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  1. B

    Spoiler Zelda MM Theory: Fierce Deity- Who Was He?

    Not to take the wheels off the bus but for the sake of argument... So I know this isn't the most popular theory when it comes to MM but if we go with the idea that Link of Oot is actually dead in MM then it may make some sense that the fierce deity mask is the representation of his spirit. If...
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    General Zelda How Do You Usually Call 'your' Link?

    Went with the name "I'm high" on Majora's Mask, for some absolutely hilarious bits of dialogue. The Banker lady's response was always good for a chuckle, "let me take a look at you...Wait, I remember... I'm high!"
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    Majora's Mask Setting All Things Right One Last Time

    Haha yeah seems like Link is a big supporter of the "Finder Keepers Law". Oh you're totally right! Meet Anju at midnight then warp over to Romani, Thanks!!
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    Majora's Mask Setting All Things Right One Last Time

    First off I want to preface this by saying that this is NOT a question about beating Majora's Mask in 3 days, rather a speculation about setting as much as possible right (ina 3 day cylce) before rolling the credits. One thing that always bugged me about the end of Majora's Mask was that even...
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