Well first off i remember they cut the fire temple music because it had some sort of chanting that was copyrighted i don't remember but if you have herd of it you might know I've always wanted to know more about that and why they cut it.
It reminds me of the pokemon red and green story of all...
Hmm........ if link had a gun ~goes to princess Zelda ~
Zelda: OK OK gash i'm broke time to go live on the streets D;
yep that would be cool and it would give some more things to do in the games like oot. You could have an honer meter and if you robed someone it...
I all ways go by the grave where the owl is( I don't know how to spell his name) and I wonder what it's doing there. I believe it has something to do with the professor in the lake side laboratory. But I want to know what everybody else thinks about it.
cool I remember when i did this for my first time and fell into the dark hole i was like What the crap! and died tring for a no death run.
but later I did do the no death run. :)
One of the glitches I know is getting into bazzare as a kid in kakarico village. First go to the house next to the entrance to death mountain on the left.(If you are going to the gate.) If you try to go in to the house in the day or night someone will say [My son is in the graveyard plying] or...
The hardest temple for me has to be the water temple. The resone I hate that temple is because after I beat dark link I didn't know there was a time block behind the longshot chest so I spent at least 7 hours looking for a small key.(I did not want to use a guide.)But finally I went back and...
Did the forest temple ever scare you? It scared me the first time took me a year of weat pants (well...no) but nevermind....uh....Ya and frustration>:(:shake: