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  1. Uwu_Oocoo2

    What Annoyed You Today?

    One of those days my brain is absolutely insistent that I should go outside. Which would be fine... except it's like 100 degrees out. So instead I'm stuck pacing around the 1 air-conditioned room in my house. And my brain refuses to want to do any activities I usually enjoy :dry:
  2. Uwu_Oocoo2

    What Annoyed You Today?

    She wants to name her Anastasia because she's a Russian Blue. I'm not fond of that bc 1) It's really long and 2)It's more of a people name than a pet name imo.
  3. Uwu_Oocoo2

    What Annoyed You Today?

    My mom said I could name the cat we're getting next week but all my suggestions keep getting shot down. My main 3 were Sunny, Moon, and Dapper, all of which got rejected. Nayru and Majora are also a no go. They're all super cute, and I'm excited to pick a name out but it's frustrating to get all...
  4. Uwu_Oocoo2

    What Annoyed You Today?

    Last night at like 1am I was chillin on my bed, in a discord call with my best friend, when suddenly right next to me is a terrifyingly large spider, I think it was a daddy long legs. Totally freaked me out, it ran super fast and skitterd away somewhere. So, I end up sleeping on the couch (read...
  5. Uwu_Oocoo2

    What Annoyed You Today?

    I've spent the last 2 months working on sewing a purse for my sister for her wedding made from the fabric of my mom's old wedding dress. I was hoping to have it finished for her birthday tomorrow. I finished it, but in like the last few steps everything that could've gone wrong went wrong. It...
  6. Uwu_Oocoo2

    What Annoyed You Today?

    So uh... I learned how to check my voicemail today. Turns out I had 4 messages, one of which was from 2022 Panera calling to ask if I wanted an interview. I could've gotten a job TWO YEARS AGO I'm actually so horrified rn :fpalm:
  7. Uwu_Oocoo2

    What Annoyed You Today?

    I'm fully convinced whoever invented animation did so for the sole purpose of making people suffer. I've spent the last hour trying to make a little animation for my reels, nothing fancy it was easy to make. I just can't seem to get it to be more than 0.7 seconds long and it's pissing me off. I...
  8. Uwu_Oocoo2

    What Annoyed You Today?

    Omg that's exactly what I was looking for! Thanks MightyMario!!
  9. Uwu_Oocoo2

    What Annoyed You Today?

    Been looking for a playthrough of Linkle's journey from Hyrule Warriors but I can't seem to find one, which is really annoying. I need it for a writing project I'm working on but I guess I'll have to settle with whatever information I can find on the Zelda Wiki.
  10. Uwu_Oocoo2

    What Annoyed You Today?

    My mom is trying to guilt trip us into letting her have parakeets because she misses the cat, even though getting an animal just because you're sad is a bad idea and we already own a Cockatiel that gets neglected half the time. She wants to have something to "decrompress from all her...
  11. Uwu_Oocoo2

    What Annoyed You Today?

    Really annoyed with the rehabilitation place my dad is staying at for his arm and leg. First they misplaced half his stuff, which we can't afford to replace if they don't find it. Now they're changing the rules for visitation so patients can only have 2 designated visitors, those being my mom...
  12. Uwu_Oocoo2

    What Annoyed You Today?

    I wasn't sure about the forced perspective on my current drawing and chose to ignore the problem until after I inked it. Now I need to use a light table and do it all over again. I wish I could just shrink it like in digital lol.
  13. Uwu_Oocoo2

    What Annoyed You Today?

    Well this ended up working out anyways because I woke up this morning (I say as though I actually slept) with an awful case of the flu. I've been stuck in bed the entire day, only now do I feel coherent enough to use my phone. I couldn't even sit up this morning. On the bright side though my...
  14. Uwu_Oocoo2

    What Annoyed You Today?

    Plans I had tomorrow to visit a ren faire got canceled because of the weather. I don't think I'll get another chance to go this year.
  15. Uwu_Oocoo2

    What Annoyed You Today?

    Tomorrow I'm supposed to be going on a steam train and river boat with my parents, since my mom finally has a vacation. Now suddenly today I don't feel well, and I don't know if I'll be feeling worse tomorrow. It feels like my options are to stay home and end up feeling fine, thus wasting my $60...
  16. Uwu_Oocoo2

    What Annoyed You Today?

    I'm working on a digital drawing right now and I have spent well over an hour trying to draw this character's face. I don't really want to give up on the drawing since I think it'll look cool, but that's only if I can get it to actually work. I'm going to try and tackle it again tomorrow but...
  17. Uwu_Oocoo2

    What Annoyed You Today?

    My mom is constantly harassing me to make an etsy account to sell my art. We were visiting family last week and she was going on about how I'm too stubborn to do it and I could be making so much money if I would just start an account etc etc. I keep telling her that it's not as easy as that but...
  18. Uwu_Oocoo2

    What Annoyed You Today?

    I'm also asexual (also aromantic), I've heard the "you'll find the right one eventually" line sooo many times. I think most people just assume what they experience is universal and applies to everyone. I just don't mention because I don't want to have to pull out the PowerPoint lol.
  19. Uwu_Oocoo2

    What Annoyed You Today?

    Perhaps? She knows though that I'm the type of person who will protest and do it anyway though, lol. I also tend to take things quite literally.
  20. Uwu_Oocoo2

    What Annoyed You Today?

    ...dishes like you asked me to. My mom: Oh! Thank you! I didn't expect you to do that! Me: You told me to do it though? My mom: Oh yeah I was kidding *laughs* Me: ... YOU LITERALLY TOLD ME TO WHAT- Yeah. I'm not necessarily annoyed that I had to do it, it wasn't that big a deal only took like...
  21. Uwu_Oocoo2

    What Annoyed You Today?

    We totally could've gotten it cheaper, but my friend looked at my face which was a solid :ananger: and decided to go with the safer "...uh 2 adults 1 child" answer XD I do completely abuse it when it comes to getting kids meals at restaurants though.
  22. Uwu_Oocoo2

    What Annoyed You Today?

    I went to the movies with with my best friend and her little sister. My friend went to buy tickets and the guy goes "one adult and 2 kids?" ... Sobs in short person :kawaii:
  23. Uwu_Oocoo2

    What Annoyed You Today?

    Oops, I just assumed DC lol :sweat: Yeah I feel a lot better now, thanks. I think I just got a headache bc I hadn't slept much the past 3 days.
  24. Uwu_Oocoo2

    What Annoyed You Today?

    He bought a collected edition comic with a bunch of his early stories in it recently, he's been reading it.
  25. Uwu_Oocoo2

    What Annoyed You Today?

    He's a vampire type character (from DC I believe) and I can now tell you way too much about some of his early comic book appearances.
  26. Uwu_Oocoo2

    What Annoyed You Today?

    Got a real bad headache rn, making me feel nauseous. My dad decided to talk to me, I mentioned I have a headache, and he glossed over it and continued to tell me the history of Morbeus for 20 minutes while my heads throbbing. Didn't want to just tell him to go away but I tried to act as...
  27. Uwu_Oocoo2

    What Annoyed You Today?

    Maybe the maggot's name is Jesse
  28. Uwu_Oocoo2

    What Annoyed You Today?

    Annoyed with myself. Because I go and complain to everyone that I don't have any free time and I just do what everyone around me is doing. And then I actually do get time to myself and I just sit here staring at the wall like an idiot bc I don't know what to do. Because I spend all my free...
  29. Uwu_Oocoo2

    What Annoyed You Today?

    Sorry that i keep going on about this, but I watched some TV with my mom an hour or so ago just as I did all day yesterday (and the day before) We're all chillin quietly in the living room so I open my book which I've been waiting to read My mom: "oh I'm about to turn the TV back on" Me: "I...
  30. Uwu_Oocoo2

    What Annoyed You Today?

    I don't have a lobby or anything, my apartment is just a 2 story house (plus basement) with a family on each floor. I have a back porch but it's small, cold, and my neighbors like to smoke back there. Like I said, the only places I can go are the living room and my room, both of which are always...
  31. Uwu_Oocoo2

    What Annoyed You Today?

    I wish, there's nothing nearby except grocery stores and fast food places. There is a library, but they haven't let people hang out inside since covid. My mom always complains I don't go anywhere but there's literally nowhere to go
  32. Uwu_Oocoo2

    What Annoyed You Today?

    Annoyed that people keep talking while I finally get a chance to read and am trying to concentrate. I wish I had somewhere quiet I could go but the only other spot in my house is my room, which is where my sister is 24/7 on the phone with her boyfriend. I'm essentially trapped in the living room...
  33. Uwu_Oocoo2

    What Annoyed You Today?

    Thought up a character I can draw with the marker colors I have, plus a pose and everything. Did the layout sketches. Went to test using different pressures and stuff on my markers aaaaand... my lemon yellow doesn't work. I guess it must have dried out or something, the cap on that marker...
  34. Uwu_Oocoo2

    What Annoyed You Today?

    I started a digital drawing today that's got a lot of background stuff in it so it's not what I usually do. An hour in I accidently deleted it and had to start over. I worked on it for like 4 hours after and it's just gone awful. All I have done are basic shapes, I don't know what I'm doing...
  35. Uwu_Oocoo2

    What Annoyed You Today?

    My downstairs neighbors must be throwing a Christmas party or something because they're blasting rap music so loud the floor is shaking. It's making it very hard for me to read.
  36. Uwu_Oocoo2

    What Annoyed You Today?

    Myself, for failing to be a functioning human being. Story Time. Today, my mom sent me to rite aid to buy 1 black poster board and 2 blue ones. I go, find the black one but no blue. I text her to see if she wanted 3 black ones, but she doesn't reply so I just grab the 1 and go to checkout. I...
  37. Uwu_Oocoo2

    What Annoyed You Today?

    I ate nothing but dinner for two days in a row this week and yeah, I get this. I have a bad habit of doing that and then eating like 2 bites of my dinner bc I can't bring myself to eat any more.
  38. Uwu_Oocoo2

    What Annoyed You Today?

    So I've been sick the last 2 days but today is really bad in particular. I've been lying down all day and I can barely move for a lack of energy. It gets to be dinner time and my mom asks my sister to help me clear the table. She says, and I quote, "Cleaning the table is her job, not mine. I'm...
  39. Uwu_Oocoo2

    What Annoyed You Today?

    I was just finishing up my next inktober prompt, tracing over the lineart. Bc I used a cheap marker for one spot the pen bled into it and yeee now it's kinda sorta ruined. *internal screaming*
  40. Uwu_Oocoo2

    What Annoyed You Today?

    That might be a good idea, I know there's a couple she goes to. Btw she bought me my own deck, all colors. I still have to sift through it and decide what cards I want to use.
  41. Uwu_Oocoo2

    What Annoyed You Today?

    It's funnier if you know that her boyfriend decided to be a goblin. He is currently painted green and wearing a chef hat.
  42. Uwu_Oocoo2

    What Annoyed You Today?

    I invited my best friend to hang out at my house and play magic with me today because my sister was gonna be out at a ren faire the whole day with her boyfriend. Yeeeah, ren faire got canceled and now my sister probably won't stop bugging us while we're trying to chill. My house is way too small...
  43. Uwu_Oocoo2

    What Annoyed You Today?

    my mom- I may be out late so your sister will make you dinner. I already told her me, young and foolish- OK! 5:30 my sister- I'm not hungry yet so I'll make dinner later me, unwise in the cruelties of the world- OK! 6:30 my sister- I'm gonna go make dinner me, pure and trusting to a fault- OK...
  44. Uwu_Oocoo2

    What Annoyed You Today?

    I was trying to watch some My Hero Academia at 1am today when Crunchyroll stopped working. It took 30 minutes for it to load, then once it did it started freezing every 30 seconds for about 3-4 minutes at a time. I tried it again later today but it's still not working. Looks like it's just a...
  45. Uwu_Oocoo2

    What Annoyed You Today?

    I spent hours today working on a digital drawing. It turned out nice, I saved it properly, sent it to myself, and turned off my computer. Of course when I open it up to post it I realized- I Forgot A singular stripe On his shirt. It's only a minor inconvenience, I'll probably go back on an fix...
  46. Uwu_Oocoo2

    What Annoyed You Today?

    Wishing rn I was better at talking to people. I wasn't that great at socializing in school so I'm only really still in contact with 1 singular person (she rocks though so that's okay). I tried joining a kny server on discord earlier but I'm too anxious to actually jump into the chats and...
  47. Uwu_Oocoo2

    What Annoyed You Today?

    *On a tour at the museum* Tour guide: "And this dinosaur is Wilbert! Wilbert was alive during the Cretaceous period and stood at around 10 ft tall! Wilbert was incredibly vicious, at the top of the food chain in fact, and had a habit of tearing smaller dinosaurs limb from limb!"
  48. Uwu_Oocoo2

    What Annoyed You Today?

    I don't mind the changes they made for Jurassic Park, it is a movie and it does look cool. That being said, it does annoy me that some of those design choices have turned into general misconceptions. For example, when I see dinosaur toys at the store the Dilophosaurus has fins on its head. It's...
  49. Uwu_Oocoo2

    What Annoyed You Today?

    My pinterest account is giving me trouble. When I made it years ago, I used my school email. Since my school email is being deleted in a few months, I'm trying to switch it to my personal email. But no matter how hard I try it won't let me. It keeps saying an account under that email already...
  50. Uwu_Oocoo2

    What Annoyed You Today?

    Yesterday we started this movie in my English class called "Your Name". It's really, REALLY good so far (even tho it's not my usual preferred style of movie). We made to the climax today but then my teacher told us- because of senior events and such next week we won't be able to finish until...
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