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  1. Shadsie

    Spoiler Link's Top Five Moments of Awesomeness

    The rearing Epona scene after defeating King Bulbin the bridge actually struck me as more Narm-y than awesome, but that's just me. "Narm" is a term that TVTropes uses and that I'm using for lack of a better term. It denotes "something that is supposed to be serious but comes across as...
  2. Shadsie

    Spoiler Link's Top Five Moments of Awesomeness

    I would add on the Dark Link bit -- Dark Link in Zelda II. That was my first encounter with "Link fights his shadow." It's not as fleshed-out and varied as in OoT, but it's pretty awesome because the concept itself is awesome, and also, DL is the final boss of AoL and is *hard as crap!* ...
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