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  1. Volt

    Aonuma: OoT was restricting, the BotW format will continue

    Why would they? The open formula is out there printing money and getting praised for breaking free of the "stale" classic formula. It'd be honestly shocking if we got a classic-style Zelda that isn't a remake/remaster in the next decade.
  2. Volt

    Aonuma: OoT was restricting, the BotW format will continue

    BotW did this well tbh. It's clear that the Dueling Peaks/Kakariko/Hateno area is supposed to be early-game, Zora's Domain as early-mid, then Death Mountain/Desert as the late-mid game. Central Hyrule and Hyrule Castle are obvious endgame areas. Even taking into consideration the enemy...
  3. Volt

    Aonuma: OoT was restricting, the BotW format will continue

    Regardless of whether or not one likes BotW's approach, I don't think anyone is surprised BotW will be the foundation of the franchise from now on. What did surprise me is how TotK is quite frankly a bust. It was the definition of "You had ONE job". The biggest gripe the fanbase at large had...
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