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  1. Farore's Chosen

    What was your most recent purchase?

    I purchased some chow for Thanksgiving tomorrow. I didn't expect it to come up so early, since the last Thursday is on the 30th. Wish they'd stick with one stupid date
  2. Farore's Chosen

    What was your most recent purchase?

    Groceries, hygiene stuff and Xmas gifts.
  3. Farore's Chosen

    What was your most recent purchase?

    This patch is toadally rad! I will never beat these games because they're sadistic. But at least I can show my love (and rage) for them on a cool jacket.
  4. Farore's Chosen

    What was your most recent purchase?

    I got some earrings and a cool black denim jacket for daughter darling's upcoming graduation.
  5. Farore's Chosen

    What was your most recent purchase?

    I bought 3 new patches. A gumball machine,an AC/DC, and a Duck Hunt patch. The DH one came today, which was odd because there'd been no notification that it had even shipped, while my AC/DC patch was due today. That one'll probably arrive on Monday or Tuesday.
  6. Farore's Chosen

    What was your most recent purchase?

    Aside from neccesities? I got myself a cute patch to sew onto something.
  7. Farore's Chosen

    What was your most recent purchase?

    Last fun thing I bought, art supplies and a figure to customize. Other then that, groceries. The kiddo and I are about to head to the gas station for Icees. Its hot.
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