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  1. MightyMario

    Your Go-To Mario Character(s)

    Bowser as a kid is Baby Bowser in Yoshi’s Island Bowser Jr. is his son who first appears in Mario Sunshine Early on, the Koopalings used to be Bowser’s children, but this has since been retconned
  2. MightyMario

    Your Go-To Mario Character(s)

    Bowser Jr. If he's not on the roster then I pick Bowser or Yoshi
  3. MightyMario

    Happy birthday!!!

    Happy birthday!!!
  4. MightyMario


  5. MightyMario

    Sonic X Shadow Generations and a mini Mario Movie toy

    Sonic X Shadow Generations and a mini Mario Movie toy
  6. MightyMario

    Thank you!

    Thank you!
  7. MightyMario

    Thank you!

    Thank you!
  8. MightyMario

    Thank you!

    Thank you!
  9. MightyMario

    Thank you! It’s been good so far!

    Thank you! It’s been good so far!
  10. MightyMario

    Thank you!

    Thank you!
  11. MightyMario

    I’m 20

    I’m 20
  12. MightyMario

    Happy birthday! I didn’t know we shared the same birthday!

    Happy birthday! I didn’t know we shared the same birthday!
  13. MightyMario

    Thanks for the follow!

    Thanks for the follow!
  14. MightyMario

    Turn a video game's story into a Youtube clickbait title.

  15. MightyMario

    Last person to post wins

    Might make a blog post tomorrow about something, does anyone want to submit a writing request in my Writing Corner? I would appreciate it if someone did.
  16. MightyMario

    What Made You Happy Today?

  17. MightyMario

    Doing good!

    Doing good!
  18. MightyMario

    Hey, are you alright? Haven't seen you in a while.

    Hey, are you alright? Haven't seen you in a while.
  19. MightyMario


  20. MightyMario

    Thanks for the follow!

    Thanks for the follow!
  21. MightyMario

    Thank you for the follow, Malon!

    Thank you for the follow, Malon!
  22. MightyMario

    A, S, X, Z

    A, S, X, Z
  23. MightyMario

    Hi Chevy!!! Nice to see you active here again!

    Hi Chevy!!! Nice to see you active here again!
  24. MightyMario

    Nothing much, just happy to see you again!

    Nothing much, just happy to see you again!
  25. MightyMario

    Yo!!!! What up Ketchup? Welcome back!

    Yo!!!! What up Ketchup? Welcome back!
  26. MightyMario

    you just got odie’d borf

    you just got odie’d borf
  27. MightyMario

    Happy birthday!

    Happy birthday!
  28. MightyMario

    Last person to post wins

    I really miss Chevs and Linda
  29. MightyMario

    Dreams thread.

    The rake? What would a gardening tool want to do with your mother?
  30. MightyMario

    Last person to post wins

    Diet Bowser with Cinnamon
  31. MightyMario

    Help this RP needs more players

    Sorry not interested but thanks anyway
  32. MightyMario

    Last person to post wins

  33. MightyMario

    Last person to post wins

    I’m tired of the negativity in the world, so I’m feeling down
  34. MightyMario

    Last person to post wins

    Did you get a chance to read my new story yet?
  35. MightyMario

    Last person to post wins

    Hey, Echo! How have you been?
  36. MightyMario

    Last person to post wins

  37. MightyMario

    Forum Update Bugs

    I didn’t see a thread for general bugs, but I’ll post this here. This delete button seems to have disappeared from the shoutbox. Is there a reason why and can it be restored?
  38. MightyMario

    Need some PG anime

    Couple questions: 1) In the store, were you watching the show in an area where everyone could see it or was it a more private area of the store? 2) What anime were you watching?
  39. MightyMario

    Last person to post wins

  40. MightyMario

    Last person to post wins

  41. MightyMario

    Songs That Are Stuck In Your Head.

    For some reason, it was Christmas music earlier But I’ve had “The Warrior” from Scandal in my head for a few days now. (It’s the opening theme to Knuckles, that’s probably why)
  42. MightyMario

    Last person to post wins

    Ask you and shall receive Mr. Wolf
  43. MightyMario

    What happened to twilitfalchion?

    What happened to twilitfalchion?
  44. MightyMario

    Happy birthday!

    Happy birthday!
  45. MightyMario

    Last person to post wins

    I miss Chevs and Linda
  46. MightyMario

    What's the Pettiest Reason You Won't Listen to a Band?

    I absolutely despise Buckcherry and Puddle of Mudd because of just how vulgar their songs are. Jelly Roll is considered rock for some reason, I can’t stand his songs. Whatever that new Blink 182 song is with the double vocals and sappy lyrics. Blink 182 is an alright band, but that one song...
  47. MightyMario

    Last person to post wins

    He had quality content
  48. MightyMario

    Last person to post wins

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