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  1. Moosh_is_cool

    Funny or Memorable IM or Shoutbox Conversations.

    Here's a few more: *Moosh_is_cool finds a magic gravy boat and gets 3 wishes :-D* [Today 02:11 PM] Moosh_is_cool: Hmm... I wish I knew what to wish for... [Today 02:11 PM] RazTwilight: lol [Today 02:12 PM] Moosh_is_cool: o_o Oops. I wasted a wish! Hmm.... I wish it wasn't so hard to make...
  2. Moosh_is_cool

    Funny or Memorable IM or Shoutbox Conversations.

    Uber Epic-ness Quotes! Lol, I have a personal archive of this stuff. >:-D Prepare to die laughing!! [January 14 05:51 PM] Master Link: Hobbits maintain the population by eating each other. Yay cannibalism! *Master Link has reached 200 posts!* [January 16 08:07 PM] Master Link: 200! Yay...
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