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  1. Kiddrangon

    THEBESTZDMAFIA: hi friend

    That was a fun game alright. First time being mafia. I think I did a pretty good job.
  2. Kiddrangon

    THEBESTZDMAFIA: hi friend

  3. Kiddrangon

    THEBESTZDMAFIA: hi friend

    I like cookies. Thats all. XD I myself, think LD is town, he is actually trying to help us kill scum. Also killing a stripper might give us some clues since "Glitter" isn't a good lead anymore.
  4. Kiddrangon

    THEBESTZDMAFIA: hi friend

    Lynching in-actives isn't a good thing, we should just replace them. Now that you bring that idea up, with this game, its not 100% impossible that isn't his role and still be a jester too. If that is true, I would take my bet JC is Mafia too. But if he turns up Town, we know not to listen to...
  5. Kiddrangon

    THEBESTZDMAFIA: hi friend

    Kinda sad Town keeps getting lynched. So do we have any leads on who's Mafia? Or any hints to who is one? Also sorry all, I'm been pretty busy with two jobs. I will keep up as much as I can.
  6. Kiddrangon

    THEBESTZDMAFIA: hi friend

    XD, page 21 is so confusing. I'm just gonna sit here do nothing today.
  7. Kiddrangon

    THEBESTZDMAFIA: hi friend

    Why? LMFAO
  8. Kiddrangon

    THEBESTZDMAFIA: hi friend

    Doc, you redeemed yourself. Unvote doc.
  9. Kiddrangon

    THEBESTZDMAFIA: hi friend

    So I also need to Vote: Blackkirby too. (Not my real vote)
  10. Kiddrangon

    THEBESTZDMAFIA: hi friend

    Doc you said "kid"
  11. Kiddrangon

    THEBESTZDMAFIA: hi friend

    or kidrangon, or etc. Kidd or Kiddrangon. One of these or JJ. IDC which as long its one of them. Nothing else.
  12. Kiddrangon

    THEBESTZDMAFIA: hi friend

    Okay then... I am serious, I hate being called kid. Vote: Doc and Batmen. (Not bold so no really voting.)
  13. Kiddrangon

    THEBESTZDMAFIA: hi friend

    And how do you know the other strippers were glittery?
  14. Kiddrangon

    THEBESTZDMAFIA: hi friend

    Sooo Linkdude, how do you know if Glittery means they a stripper? Or other way around?
  15. Kiddrangon

    THEBESTZDMAFIA: hi friend

    Lmao. I wasn't trying to defend him, I was just stating an idea because while I was in high school, every time one of my friends ended up with glitter, somehow everyone and I do mean everyone got glittery... Because if it is like real glitter, it easy spends. Thats all I wanted to say. Also...
  16. Kiddrangon

    THEBESTZDMAFIA: hi friend

    But if its like real glitter then anyone who comes in contact with someone with it, most likely will become glittery too.
  17. Kiddrangon

    THEBESTZDMAFIA: hi friend

    Yea, how do you know if you are glittery or not? This game is hella interesting. Fun. Vary fun game for a new player.
  18. Kiddrangon

    THEBESTZDMAFIA: hi friend

    Don't trust him. The cookie is a lie.
  19. Kiddrangon

    THEBESTZDMAFIA: hi friend

    Hi David try having two jobs! Like I do. It's hard
  20. Kiddrangon

    THEBESTZDMAFIA: hi friend

    Only if you tell me your secret of immortal first and I will vote for you. XD
  21. Kiddrangon

    THEBESTZDMAFIA: hi friend

    That's not good. They or whoever got our doc. And Ari wasn't in the stripping cult.... But a compulsive daredevil... I'm so confused even more with the stripping.
  22. Kiddrangon

    Sword Art Online Mafia

    So why am I dead tomorrow? Or is it the fact I'm not sleeping right now and work at 4am which is 3 hours away, the fact I'm dead tomorrow? P.S. I don't count today the 21st till after I wake up or I have to to count it.
  23. Kiddrangon

    Sword Art Online Mafia

    Okay, so we posting here again. Good.
  24. Kiddrangon

    THEBESTZDMAFIA: hi friend

    I ain't drunk. And ain't it NIGHT atm so why are people posting!!!!
  25. Kiddrangon

    The MTG game hosted by LinkDude74 as Town. I am playing SOA and THEBESTZDMAFIA. Not saying roles...

    The MTG game hosted by LinkDude74 as Town. I am playing SOA and THEBESTZDMAFIA. Not saying roles until I die first.
  26. Kiddrangon

    THEBESTZDMAFIA: hi friend

    Yea, the day ended at 9pm today if I can recall the time correctly. XD
  27. Kiddrangon

    THEBESTZDMAFIA: hi friend

    What does FoS mean? And it's only my second / third game. And if it gets a jester out of the game now then better I say
  28. Kiddrangon

    THEBESTZDMAFIA: hi friend

    Lmao that's shorter then I thought. I was thinking like 6+ years... XD
  29. Kiddrangon

    THEBESTZDMAFIA: hi friend

    No he means next time 5/16 is on a Saturday the day will be over. So in a few years. Lmfao
  30. Kiddrangon

    THEBESTZDMAFIA: hi friend

    Because Wynaut?
  31. Kiddrangon

    Yea, I ain't brand new, second / third game of Mafia already. Its a great place. Nice and fun...

    Yea, I ain't brand new, second / third game of Mafia already. Its a great place. Nice and fun. Trying to get use to all the craziness of Mafia tho.
  32. Kiddrangon

    THEBESTZDMAFIA: hi friend

    Vote: Mezlo
  33. Kiddrangon

    I'm really good for a change, how about yourself good sir?

    I'm really good for a change, how about yourself good sir?
  34. Kiddrangon

    THEBESTZDMAFIA: hi friend

    Lmfao. I can't tell what anything is going on. Fun.
  35. Kiddrangon

    THEBESTZDMAFIA: hi friend

    Now this "Stripper Cult" vary interesting. If it is real... I say Ari most likely be the leader I say with how she is reacting to the strippings.
  36. Kiddrangon

    THEBESTZDMAFIA: hi friend

    Lmfao. I'm a Pokemon, I can't strip. XD Anyways that kill I say had to be sk. It wasn't like a mafia hit... More like assassin. Lol.
  37. Kiddrangon

    THEBESTZDMAFIA: hi friend

    Lmao. I'm soo lost.
  38. Kiddrangon

    THEBESTZDMAFIA: hi friend

    lol, so emotes are evil and scum now. Good to know.
  39. Kiddrangon

    THEBESTZDMAFIA: hi friend

    So why are we trying to lynch Odd and Deku?
  40. Kiddrangon

    Sword Art Online Mafia

    I don't recall any main or secondly characters using a "Silver Staff" from any of SAO really. So why do you wanna know who and if anyone uses a "Silver Staff"?
  41. Kiddrangon

    Sword Art Online Mafia

    I highly doubt Siune being Mafia. She is just too nice, I say.
  42. Kiddrangon

    THEBESTZDMAFIA: hi friend

    VOTE: BATMAN Because, batman is OP.
  43. Kiddrangon

    THEBESTZDMAFIA: hi friend

    lol, why does everyone want Odd lynched?
  44. Kiddrangon

    Sword Art Online Mafia

    Ummmmm, okay then.....
  45. Kiddrangon

    Sword Art Online Mafia

    What dekunut said.
  46. Kiddrangon

    Sword Art Online Mafia

    So GGO is a big part of this and the killer in GGO is in this as mafia or Serial killer.
  47. Kiddrangon


    @Pendio, love the avatar, its a amazing anime! XD
  48. Kiddrangon


    confirm XD
  49. Kiddrangon

    Sword Art Online Mafia

    *sits in corner reading and learning* I'm not voting on first night.
  50. Kiddrangon

    Sword Art Online Mafia

    Okay, at least I didn't miss ending of day one.
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