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  1. Aro

    Link's Awakening Help needed - Turtle Rock

    Oh my gosh, it actually worked!! I wasn’t looking for bomba le spots until something was said and I almost missed the bomba le wall for like the 5th time but then it caught my eye, thank you guys
  2. Aro

    Link's Awakening Help needed - Turtle Rock

    Idk, I’ll check it out
  3. Aro

    Link's Awakening Help needed - Turtle Rock

    I I can’t yet get the fire rod not into that grey area whatsoever, and I have done all the keys available in the light area, I’ve looked at maps of where keys are located and where stairs lead etc.
  4. Aro

    Link's Awakening Help needed - Turtle Rock

    I was playing Link’s Awakening HD and the last dungeon/level, Turtle Rock, is made weird. Basically what happened is I used a key in the wrong area and now I’m stuck and unable to continue on in the dungeon, and due to the way that I saved the game, I have to completely restart all of Link’s...
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