Of all the truly amazing antagonists in zelda everyone has one that they want to see again. For example mine is Vatti. What i want to ask you is what or who is yours?
Throughout Zelda history different races have been told about in the story. These races have sometimes died off in the storyline. Sometimes we get to play as the different races like gorons, zora, etc... My question here is wh
ich races should return in zelda 3ds? I personally would like to see...
Zelda from spirit tracks
Line beck from phantom hourglass
Midna from twilight princess
King of red lions from wind waker
Navi ocarina of time
Fi from skyward sword
WARNING MAJOR FINAL BOSS SPOILERS.From the the first time I saw Ghirahim in his final form I noticed it was pretty much a recolored Fi. If you pay attention during the final battle with him he flashes into a sword twice(Fi can do the same thing). The first time he does it for about a second. But...
we all know that ingo tries to trap link in lon lon ranch after you beat him twice and get epona. I always just sit there thinking ok now what is he gonna do taunt link. seriously i think ingo needs to go back to school.
I was playing ocarina of time and I was doing the mask side quest and when I got the bunny hood I knew I had to give it to the running man but I don't know where he is I need help
While playing through oot I remembered navi telling link that she couldn't help fight ganondorf because of his dark magic in his castle I would suppose that's why anyway but after he collapses his own castle ( idiotic move cause he could have died himself) navi sais that ganon can't hold her...
What Do You Think the Best Zelda Game is
My personal favorite game of all the games I've Played is ocarina of time so what do you guys think the best games are
This thread is about special sword Attacks I think it would have been a great power up as long as it wasn't to over powered my personal favorite still stands at the spin attack
Let me know which one you guys would have liked to seen in ocarina of time
Hey guys this thread is about mistakes you've made in oot and wanted to start over on my most annoying one was when in the spirit temple I ran forward to fast and a like like fell on me and stole ny shield I knew it was there but I had just died and I wanted to go fast but I actually did get the...
I've played through ocarina of time about 3 times and I never knew what to sell the guy patting his lap can someone please tell me what that is because I actually killed my self in the game because it frustrated me so much
Ok so first you should go into hyrule field go near zoras domain stand in the shallow part of the water and when the stalchildren spawn the will come into the water die and drop hearts and magic I don't know if u can do this while swimming
The master sword kept his body sealed within the temple of time so it kinda was and wasn't sleeping at all and as for him never eating I dont know the best thing I can come up with is the potions and faiths keep him nourished
i loved the romani ranch in mm ive only played up to the part where u get th goron mask
i loved fire temple in ocarina of time just the whole thing was so interesting
I was on the outside of the place where u get the goron mAsk and I turned to normal link and tried to jump into the water I landed head first on the ice
One time when I was fighting bongo bongo I had basically beat him butwhen he charged at me and I went to attack him he killed me I was screaming like what I had him but then I noticed I had a fAiry and i killed bongo bongo
Post some ways that a fairy has saved you
in the wind waker i always try to beat the centepede monster thing with attacks i know that wont work i i love trying to jump into water from rely high places
like likes, floormasters, wallmasters, o my goodness gosh i hated redeads i was so so so scared of them cuz i was a kid and one jumped on my face i dropped the controller the kept tapping b
i am reallygood at every other zelda game ive ever played in my life but i cant even get past the iron knuckle in parapa palace the first palace :(:( its probably that im used to there being no jump button becuase i beat oot before this
all you have to do is spin attack when he is open rotate the controlstick and he will stay open but if u stop he will move
i actually found this out cuz i tried to fight him as recklessly as possible
bombs and arrows will work to just throw...
Wen you buy the the goron knife it will break after a few attacks I was mad as anything but then I found a sidequest to get one that doesn't break the sidequest wasn't hard it should only take one try
Once you finish it you will get the biggorons sword that doesn't break and the sword does...
All you have to do is longshot him towards you and trapp him in a corner and slash away at him he will die an if you do it right he cant escape back to his water or watever it is he will eventually die
P.s I will be trying to find trick to beat every boss easier if I can
For me phantom ganon was just straight up annoying I mean like it took me 9 times cuz I kept gettin annoyed and quit I actually do like phantom ganon but I'm not got at seeing which painting he will come out of and moving and shooting arrows and all the other stuff
Actually wen I fought dark link i thought he was one of the easiest mini bosses ever it was fun for me to have a good one on one sword fight I only used my shield and sword