I'm not sure if there was ever an existing thread for this, but if not, what's your favorite song from the Legend of Zelda games? Mine is probably lost woods from OoT. What's your's?
Edit: Maybe mines actually dragon roost island from WW
What do you guys name your player at the start of each Loz game. Do you just name him Link? Do you use your name? Or do you use something else?
I just name him link since I'm not creative whatsoever and I like it to be the same as the lore.
Oh, just realized you were talking about sonic '06, I though you were talking about the original for some reason, ya, that game is AWFUL I've seen gameplay and it's hilariously bad!
The title is self explanatory but I'll restate the question. What is the Worst game you have ever played? For me it's AC Unity (the game just pisses me off, Ubisoft, dear lord, make better games).
I've yet to play Master Quest and wanted to know how it compares to the regular game in your opinions and if it's worth it for me to play. Did you like it more than regular Oot? Did you dislike it? Just wanna hear your feelings on it.
So I've been going over people's favorite games list and many/most of them say that ST is better than PH and what I want to know is why? PH was my first game and I loved it but later when I played ST I could barely get through the game. So what I'm asking is, for people that think ST is better...