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  1. Bowsette Plus-Ultra

    Apparently {SPOILERS}

    It's a very common trope? "You've helped so many people. Now it's time someone helped you."
  2. Bowsette Plus-Ultra

    Apparently {SPOILERS}

    Poo. Kill the twink and let Zelda be the protagonist in the series named after her for once. :eyes:
  3. Bowsette Plus-Ultra

    Last person to post wins

    Gorcha. Dedicated government healthcare plans work well and the US military has been using socialized healthcare for years.
  4. Bowsette Plus-Ultra

    Last person to post wins

    I was summoned. :eyes:
  5. Bowsette Plus-Ultra

    OoT V.S. MM

    I'd put MM several steps above it in my book. OoT falls into what I'd consider a "good for its time" game. It's a solid game for the year it came out, but its storytelling and world design feels primitive nowadays, while Majora's Mask's darker themes and somber storytelling just stayed...
  6. Bowsette Plus-Ultra

    Spoiler TotK final boss is underwhelming

    I thought was great fun. The more dynamic nature and sheer scale of the dragon phase of the fight made it enjoyable even just to watch. The second phase of the fight wasn't especially difficult, but Zelda stopped caring about difficulty in OoT (and only started caring again in BotW).
  7. Bowsette Plus-Ultra

    Sonic X Shadow Generations

    I have a bad feeling that Sega will deliver the original. They just did that with the original games once Sonic Origins released.
  8. Bowsette Plus-Ultra

    What are 5 must play NON-Nintendo games?

    Since it released after my original post, let me make one addition: 5.5) Baldur's Gate 3. It is the best CRPG made to date. That's a heck of a statement to make without added backing, but no game is quite as dense as BG3. It's the sort of tightly packed RPG to account for thousands and...
  9. Bowsette Plus-Ultra

    Spoiler General Screenshot Thread

    The latest Dark Urge of Baldur's Gate 3. This is my first time playing a smol person.
  10. Bowsette Plus-Ultra

    Spoiler General Screenshot Thread

    Burn it all down.
  11. Bowsette Plus-Ultra

    Video game stores

    I despise the all digital gaming hellscape. It's an anti-consumer dystopia where you're encouraged to own nothing and where your games can be snapped away by the distributor at the push of a button. Physical will never not be a superior option, since that disc isn't tied to some far off server...
  12. Bowsette Plus-Ultra

    Skyward Sword VS BOTW & TOTK

    I'd give it to BotW and TotK despite all my issues with TotK's story. SS bothered me so much that it made me reconsider my enjoyment of the franchise, especially since it released so close to Dark Souls 1.
  13. Bowsette Plus-Ultra

    Most Attractive Character in The Legend of Zelda

    It's Midna and it ain't even close. She's functionally nude all the time even when in humanoid form. :eyes:
  14. Bowsette Plus-Ultra

    Tears of the Kingdom What would happen if Link managed to catch Zelda at the start of TOTK?

    Oh, in that case I'd assume Link gives Ganon a big ol' time paradox of a slap.
  15. Bowsette Plus-Ultra

    Tears of the Kingdom What would happen if Link managed to catch Zelda at the start of TOTK?

    Nothing much, presumably. Ganon was already kind of a non-threat during TotK, so now there's even less stopping Link from coming and giving him a good slap.
  16. Bowsette Plus-Ultra

    Will There Ever be a Zelda Game Where the One Holding Wisdom or Courage is the Villain?

    I was under the impression that's what he was trying to do when you first seen him before the king in OoT, but it apparently fell through. Incompetenct monarchs and all that.
  17. Bowsette Plus-Ultra

    Will There Ever be a Zelda Game Where the One Holding Wisdom or Courage is the Villain?

    Different iterations of Gerudo. Ganon is pretty clear in WW that the Gerudo were suffering a slow death in the desert and that Hyrule was his chance to save them.
  18. Bowsette Plus-Ultra

    Will There Ever be a Zelda Game Where the One Holding Wisdom or Courage is the Villain?

    And that's a wise thing to do, but if that's what constitutes magical levels of wisdom then the bar must be somewhere in the basement. :eyes:
  19. Bowsette Plus-Ultra

    Will There Ever be a Zelda Game Where the One Holding Wisdom or Courage is the Villain?

    Kill them and take the land for the Gerudo. Resistance quelled and your people are fed. :eyes: Also, Zelda is never smart and she's been carting around the Triforce of Wisdom for 40 years now.
  20. Bowsette Plus-Ultra

    Will There Ever be a Zelda Game Where the One Holding Wisdom or Courage is the Villain?

    No. It's unclear exactly how the Triforce chunks work, since none of them seem to really do anything that the characters aren't already capable of, but let's assume for a moment that the Triforce of Wisdom does what it says on the tin: makes you wiser. Through this wisdom Ganon learns that the...
  21. Bowsette Plus-Ultra

    Will There Ever be a Zelda Game Where the One Holding Wisdom or Courage is the Villain?

    I'd disagree. Maybe the magical dorito of wisdom tells you that the wisest way to save your species of starving desert people is to toss out the old crusty king who refuses to help.
  22. Bowsette Plus-Ultra

    Will There Ever be a Zelda Game Where the One Holding Wisdom or Courage is the Villain?

    There shouldn't really be a limit on it. There's nothing inherently good or evil about power, courage, and wisdom.
  23. Bowsette Plus-Ultra

    Do you think Tri will have character depth?

    I guess I'm just used to better written and utilized companion characters. Something like Baldur's Gate 3 is my favorite modern example, but you can find developed companions in tons of games. ...just not Zelda.
  24. Bowsette Plus-Ultra

    Do you think Tri will have character depth?

    I find that Zelda companions are always annoying, so yes. :eyes:
  25. Bowsette Plus-Ultra

    Do you think Tri will have character depth?

    No. I think she'll have as much depth as Navi or Tatl.
  26. Bowsette Plus-Ultra

    Spoiler General Screenshot Thread

    Wow, imagine posting the exact same screenshot as me. Pretty sus. :ezlo:
  27. Bowsette Plus-Ultra

    Latest Video Game Purchase

    Battleborn. It's a dead game with no servers, but it was $6 and fills a spot on my shelf of PS4 games. :eyes:
  28. Bowsette Plus-Ultra

    Do you trust game reviewers?

    Play it anyway. 's really good. :eyes:
  29. Bowsette Plus-Ultra

    Do you trust game reviewers?

    It is very good. If you enjoyed Breath of the Wild then you'll find a lot of the same vibes in Elden Ring, but much bigger.
  30. Bowsette Plus-Ultra

    Spoiler General Screenshot Thread

    The lands of shadow await to kick the **** out of you.
  31. Bowsette Plus-Ultra

    Will We Ever Get Tired of ALttP's Hyrule?

    I do get that, but unfortunately he passed before being able to complete anything beyond the Simarillion. If he'd written a bunch of books that just reused the same setting and characters trapped into a chronological purgatory then I don't know if the trilogy would be remembered so fondly.
  32. Bowsette Plus-Ultra

    Does the curse of Demise also affect how often we see reoccurring characters in the Zelda series?

    I'd say not. Reoccurring characters in Zelda happen because people already have attachments to previous version of them, so it creates investment in those new versions even if nothing's done with them.
  33. Bowsette Plus-Ultra

    Any Chance For Oracle Remakes?

    I don't know why Capcom would need to be involved. Nintendo just released a graphical remake of Super Mario RPG without involvement from Square Enix.
  34. Bowsette Plus-Ultra

    Will We Ever Get Tired of ALttP's Hyrule?

    Expanding the world doesn't strip the characters of their identity (as if there's any to take from Link at this point)? If anything continuing to reuse the same locations and characters over and over hampers them, since there's no sense that any of these characters exist in a larger world.
  35. Bowsette Plus-Ultra

    Will We Ever Get Tired of ALttP's Hyrule?

    Kinda, but in the end there's only one trilogy of Lord of the Rings books. Tolkien didn't keep producing a multitude of books while changing little about the setting. The excuse that the series is a legend and thus can keep reusing the same story and locations over and over doesn't fly for me.
  36. Bowsette Plus-Ultra

    Will We Ever Get Tired of ALttP's Hyrule?

    A bit better, since it's using different landmarks and spends a lot of time pushing Link into the Minish areas, but it feels like a half step. Take the final step and just make a game that takes place outside Hyrule (and not in a "parallel world). :eyes:
  37. Bowsette Plus-Ultra

    Will We Ever Get Tired of ALttP's Hyrule?

    It's still Hyrule. Ultimately, they just reuse places like Death Mountain, Lost Woods, and Hyrule Castle. It isn't the look I'm sick of as much as it is Hyrule itself. No matter how the layout changes, the same places stick around. I'd rather visit somewhere new than revisit Death Mountain for...
  38. Bowsette Plus-Ultra

    Will We Ever Get Tired of ALttP's Hyrule?

    Yes. The series has been hanging out in Hyrule for almost 40 years now without setting foot beyond that border. Everything else is a parallel world or a dream, and I'd really rather the series move onto something else.
  39. Bowsette Plus-Ultra

    How Do You Deal With Stress?

    I repeatedly punch the ceiling in my car and yell obscenities, because I don't deal with stress in a healthy way. :eyes:
  40. Bowsette Plus-Ultra

    Will Zelda Talk?

    I don't think so. I think Nintendo will double down on protagonist Zelda not talking even when it doesn't make sense.
  41. Bowsette Plus-Ultra

    Saria and Hestu, same character?

    She put on a ton of weight.
  42. Bowsette Plus-Ultra

    Spoiler General Screenshot Thread

    Chili dog Mario stares into your soul.
  43. Bowsette Plus-Ultra

    Who Should Link End Up With?

    That was such a weird choice. It's such terrible continuity to just have all the NPCs pretend they haven't met Link before. It did feel more like Zelda just hijacked Link's house and kicked him out.
  44. Bowsette Plus-Ultra

    Who Should Link End Up With?

    Well, it's also clear Zelda spends most of her time in a literal sewer. Also, Link has to build another house during TotK, so it doesn't seem like there much was much love lost. I guess vacant stares can only take a relationship so far.
  45. Bowsette Plus-Ultra

    Who Should Link End Up With?

    I'm fine with that, but just some degree of voice for Link. Gimme.
  46. Bowsette Plus-Ultra

    Who Should Link End Up With?

    It'd be a nice direction. Gimme a more interactive Link that talks to people and let me customize them.
  47. Bowsette Plus-Ultra

    Who Should Link End Up With?

    I just want some reciprocation. I'm all for sweet looks, but things have to interact for there to be chemistry. :eyes: The romance in Baldur's Gate 3 can be awkward, but at least you can go on dates and respond to flirting and get railed.
  48. Bowsette Plus-Ultra

    Who Should Link End Up With?

    Token answer: Sidon, because he's just happy to see you and Link clearly wasn't interested in his sister. Srs answer: no one, because I just don't buy any romantic chemistry between Link and any character. Romance usually takes two people interacting and "interacting" just really isn't a thing...
  49. Bowsette Plus-Ultra

    Spoiler Zelda doesn't have the full Triforce like people say she does.

    I'm pretty sure stasis is the Zelda's natural state at this point. :eyes:
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