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  1. Azure Sage

    What made you sad today?

    Had to undecorate for Halloween today. :( I would have liked to have left my stuff out for at least another week, but my folks were pestering me to take it all down since the day after Halloween. Feh... buncha squares... I'm the only one in this house with any spooky spirit...
  2. Azure Sage

    What made you sad today?

    Driving to work this morning and watched the guy in front of me run over a squirrel. I wanted to cry.
  3. Azure Sage

    What made you sad today?

    I was looking for an umbrella and I found a really cool Zelda one where the handle was the master sword. I would love to get it, but it's way too small, only a 36 inch diameter. It even looked tiny on the model. I need at least a 50 inch. I'm having very poor luck finding any I like in the size...
  4. Azure Sage

    What made you sad today?

    This amazing Jewish deli/seafood/bakery place I've been going to for months just closed its doors on Monday without warning. I had no idea until today. I'm so upset, it was my favorite place to go for a quick bite and the food was divine. There doesn't seem to be any word from the owners yet. I...
  5. Azure Sage

    What made you sad today?

    Was set to help with a field trip to an arboretum on monday but it got cancelled. Half of kindergarten is out with covid so they decided it was best not to risk it. :( Hope the kiddos are ok.
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