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  1. February Eve

    Spoiler Link's Top Five Moments of Awesomeness

    I didn't think of that one! That was interesting, too, because as Midna said, it actually showcased his occupational skills. He's not just the chosen hero. He's also a good wrangler, heh. No! You referenced TVTropes! I have work to do! Must...resist...pull... *slowly climbs out of the...
  2. February Eve

    Spoiler Link's Top Five Moments of Awesomeness

    I haven't played that one yet, but if I had, I suspect I may actually put that above OoT's myself. Knowing how hard the game is in general, and the fact that Dark Link is the final boss...well, again, hard to judge since I haven't fought him yet, but that's my educated guess.
  3. February Eve

    Spoiler Link's Top Five Moments of Awesomeness

    I actually considered that one! I ended up going with King Bulbin mostly for personal preference. Another I considered was Link getting the golden gauntlets and tossing columns aside in OoT. It's a small moment, but still - would you want to get on his bad side if you saw him doing that? *g*...
  4. February Eve

    Spoiler Link's Top Five Moments of Awesomeness

    *major spoilers for TP, MM, OoT, and WW* I got to thinking about some of the moments that to me, define why Link, sometimes in spite of his appearance/demeanor, is someone you wouldn't want to cross. Moments where he kicks butt, takes names and no prisoners, to mix metaphors. All declarations...
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