What do you think would be a good scary dungeon for a Zelda game?
I would absolutely love a smaller dungeon that is maze like. The entire place is very dark and you have to use a lantern to see. The whole point of the place is to find the pieces of the boss key that are scattered around the...
Where did you get that official box art??? It looks so good!
In all seriousness though, I don't think it's a good idea cause nintendo takes Zelda seriously. Mario can have racing and sports games because he dosnt have a serious reputation.
My favorite temple is probably the great bay temple from Majoras Mask, despite it being a water temple.
My least favorite is defiantly level seven: demon from the original legend of Zelda. I don't know why, but that dungeon always gave me the most trouble.
You have good intentions, but I don't think its a good idea to compare Zelda to a genre or game it's clearly not, like Silent Hill. This is why I don't like when people say that they want more RPG aspects in Zelda, because then it's not Zelda. You can only stray so far before you're on a...
As an ambassador when I received MC I was very excited, as I had never played it before, but the game is seriously broken. This has happened on both my files where the game will not let me get past the part where you return the books. :( Did anyone else have this problem? (Sorry if this is in...
in ocarina of Time I wanted to complete the mask side quest as soon as possible so I did everything up to the bunny hood before even getting to goron city. When I got the bunny hood I literally ran around hyrule for 2 hours looking for that darn running man only to find out that he dosnt appear...
I've suggested this to Mases at least twice and I still think it would be good for Zelda Dungeon to have an official Tumblr. With it's Millions of users and easy to use set-up I know it would be the perfect place to post news, videos, fan art, answer questions, and expand Zelda Dungeon's already...
I always just thought that the don't know that they can. So if one of them wanted to they would forget before they could leave, but your theory ,makes more sense.
Oops! Please disregard my yes vote. I meant to hit no. Sorry! :/ I have never tried this even though I have played MM so many times. I applaud anyone who is able to do this.
Hmm... That's a very good point you have brought up there. Claps for you :) I would say that since he became a stalfos person thing (hero of shade in TP) he gets to live forever. :/ is that good?
I havnt played WW, but of those that I have played MM is no question the best. It's the only game that's temples varied from wonderfully simplistic to mind hurting challenging. They were excellent!
I know it sounds cheesy, but I think that it would be an interesting gameplay aspect if link, with the help of his partner, could travel in to peoples dreams. I think that would be a step n the right direction for creativity. :)
Personally, even though I like MM more than OoT, I always just thought that OoT was a more perfected game. Don't get me wrong they're both some of the best games of all time but OoT gripped the player and gave them more freedom in my opinion. :)
I'd say I'm most excited for the launch of the wii u and will be purchasing one as soon as possible, but if that dosnt count I am looking forward to animal crossing 3ds that should be coming out soon.
I'd say gen 4 is the only one where all of then starters are actually decent. Others had that one that wasn't very good such as venusaur, feraligator, Sceptile, and the snivys.
What types would you want the starters to be if they couldn't be fire water or grass? The only rule is that they still have to have to Be good against one and bad against the other.
Gyrogh from MM is one of my favorites and I thought it felt like the movie Jaws. Very intense knowing something's under you and your trying to climb up to saftey.