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  1. Spiritual Mask Salesman

    What is Your Mood at the Moment?

    I'm actually pretty chilled right now.
  2. Spiritual Mask Salesman

    What is Your Mood at the Moment?

    Enraged with Spiritual fire to post as much as possible!
  3. Spiritual Mask Salesman

    What is Your Mood at the Moment?

    I guess I'm pretty calm right now, but my mood tends to have ups and downs through the day. Hopefully I'll stay calm.
  4. Spiritual Mask Salesman

    What is Your Mood at the Moment?

    I'm happy, I got a day off work!
  5. Spiritual Mask Salesman

    What is Your Mood at the Moment?

    Slightly pissed because I don't feel like going to work today!
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