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  1. GreenEyedGerudo

    My Perfect Zelda Game...

    This is all speculation here folks :D my thing is to just bring together some of the franchise's most beloved dungeons and do their respective soundtracks to the classical stuff... The only reason on why I would leave out the four swords category is because of the multi-player platforming... I...
  2. GreenEyedGerudo

    My Perfect Zelda Game...

    Hello ZDN users, Ever since I went to the Symphony of the Goddesses concert this past June (I went to the one in Los Angeles), I was wondering if and when Nintendo would make like a game just using the music from the concert and/or turning the ENTIRE Zelda series soundtracks into a classical...
  3. GreenEyedGerudo

    Why Do You Listen to Music?

    I saw the title of this posting and I had to answer: the answer is WHY NOT LISTEN TO MUSIC? Music relieves stress and anxiety... Since this site is a Zelda fan base so here's a counter Question: WHY NOT LISTEN TO ZELDA OR VIDEO GAME MUSIC IN GENERAL? As for me humming a tune from your favorite...
  4. GreenEyedGerudo

    Zelda Art Triforce and OOT Gerudo

    If anyone wants to see the original, bigger file I would love input :D
  5. GreenEyedGerudo

    General Zelda What is YOUR Favorite Zelda Quote?

    "That's enough out of you, Sparkles" - Lineback to Ciela in Phantom Hourglass...
  6. GreenEyedGerudo

    What's Your Fave Zelda Track?

    What is your Favorite Zelda Music Track; Here are several Choices to get the topic started; Some of these ARE NOT my particular favorites but nonetheless you have to get the party started somewhere! ZELDA 1 - Dungeon Theme ZELDA 2 - Cave Theme LTTP - Dark World LA - Ballad of the...
  7. GreenEyedGerudo

    Which Song Are You Currently Listening To?

    Dragon Roost Island :D
  8. GreenEyedGerudo

    Skyward Sword/Adventure of Link Theory(ies)

    Hello fellow Zelda Fans, This is for the Timeline theorists: I have speculated that Zelda I (from Skyward Sword) is the Zelda that Link has to awaken in Adventure of Link (Zelda II: The Adventure of Link)... What are your thoughts regarding this? GreenEyedGerudo
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