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  1. Daku Rinku

    Ocarina of Time Nabooru Fan Club

    To read her mind and see if she was brainwashed still. Jk :D
  2. Daku Rinku

    Ocarina of Time Nabooru Fan Club

    Nabooru’s golden eyes are a real eye color, only 5% of people around the world get them: “Amber eyes: A golden yellow or copper colour occurs due to higher quantities of the pigment lipochrome (yellow pigment) and very little melanin, and are considered very rare. Amber-coloured eyes are most...
  3. Daku Rinku

    Ocarina of Time Nabooru Fan Club

    The Sage of Spirit
  4. Daku Rinku

    Ocarina of Time Nabooru Fan Club

    Well I accept varying degrees of fandom from die hard to just a fan. :D
  5. Daku Rinku

    Ocarina of Time Nabooru Fan Club

    Nabooru, Thief, Saboteur of Ganondorf, Pawn of Witches, and Sage of Light. Her story like many crosses with The Hero of Time, and she makes him a promise. Nabooru’s story is one that shows no one is beyond forgiveness and redemption. To be a thief and end up a Sage even she said was...
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