I thought Tetra was the best. She seems the to be the only one with Character and nto just a damsel in distress. Also it takes her a while to warm up to Link to a point where there might be some chemistry.
Thats kind of what I meant. the LOTR movies were very good. But were decidedly different from the books. Alot was changed for dramatic effect and several fan favorites were omitted. Also LOTR worked more as a film, in a way that zelda would nto was its alrge cast of characters. You got to know...
Least annoying was the King of red lions. he did nt really do much. I liked Midna becuase unlike most of your sidekicks, she had character and the name of the game was actually based on her.
Navi was nto that bad. Yeah, LISTEN! whatever. I can just turn the sounds down. And actually I had...
It would have to be an orginal story that borrows elements from the Zelda universe. Otherwise it will be unfairly judged by the games for which its based. As much as I would love to see it. I hope it never gets made. Zelda is like the LOTR of video games. Its art. and it should stay in its own...
Assassins creed revelations was the last game from the holiday season that I wanted but didnt get right away. Picked it last week and finished it. Then just for fan value I got LOST Via Domus. Horrible game! But its LOST and since I am a huge fan and collector I thought I should get it since it...
I am actually pretty excited by this. Its seems like a really cool game setting, mostly becuase we have never been there in a gaming world before. It might be kind of cool to chase down paul revere on a horse and assassinate him before he can reach the steeple and light the lanterns.
In AOL it tells a backstory about how zelda was put in a sleeping spell for like 2000 years or so. The princess zelda you rescued in the 1st game was not the same zelda. So my question is. Which zelda was put in the sleeping spell? was it the one from ALTTP one? an orcale one? any ideas?
I have never really palyed pokemon. But I used to play MTG very competitvely. Once you reach a certian level the game becomes very difficult. They have pro tours with huge cash prizes. also the customizing and creativity in MTG is beyond anything I have ever done, card game video game or...
I loved evyer second ib the silent realm. The only part of the game was I was really on the edge of my seat. It was one of the more terrifying bits in a game this generation. And I play alot of survival horror games
The ship dungeon in skyward sword. Only becuase it look me forever to figure out the last room where I had to shoot the arrow through the grates on the ceiling. ugh. Also its my birthday on Sunday. This would be an awesome present.
Yeah, I think they are all one hit wonders. Howeber how awesome would it be to habve a huge gameworld where you can tracel to all these lcaotions thorugh out the story.
As much as zelda 2 has problems I loved the large world it had. So many towns full of poeple and many places to visit. I...
I share alot of the dissapiontments that were mentioned. I am still enjoying this game more than any other I have played this year. Probably in the last 2 years. I for one am kind of glad of the way its formated. I am getting older and dont have as much time to devote to a game in single...
i havnt finished the game yet. just beat the gharhim for the 2nd time. But so far it has been tentalus. This is pobably due to getting stuck in the dungeon right before the boss fight trying to get the boss key. I was frustred by that it carried over to the boss fight and I was getting mad.
I like the item shop owner in the bazzar. He walks around with his head down all skulking and when you walk up to him hes all super happy. he tells you no pressure to buy yet he follows you everywhere. really funny
if there is one reason to buy a ps3 its uncharted 2. I wouldnt even bother with the 1st one. your not missing to much story and the game play is very sub par compared to 2.
I am sorry if this has already been posted. I have the CD at home but havnt had a chance to look at it as being emersed in the game. What is the song list on the CD?
I can deal with Hey listen! but it its real annoying eveytime I get to 3 hearts FI starts beeping at me to tell me my health is low. I FIGURED THAT OUT ON MY OWN!
however she is more helpful than Navi.
it would be nice to have a gold nunchuck. what would also be nice is to have aoll the buttons gold on my wii mote. why arent the 1,2, and B buttons gold! everything else is. why not those 3 buttons. WHY!
The controls are fine except a little hick ups now and then, I still would have preffered a 2nd option of using the classic controller. I thought about it quite a bit and this game can totally use the classic controller without sacrifcing the motion specific gameplay.
Howver I would play a...
My favorites were the SNES era, becuase I cant remember playing a bad game. I also loved the PS1 and PS2. I skipped the N64 for some reason.
aww now I remember why I didnt want the N64. The controller. I hated the look of it. And whe I held it in my hand the 1st time it felt so awful and...
well, if you like ALTTP than im sure youll like Blood omen, legacy of kain. its one of my favoite games for the PSX. Its a top down action RPG like ALTTP. you get new wepons, items and such. also you play as a vampire and suck peoples blood to refill health. Its a dark and violent version of zelda.
I must say I loved this game, There were some flaws which ill list the pros and cons below
1st of all I will not be bringing up the huge complaints I hear and that is the unvalidated preconception that Samus was some man-hatin, souless killing machine. The main complaint is that Samus didnt...
I just want to make sure, You can only have one item at a time. NO ready easy buttons to switch between bow, bombs, ect.. You cant even have the Bow and sword equipt at the same time?
It said you have to press B to change item to sword. why may I ask? I thought TP made the item usage top...
This thread brought up something interesting. How awesome would it be to see the back story of AOL play out in this game. The pale guy that everyone is curious about could be the evil wizard guy. And if this game is supposed to show us the origins of the royal family, Isnt the sleeping Zelda...
I hate to say it, but based on the images we have seen I wouldnt be surprised if the overworld is more striaghtforward and linear like what Sqaure did with FFX. The game appears to be more cfocused and ombat heavy that in previous Zelda games. running around and exploring would be difficult and...
I meant Iconic, as being something that Link always has. something that defines him. I was originalluy worried about TP controls but they were nt hard to get used to and I loved them after playing it. I know my arm gets tired even after playing a 10 frame game of Wii bowling.
From what Ive...
recent purchses are
Majoras Mask on VC- thanks to these forums. I dont know why I have been delaying it
Donkey Kong on VC- yes the orginal. Had to get it after watching King of Kong
Sonic Colors Wii- Looks awesome! the kids play it more than I do
Resdeint Evil GC - I have always loved the game...
No I didnt becuase I used the ZD video guide step by step, took some steps paused it , took a couple of more steps. The only reason I did this was becuase I have heard nothing but horrible things about this place. I was dreading it. I didnt want it to destroy my Zelda experience becuase the game...
So many good moments in the game. The intro was awesome. It was probaly the best score for the classic Zelda theme in any of the games. The whole beggining. From the start at Outset Island to the end of the forsaken fortress. Being blasted out of the cannon. Hiding in barrels, sidling along...
as iconic as the hookshot is. The whip (although ive never played with it before) seems more Zeldaish and just an all around a cooler item. Im basing it on assumptions but like the hookshot, it can be used like the Grapling hook from WW, a weapon ala Indiana Jones (that sounds so awesome to me...
Offer to work it off with extra chores around the house. I know if my daughter really wants something she will clean her room, no questions asked. Which is amazing if you knew her.
the most fun for me is the Wind waker. Its like a really in depth interactive cartoon serial. The characters are so colorful and Links expression really makes the game come alive. Its downside is the sailing of course as it takes a while and can pull you out of the story. But there were...
I would have to say my sentimental favorite is A link to the Past. So many good memories with friends trying to figure that game out. Passing the controller back and forther when things got difficult for one person to get through (who says LOZ are not 2 player games)
I picked Twilight...
I think the reason it was hard was just due to the enemies being so dang hard. Most dungeon enemies were like mini bosses. Look at the first game. You just swung your sword at them. Sure, sometimes you had to hit them in the back, or throw a bomb down thier throat. In AOL enemies took way to...