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  1. Vanessa28

    Morning rituals when it comes to your health

    Do you run in the morning or do you go to the gym in the morning? I personally have no morning rituals like that so what about you?
  2. Vanessa28

    Heating up or extra sweater?

    So, when it gets cold are you a person who turns the central heating up or do you get an extra sweater instead? I rather get some extra sweater or blanket but mr Vee turns the central heating up.
  3. Vanessa28

    Things That Are on Your Mind

    Unfortunately this happens so often. Out of sight, out of the mind and this is soooo true in many cases.
  4. Vanessa28

    time is going by real fast today

    But.....that's a waste of time! o_O :ham:
  5. Vanessa28

    How Many Devices Do You Own?

    Laptop, smart phone, tablets, switch....
  6. Vanessa28

    time is going by real fast today

    That was 22 min ago. Old news already :D
  7. Vanessa28

    VikzeLink's Weekly Sunday Poll 650!

    I couldn't agree more. It was really fun and the music made it so cool
  8. Vanessa28

    VikzeLink's Weekly Sunday Poll 650!

    Oh! I LOVED them! I always searched for them on purpose. I wish there were a lot more Krakens in the great sea!
  9. Vanessa28

    Tears of the Kingdom The monster expertise thread

    Talus! Info on them please. Of course I know about them but hey, you need to be employed of course :D
  10. Vanessa28

    I personally think that Valentine's Day sucks. Who's with me, here?

    Personally I don't care about it. But if there are people who love this day to express their feelings to their beloved ones then who am I to judge them? But like Christmas etc it has become very commercial and the original idea of this day has vanished a bit. It's more about giving (expensive)...
  11. Vanessa28

    Do you believe in past life / reincarnation?

    Oh, I experience the same but with sea or oceans. As long as I live I always felt a weird deep nostalgic feeling with the sea. I always lived near the beach and still do but that's not the reason because I already had this feeling since I was a kid. Also when I look at pics or paintings of the...
  12. Vanessa28

    Link's Story - Potential DLC for EoW?

    A backstory about Link would be great. But I doubt this will happen. Maybe a game itself? Only time will tell
  13. Vanessa28

    Your Personal GotY for 2024

    Definitely Echoes of Wisdom. Although that's the only game I bought last year. But I enjoyed every sec from the game.
  14. Vanessa28

    What video game characters do you have a crush on?

    Not really a crush but Volga from HW is the bomb ! Now only stop the dude from changing into a dragon all the damn time, lol!!
  15. Vanessa28

    Is Super Mario Oddessy worth buying?

    It really is a fun and cool game. I don't play Mario games at much as I used to do but Odyssey is really worth to buy. One of the best Mario games ever
  16. Vanessa28

    Nintendo Nintendo Switch 2 - First Look Trailer

    Nah, it looks cool but I'm not planning on buying it anytime soon. The only reason might be when games I really wanna play are switch 2 only
  17. Vanessa28

    Your Go-To Mario Character(s)

    Luigi for the win! I always pick Luigi the most in any Mario game when playable. Sec fav is Yoshi. And third is Rosalina.
  18. Vanessa28

    What Are the Games You Played The Most?

    Twilight Princess Hyrule Warriors Super Mario DS Ocarina of Time A Link between Worlds Super Mario 3D Wörld Yoshi's Wooly World No particular order although I'm pretty sure I played the first two the most
  19. Vanessa28

    Tears of the Kingdom What Are You Doing in TotK?

    I love the double ones! They're reunited buuuuut not always smoothly. I once sticked one to a rocket but the aim was off. And more "accidents" happened.......:D
  20. Vanessa28

    Is Lueberry…

    We know there is badass Impa (better not mess with her) so obviously there are 2 Sheikah. But the others?
  21. Vanessa28

    What are some of your favorite go to echoes?

    I use Mothula a lot in combat. It deals a lot of damage. Especially against wizzrobes
  22. Vanessa28

    Are you ready to go back to school?

    Back in those days I absolutely hated to go back to school. Being at home for 2 weeks and then going back. Thank god these days are long gone!
  23. Vanessa28

    Do You Consider People On ZD To Be Your Friends?

    Yep, there are people on here I definitely consider as very good friends. I've done a couple of voice chats with people and although I haven't met them in real life it felt like I did. @A Link In Time is one of them and still leaves a "hello, how are you?" message from time to time :)
  24. Vanessa28

    Who is the creepiest NPC in the Zelda series?

    Yeah, I saw that one on youtube but it's not real. If it were real I immidiatly try it out :D
  25. Vanessa28

    Who is the creepiest NPC in the Zelda series?

    The flower girl in BotW and in TotK who attacks you if you harm the flowers is pretty creepy too. In TotK she's almost ready to kill that guy even when she'd stolen his gardening tools!!
  26. Vanessa28

    Is there a way for this kind of setting to occur without having to use these methods?

    To be honest, the soldiers of Hyrule aren't the strongest so when nothing happens they only get more lazier. Maybe by forsaking important duties?
  27. Vanessa28

    VikzeLink's Weekly Sunday Poll 648!

    Energizing energy because of some paraglider flights
  28. Vanessa28

    VikzeLink's Weekly Sunday Poll 647!

    Hearty elixers always come in handy
  29. Vanessa28

    New Year's Resolutions worth it?

    Every New Year people often make resolutions and people more often don't keep up wirh those. Did resolutions ever work for you and do you still make them? I made a resolution at the end of 2023 to stop drinking coffee with sugar and it worked for me. I like to hear your stories/opinions on New...
  30. Vanessa28

    Which TLOZ is harder?

    Between those two ALttP wins by miles when it comes to difficulty. But in the franchise itself Zelda II takes the cake by being the most difficult
  31. Vanessa28

    Merry Christmas everyone

    I was planning to go jetskiing on the roads :D Merry Christmas to you and everyone on ZD
  32. Vanessa28

    What Made You Happy Today?

    So damn happy to be off for Christmas! The amount of mail is insane! A good sign of course but NOT A DAY BEFORE CHRISTMAS!! Well, I'm off from work for 2 days :D
  33. Vanessa28

    Things That Are on Your Mind

    No matter what you say, there'll always people who take it another way. You're a very positive and good person so don't let people drag you down, brother!
  34. Vanessa28

    Tears of the Kingdom Zonai or Sheikah?

    Personally we know too little about the Zonai. Only what has been shown and told in the past when Zelda was there. I like them (especially the Zonai servants who help you now and then) but I prefer the Sheikah. Buuuut I like them the best :D
  35. Vanessa28

    What Day of the Year Do People Eat The Most?

    In the Netherlands we don't have thanksgiving either so it's Christmas for sure.
  36. Vanessa28

    What's happening for Christmas?

    On dec 24th mr Vee celebrates his birthday so we'll stay home and we both have to work that day. On first Christmas Day we're going to my oldest sister and her family and have dinner. The sec Christmas Day we're going with my other sister and our family to a restaurant. Busy days for sure...
  37. Vanessa28

    Your first car, your current car, and your dream car?

    My first car was a Ford Fiësta My current car is a Kia Picanto My dream car is.....I don't have a dream car. As long as my car has a radio and takes me where I wanna go it's fine
  38. Vanessa28


    Liquorice mint is my fav. I don't drink tea that much but when I do this is the one I drink
  39. Vanessa28

    Things That Are on Your Mind

    I’m listening to the original audio broadcast of War of the Worlds from 1938. The famous one that made many americans panic and run :D
  40. Vanessa28

    The original is always the best, right?

    Bruce is a legend. I actually can't even imagine Iron Maiden without Bruce
  41. Vanessa28

    Malanya is female and Malon Reincarnated!

    Malanya is a male but maybe he likes to dress as a female fairy...IS HE THE NEW TINGLE?!
  42. Vanessa28

    Things That Are on Your Mind

    No, I won't take the shortcut home. Too much mud on the road.
  43. Vanessa28

    Males Vs Females Game

  44. Vanessa28

    What Teams Will You Die On a Hill Defending?

    The Philadelphia Flyers. Although I can't follow them as much as I used to do (work and timezones) they'll always be my number 1 hockey team for eternity
  45. Vanessa28

    How many hours total do you have on your Switch?

    I have no clue to be honest. So many hours playing so many games.
  46. Vanessa28

    Things That Are on Your Mind

    Hubby is putting a drawer cabine together...only to discover the sliders are the opposite direction Hahahahahahahahaha!!
  47. Vanessa28

    What free online games do you like playing?

    Good old pop cap games were my favs. Noah's ark, big money etc. Silly but very addictive games
  48. Vanessa28

    Tears of the Kingdom this rivals some of the worst games i've ever played; and i'm a life-long zelda fan

    I don't think this thread was created to mock the other thread or to be butthurt. I know the TS really loves TotK and wanted to share some positive thoughts about the game. But I see very clear that this thread is going the same direction as the other one because people who love and dislike the...
  49. Vanessa28

    VikzeLink's Weekly Sunday Poll 645!

    Oh yes, and I already got myself something. It's a very, VERY large cross stitch pattern and I can't wait to start :D
  50. Vanessa28

    What Made You Happy Today?

    Look at you! You did it! Your hard work.paid off. I'm proud of you!
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