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  1. Hawk of Light

    Is BOTW a Trilogy?

    Likely is technically considered a trilogy but I'm not sure if I'd count AoC since it starts as a prequel and then turns into some weird alternative universe thing.
  2. Hawk of Light

    Should TotK learn from mistakes made in BotW?

    I think every good sequel ought to build upon the original and make it better. The only problems I really have with BOTW is the bare bones story, and the sameness of all the shrines and divine beasts. I've always felt being able to rebuild Hyrule and having mechanics around that similar to...
  3. Hawk of Light

    Favorite/Least Favorite Zelda Games

    Finally completed Wind Waker (HD) after so many years. I've owned the original for like 14 or 15 years and I made a good few attempts but for one reason or another I never finished it until now. I'd say the game is fantastic in just about every department. Soundtrack, visuals, story...
  4. Hawk of Light

    ELI5. Why do pokemon games always come with counter parts?

    It was a way to incentivise trades on the Gameboy, by creating version exclusive Pokemon and whatnot. Less relevant now due to widespread internet access and trading for whatever you want, but they still do have version exclusives, meaning if you want to play a game at a point where the online...
  5. Hawk of Light

    Masks?? Are they permanent??

    If mask policy is dictated by Fauci — who flip flops like a fish out of water — it might remain a problem for some time
  6. Hawk of Light

    Hyrule Warriors I might like AoC more than BotW

    I wasn't too excited for AoC due to the gameplay, but after about 50 hours I can say it's a really good game.
  7. Hawk of Light

    Nintendo Do you prefer to play your Switch docked or handheld?

    For the longest time I played exclusively in handheld due to not having a suitable screen for docked play. Now I definitely prefer docked, but it depends on the game. All the first party releases I own play great on both. Skyward Sword is too awkward on handheld for me.
  8. Hawk of Light

    Which Manga Are You Currently Reading?

    About a third of the way through Vagabond. Also started reading Destiny Lovers which is an absurd lewd story but pretty humourous
  9. Hawk of Light

    Favorite/Least Favorite Zelda Games

    I'm not going to sugarcoat it just because it's influential. The game is a chore and isn't very fun today. It's very hard to recommend to anyone who isn't a die-hard fan.
  10. Hawk of Light

    SSHD Skyward Sword HD Discussion

    Finally got around to starting this. Unsurprisingly, it looks and runs much nicer than the Wii original, and while it's possible to get an as good or arguably better experience through emulation, I can appreciate not needing to download, install and configure things. The motion controls are much...
  11. Hawk of Light

    Breath of the Wild My horse died

    I was hunting deer in Hateno village yesterday when a deer dropped off the cliff. Had a good laugh.
  12. Hawk of Light

    Nintendo's $60 Re-releases

    Nintendo ought to sell them as high as they can manage from a financial point of view. I don't really mind since we get quality games at higher resolutions with quality of life enhancements and portability
  13. Hawk of Light

    Which Manga Are You Currently Reading?

    70 chapters in on Vinland Saga. This is at least a 7, maybe 8/10. The climax to the prologue was excellent.
  14. Hawk of Light

    BotW 2 E3 trailer

    I assumed that was an item like a shield or whatever.
  15. Hawk of Light

    BotW 2 E3 trailer

    As a berserk fan, I enjoy a protagonist with prosthetic arm features. Here's hoping he has an arm cannon and repeating cross bow
  16. Hawk of Light

    What do you think will be announced next about BotW 2?

    Aiming for 2022 release window means it will almost certainly be released in 23 or later. I remember when BOTW was "definitely" coming out in 2015 lol
  17. Hawk of Light

    The Nintendo Direct News And Discussion Thread

    Was disappointed that we didn't see Mario Kart 9 and we basically got confirmation of no Zelda Wii U ports. On the other hand, Metroid is a day one purchase for me. Mario Party looks promising and I was incredibly happy to see Advanced Wars. I'll have to wait and see how Kakarot performs on Switch.
  18. Hawk of Light

    What do you think will be announced next about BotW 2?

    Did they specifically say it started two years ago? I believe they once mentioned the idea of a sequel came about due to having too many ideas for BOTW DLC. If that's true I'd assume they'd have been playing around with it for quite a while longer. The presentation was more or less what I...
  19. Hawk of Light

    Which Manga Are You Currently Reading?

    I suppose it doesn't really matter in the grand scheme of things. I recently reread volume 1 and there's enough intrigue there. Wanting to find out why Guts is such an asshole and what happened to him. I do think going into Golden Age blind would have the greatest emotional impact. In an ideal...
  20. Hawk of Light

    Which Manga Are You Currently Reading?

    Vinland Saga. About 15 chapters in. Fantastic so far.
  21. Hawk of Light

    What Are You Doing Right Now?

    Scratching my abdomen like an albino gorilla
  22. Hawk of Light

    Emulating or Playing Natively

    Title. When playing through Zelda do you tend to play the games on native hardware and cartridges/discs, or do you look to enhance the games with emulation? I ask this since I'm playing Twilight Princess on dolphin with a 4K texture pack and honestly it feels like the definitive way to play the...
  23. Hawk of Light

    Art Direction Post BOTW-Era

    I've been wondering how the Oracle games would look if they decided to remake them. The originals look basically the same as Link's Awakening, but I'm not sure the Switch style would suit.
  24. Hawk of Light

    Nintendo E3 Predictions

    I'm guessing we'll see something for every series hitting 25 or 35. Zelda BOTW2 is probably very likely. A new Donkey Kong. Something Metroid perhaps.
  25. Hawk of Light

    Art Direction Post BOTW-Era

    I'm sure you're all familiar with the initial criticism of The Wind Waker and it's cel-shaded art style, with it being such a departure from the previous two games. Twilight Princess, evidently looks more "mature" and grim in response to this. Skyward Sword looks like somewhat of a combination...
  26. Hawk of Light

    Which Manga Are You Currently Reading?

    For anyone looking to read Berserk I'd recommend skipping the first few chapters and starting with the Golden Age arc.
  27. Hawk of Light

    What else should be ported to the Switch?

    GTA V is the obvious money maker, what with it being portable and with GTA Online. Another one I'd love to see — though almost certainly not ever going to happen — is MGSV Phantom Pain.
  28. Hawk of Light

    What type of cell phone do you use?

    I've been using a Samsung Galaxy A51 for over a year now, before that I used the Xiaomi Mi A1 for two years before (two) broken USB-C ports lead me to just replacing it. I really recommend magmatic charging cables so you aren't causing damage to the port.
  29. Hawk of Light

    Favorite/Least Favorite Zelda Games

    Favourite: Tough but I have to go with Majora's Mask, specifically the 3D version. While Ocarina is arguably more technically sound and more compelling as a standalone title, I love this bizarro, Twilight Zone-ish take on the world and the characters. Being able to follow people as they move...
  30. Hawk of Light

    Your Top 5 Anime/Manga Series?

    Manga: 1. Monster - Naoki Urasawa. 2. Berserk - Kentaro Miura. 3. Goodnight Punpun - Inio Asano. 4. No Longer Human - Junji Ito. 5. Aku no Hana - Shūzō Oshimi. Anime: 1. Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood. 2. Dragon Ball Kai. (have read more manga than watched anime)
  31. Hawk of Light

    Which Manga Are You Currently Reading?

    Primarily reading Gantz; at like chapter 150 or so. A fun, absurd read but not something I'd recommend if you want a serious or epic story. Other than that. re-reading some Berserk in honor of the late Kentaro Miura, occasionally reading Yawara! and Claymore as well.
  32. Hawk of Light

    Pre-ordering Games

    I have no problem with the practice. If you preorder a game and you get burned, that's your own fault.
  33. Hawk of Light

    SSHD If Nintendo doesn't make any changes.......?

    I have faith that the motion controls will be more accurate and I hope to God we get a free cam because there's literally no reason not to have one now.
  34. Hawk of Light

    SSHD Skyward Sword HD Amiibo Support

    Figure's nice, function is nice. Wish it was in the base game but I get it-need to make that money.
  35. Hawk of Light

    What do you think will be announced next about BotW 2?

    I think if we see anything it will be a cinematic trailer revealing more story/world elements and a little clip from the developers saying "coming soon." I personally think a mid-to-late 2022 release window is most likely. I've always felt 2021 was too optimistic even before covid.
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