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  1. SavageWizzrobe

    Lets Count to 1000!

    812. More proof that Peach is portrayed as someone who can't help herself.
  2. SavageWizzrobe

    Lets Count to 1000!

    753. Why be angry when you can have fun?
  3. SavageWizzrobe

    Lets Count to 1000!

    665. Not me! I dodged a bullet!
  4. SavageWizzrobe

    Lets Count to 1000!

    655. I hope I'm not the 666th poster for obvious reasons.
  5. SavageWizzrobe

    Lets Count to 1000!

    600. Yay! 60% of the way there!
  6. SavageWizzrobe

    Lets Count to 1000!

    512. I admire your competitive...ness.
  7. SavageWizzrobe

    Lets Count to 1000!

    424. "Remembah me?" -Anthony Higgs, aka MBD
  8. SavageWizzrobe

    Lets Count to 1000!

    417. Shouldn't have done what? Buy a haunted MM cartridge?
  9. SavageWizzrobe

    Lets Count to 1000!

    382. No. And the biggest number is infinity, not googolplexian. It's the only number where you can add anything to it, and it's the same number.
  10. SavageWizzrobe

    Lets Count to 1000!

    250. The max capacity for Missiles in Metroid Prime.
  11. SavageWizzrobe

    Lets Count to 1000!

    17. All ur numbrz r belong 2 us.
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