It's really hard to say because Gannon's fight is in many stages... Frankly puppet Zelda is like a 3, beast gannon is like 7 and the horse back battle is just flat out annoying :/ I won't event rate that part
Definitely the one in the Lanayru Spring. It's just flat out creepy and disturbing :( especially when Link has no pupils and Ilah pulls a knife on him :/
I would definitely say that Pokemon Black and White 2 are the games that I am looking the most forward to :) I love the first ones and I can't wait to see what the second ones have in store. However, if Nintendo were to announce a new Zelda game, I would leave Pokemon on the shelf and watch very...
Well it would be a little weird but Link has participated in:
Snowboarding, wrestling, goat wrestling, kayaking, fishing, horse races, swimming, and Scuba Diving :)
1) She has really little tea sets :) or she eats them.... Mmm chocolate colored roaches :D
2) he parents live in the tree in her house :) but they're gone all day and sleep in the tree at night so you never see them :D
3) she sells parasols and flowers to raise money :D..... Or maybe she steals...
I thought Gannon's presence in TP was perfectly normal :/ we all know Zant in all his absurdity that he could never come up with that elaborate plan or have the power to do it. -.- plus the final boss battle with him was just flat out epic!!!! :D
5) link catching Zelda on his Loftwig
4) defeating King Bokoblin in the bridge
3) jumping gerudo valley on Epona
2) recapturing Epona in TP :)
1) killing Demise (the lightening flash right as he struck was awesome!!!) :) :)
So I likes Girahim's theme :) its fun, quirky, and not too dark :) Right now Majora's in the lead but I feel like majora's theme was just a little weird in that it sounded like every other boss you had fought. I like special music for the final boss. :/ Gannon's theme is just scary :(
1) Ocean temple of PH UGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :(
2) lake bed temple (WHAT DIRECTION AM I SUPPOSED TO TURN THE THING!?!?!?!?) *sigh*
3) shadow temple.. me: ok so now I do this and.. what's that sound.... why is there a shadow over Li.... AHHHHH *screams like little girl*..... NOOOO I DON'T WANN GO...
Not really... not at first at least.. usually I'll go into the battle feeling pretty confident.. then I get my butt kicked and usually leave the battle for a few hours to a few days :) :)
Well there's fresh fish that can be caught and served many ways.... There always seems to be pumpkins.... so soup, pies, casseroles ect.... Goats? sure.. i could go for some goat... ummmm I've never really seen any vegis in the LoZ world... unless you count that pitiful garden outside of Lake...
First run through I try and complete it as much as I can without any help :) second time though I follow a guide so I can complete is 100%...... i've never tried a 3 heart run... it sounds scary :/ but Ihave tried a speed run of OOT (without cheating) and I actually didn't do that bad :D
1) Lakebed temple (I hate that place :/)
2) Water Temple (OOT)
3) Jabu Jabu (OOT)
I haven't played MM or OOA but Lakebed temple just confuses the crap outta me whenever I play it.... Water temple really isn't that bad especially with the 3DS helps (color-coded temple :P ) and even though...
Ok so I agree that Navi wasn't horrible. Her advice was good and helpful, but frankly only to beginners. I found (especially in hyrule field and definitely on the 3DS) the she continuously was blinking. And often would shout "hey!" usually I just turn my volume down and move on :) < my advice to...
Sooo I didn't get this when I first played OOT. I had it a little during TP. (after I had tried it once and failed I waited a few hours or maybe a day before going back :) ) however in SS I put off the Demise battle for 1 or 2 weeks :/ I really didn't wanna fight that thing....
Yes. For sure. Although usually the second or third time though I'll use a ZeldaDungeon guide to complete it fully. :) but my go to for boredom is LoZ :)
I haven't seen a thread like this but if there is, I'm sorry :(
If you could have 1 guide out of the Legend of Zelda series in real life, who would it be? I would probably pick Minda because she was the least annoying and actually helped you to fight (in wolf form at least) :) so who would...
K so Spirit Temple is my fav cause:
1) music :)
2) mini boss(es)
3) trials to get there (desert)
4) the fact that you had to go through the temple twice (once as a boy once as a teen) is very intelligent and entertaining :) :)
My favorite mini dungeon is by far the Gerudo training grounds in OoT. No matter how many times I play that game, I never get tired of that "temple". :) and there are a few upgrades and prizes you can get around there :)
I didn't actually have any trouble with Darkhammer.... The most annoying battle was probably the horse back battle with Gannon. Or king Bokoblin. It's so annoying -.- especially playing "chicken" with the king. So annoying.
In response to random person's number 1:
1) I did say or Zelda
2) even though Fi wasn't emotional throughout the game (I agree she was 90% robot) I felt like what she said at the end was appropriate and needed. I don't believe it would have been sufficient for Fi to be like "oK master. I helped...
1) Link as Zelda in TP.... Definitely hot stuff.
2) Minda. Come on. You know you gasped when you saw her princess form...
3) Shiek. She's hot. Period. And she kicks butt....
Awww yeah!!!
1) a half naked man delivering mail to you even if you're dressed like a wolf :)
2) gorons and Zoras.... Yikes...
3) a young boy with a tiny light yelling at him....
4) black beast falling out of the sky
5) an owl swooping in at random times to tell you painfully obvious...
Hey guys.... I finished Skyward Sword the other day and I was wondering what you guys thought about the ending.... Am I the only one who:
1) was about to cry during Link and Fi's (or Link and Zelda's) scene :,(
2) found that the ending was very similar to TP (breaking of the portal/ helper...
Ok non boss ememy? Like-likes and redeads are a close pair, but Wall masters trump them both... Like-likes you can defeat so easily, as creepy as they may be. and Redeads and Gibdos (at least in OOT) you can stun and kill super easy too.... Wall masters you just gotta know where they are caus if...
I've only played the GC version, but on the wii.... honestly though, I've seen both versions completely and I feel like a) the pointer gets in the way (caus you don't use it that much) b) the graphics aren't that different and c) GC is a classic.... come on now ;)
So i've completed OOT (gc and ds), SS, and TP. I was in the process of playing PH but I died of bordom. Yes i'm dead... jk ;) Honestly out of those 3 OOT isn't m favorite... don't shoot me :/ perhaps its just because I've played it SO MANY TIMES (like I can sit down and beat it 100% in a few...
So this is a super tough poll.... caus I love the artwork in TP but I didn't really like the fact that there wasn't really anything going on there :/ like on OOt there were sidequests and upgrades and it was the center of the game. you were constantly returning there :)
Ok so I haven't played WW, but I have watched someone play it... I fell asleep -.- I thought that there was way too much sailing and not enough to do.. But out of the games I've played, PH is without a doubt the WORST!!! :( it didn't really fit the DS in my opinion... and the puzzles were like...
Actually, Link's mom is mentioned in OOT. The great Deku tree says that a mother brought her child to the him and asked for him to take care of the child. However, she dies shortly after and Link never knows about her. :(
It's a tie between Kotake and Komue fighting in OOT and in SS:
*pushes Link off Skyloft.... Mayor and Zelda watch him fall* "hey Zelda.... I think something's wrong..."
ok so Redeads and gibdos really aren't that bad because you can stun them without getting close.... Floor/ wall masters come OUT OF NOWHERE!!! (if you don't know they're there at least..) I dread going places with them...
1) the hand in the toilet... come on... sure its a Japanese horror story... but for Americans its just wrong....
2) Ruto hitting on Link.... ew much? She's like 10 years older than him :/
3) Any place with Gibdos/redeads..... *shivers*
4) "What's that noise? Why is there a shadow over...
1) the hand in the toilet.... WHY NINTENDO!!!???
2) how the heck can Link carry 4 shields, 3 potion bottles, and 2 medallions but he can't carry the stinkin windmill propeller...
3) and where does he store all that stuff??? is his adventure pouch a magic carpet bag or something??
Actually... In the forrest temple (with the monkeys) They're the plants that you have to throw bomb flowers into :) I found them quite annoying but not as scary as in OOT