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  1. Azure Sage

    SSHD Skyward Sword HD: Motion vs Button Controls

    I don't think the button controls are lazy at all. I can't imagine the kind of work it took to fully replicate the feeling of full motion controls through just buttons. Before I got the game, I didn't think it would be very good and I thought it wouldn't feel like the same game, but I was wrong...
  2. Azure Sage

    SSHD Skyward Sword HD: Motion vs Button Controls

    I actually am really enjoying the sword on the stick, just as much as I enjoyed it with motion. Fighting Ghirahim last night was just as much of a blast as it's always been, and I was using buttons. I've had zero issues with sword combat and I'm having fun with the controls as well as the game...
  3. Azure Sage

    SSHD Skyward Sword HD: Motion vs Button Controls

    Coming back to this post now that I finally have the game is funny because I have been playing exclusively in button mode so far and it's probably gonna stay that way, for the exact reason I lined out in my first post; my position while playing. It's way easier to just do handheld since I always...
  4. Azure Sage

    SSHD Skyward Sword HD: Motion vs Button Controls

    I’ll try both for sure but I expect to use motion controls more often. It won’t feel like the same game otherwise. It might honestly end up depending on my positioning because I’ll be playing it in handheld mode on my bed like I do with everything else and laying flat on my stomach with detached...
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