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  1. mαrkαsscoρ

    Making the next 2D Zelda a... Wonder

    why are we assuming the next 2d zelda has to take place in the current iteration of hyrule? we've seen these games jump around the timeline a lot even on the same platform, the next game could totally take place at a different point
  2. mαrkαsscoρ

    Making the next 2D Zelda a... Wonder

    I don't know man, how tf is mario and sonic going from a sandbox and open zone game to 2d games, this isn't the issue you think it is
  3. mαrkαsscoρ

    Making the next 2D Zelda a... Wonder

    they could easily outsource a new 2d game to another studio and it'd be a great way to fill in the gaps during the 5+ year wait b/w the big 3d zelda's, if anything they have all the reason to keep making original 2d games
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