The normal story of Zelda(Link needs to save Zelda because he was chosen by the godness) is just perfect to make an anime that have a lot of fun, I would love to see an anime of Zelda
Let me see:
Digimon(all series - Digimon XrosWars2)
Pokemon(some not all)
Bleach(I stayed in epi 80)
Dragon Ball
Inazume Eleven
and i am thinking in start to see Au no Exorcist
I don't like it... I love it! I think it making link able to transform in to a wolf was a good and criative idea, it makes the game different. It helps a lot when you want to dash because link couldnt and it makes a criative way to teleport.
I dont really have on but
Character: Postman
Game: Twilight princess
Why i like him: Come on he is amaizing, first that guy is immune to cold he is always whit small shorts and he does amaizing noises. But this is my favourite character whit out beeing Link or Zelda.
I like it and i dont like it.
Why do I like it?
Its a diferent way to save a game and not always the same tipe of saving.
Why do I dont like it?
A lot of times my mother does planes and dont warn me soo i nead to switch off the wii and not always i am near by a Bird Statue so i cannot...
I love this game and i think that the gameplay was good, the story amaizing and fantastic graphics but ok it can be complicate to some people that dont like puzzles
The Water Dungeon of Twilight Princess because to complet it you needed to have a god water level that all the levers you needed to switch then everytinhg look soo similiar it was soo confusing in could take me 4 days to complet it with out the waltrough. Then for me the boss also was a litle...
Twilight Castle but the ones that are there Arbiter Grounds. I dont know if Cave of Ordeals is a dungeon but if it is that that for me is the creepiest
I already knew Zelda for some years but I never got interested by the games, but then one of my friends at school had the TwilightPrincess and I asked him if it was a good game, and he said it was amaizing, and how he already had finished the game I asked him if he could borow me the game and he...
Zelda Twilight Princess, was the first and only for now soon i am gonna play Skyward Sowrd, if i would have a DS a could play soo many games of Zelda unfortaly i dont have
I only played Twilight Princess and a litle bit of Skyward Sword, its embarassing i just foud out Zelda so late(25years) e realy enjoy the Twilight Princess especially that i can transform in wolf, its realy cool.
I'm sorry if i have errors in my righting, I am portuguese so my english is not...
Hi I am new in the forum. I prefere the WII because i think you can have more fun playing it becausa you use more de controller, like to aim using the slingshot and the bow and arrow,etc