthulhu

    What Made You Happy Today?

    Wife and I hit up the local farmer's market again, and I bought the best honey ever in ID. Made by Macy's Apples & Hives, they make some of the best wildflower honey in the state. Idaho is truly blessed to have different selections of wildflower raw honey. Anyhow, I want to see how it would do...
  32. TheGreatCthulhu

    What Made You Happy Today?

    I sometimes do instructional videos for a guitar advice group, and I wrote down all the cadences as a quick reference. Forgot to erase it, but I tend to ramble if I don't have a quick reference to keep me on track. Same thing when I write chord progressions in a key I don't play much, I'll...
  33. TheGreatCthulhu

    What Made You Happy Today?

    My 7 string guitar that I sent to Sweetwater for repair just got back home today, which has me just grinning ear to ear. Sweetwater fixed the crack in the ebony fingerboard, and its only noticeable if you really look close. They releveled, recrowned, and repolished all of the frets, as well as...
  34. TheGreatCthulhu

    What Made You Happy Today?

    Just got married! :D
  35. TheGreatCthulhu

    What Made You Happy Today?

    My fiancee and I visited a dinosaur exhibit. They had Albertosaurus, Dromaeosaurus, a juvenile T. rex, a Pachycephalosaurus, a full grown T. rex skull, a leg of Apatosaurus, Compsognathus, Archaeopteryx, and the focal point was the giant azhdarchid pterosaur, Quetzalcoatlus. I also got a new...
  36. TheGreatCthulhu

    What Made You Happy Today?

    I got a new phone today. It's neat. :)
  37. TheGreatCthulhu

    What Made You Happy Today?

    Found a great new power metal band that actually plays power metal, not quasi prog-metal. Frozen Crown. Killer music, and having Manowar-esque covers with Conan style Amazons on it just makes it much more enjoyable. The fact the songs are catchy as hell helps, a lot.
  38. TheGreatCthulhu

    What Made You Happy Today?

    New pedal came in. Did a review. Was going to post a video of a new cover, but apparently my fingers are having a ball making silly mistakes, and now it's too late to be playing. Will try tomorrow.
  39. TheGreatCthulhu

    What Made You Happy Today?

    Mmmm, Pop Tarts.
  40. TheGreatCthulhu

    What Made You Happy Today?

    Annoying people with my puns.... I don't care, they make me giggle.
  41. TheGreatCthulhu

    What Made You Happy Today?

    A thing that makes me happy is that I don't have Astronomy Lab today, just Computer Science at 4:30 PM.
  42. TheGreatCthulhu

    What Made You Happy Today?

    Nice! :)
  43. TheGreatCthulhu

    What Made You Happy Today?

    Dad and I are fermenting our newest batch of beer. Cream ale this time around.
  44. TheGreatCthulhu

    What Made You Happy Today?

    Finished completing a PDF of Joachim Meyer's longsword treatise, along with verses on the longsword by Johannes Liechtenauer. Took a lot of work to get a formatting that makes sense, but since I'll soon be covering German longsword, I needed two, easy to reference treatises on it, rather than...
  45. TheGreatCthulhu

    What Made You Happy Today?

    A local liquor store is selling the single malt scotch that haunted me with how delicious it was. Ardbeg 10 year single malt. I tried it once a while ago, and it haunts me to this day. Now to finish my current single malt so I can replace it with the Ardbeg.
  46. TheGreatCthulhu

    What Made You Happy Today?

    Roy Khan is coming out of retirement! :D
  47. TheGreatCthulhu

    What Made You Happy Today?

    Well, you are.
  48. TheGreatCthulhu

    What Made You Happy Today?

    I had a bad start to the day, but then my fiancee found me this stellar single malt scotch. Bold and smoky. For the price, one of the better single malt scotches I've tried. I might just keep her!
  49. TheGreatCthulhu

    What Made You Happy Today?

    Found a source for Rogue Dead Guy besides one of my local bars. Turns out it was hiding in plain sight. I also purchased Trooper along with it, so I have two really savory beers.
  50. TheGreatCthulhu

    What Made You Happy Today?

    Today was a productive day, I feel pretty good right now. :)
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