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  1. Saint Ravenboo

    What Annoyed You Today?

    If I'm being honest, when I first read that, I thought it said froggy driving. Cuz yes, there's driving frogs. *Sarcasm*
  2. Saint Ravenboo

    Staff and User Rankings

    Welcome to the modding team.
  3. Saint Ravenboo

    Ganon Equals Ganondorf Debate

    For a long time, people would either agree or disagree that: Ganondorf is a term for the Gerudo form and Ganon is for his Demon form, or that both Ganondorf in Ganon is interchangeable with each other. Here to spark fire in this debate once again, what opinion do you have on these two terms...
  4. Saint Ravenboo

    What Annoyed You Today?

    Yeah, I'm sending them back, the drop in inputs is too egregious for me to bare. Oh, and a bird decided to poop on my head today, while I was eating lunch.
  5. Saint Ravenboo

    Is Hyrule getting bigger due to magic or is it just players' perception?

    Even if they are getting bigger or smaller it could easily be down to gaining territory and land from nearby countries, people in history has done it all the time, just look at the US, we weren't always from coast to coast.
  6. Saint Ravenboo

    Rate the Last Game That You Played

    Sly 2: Band of Thieves. 3 out of 10, I would rank it higher, if I didn't like Sly 3. More so I would blame the formula for my dislike of the second game, but that is not the case. Sly 3 fixes every problem I have with this game, which tells me that this game just sucks. For the first half of the...
  7. Saint Ravenboo

    What Annoyed You Today?

    ...I purchased these items, cuz the ones I have have problems with them, so I expected The new ones to, I don't know, have no problems with them. *Sigh.* Update: It might just be the game that's not registering it. I'm having the same issue with my controller that doesn't have that issue. I...
  8. Saint Ravenboo

    What Are You Doing In Zelda?

    Let's move this conversation to the Shoutbox.
  9. Saint Ravenboo

    What Are You Doing In Zelda?

    Most likely, we never actually see a sea, other than The Great Sea, in any timeline other than the downfall timeline. Good question, but here comes another one. Why is the Gorons trying to hide their existence in the adult timeline?
  10. Saint Ravenboo

    What Are You Doing In Zelda?

    Not if it's a difference between salt and fresh water. Freshwater fish cannot survive in salt water, and vice versa. It's heavily implied that Lake Hylia is a freshwater lake, since it's used all across Hyrule for fresh drinking water in the region. If it got flooded, there's no doubt that all...
  11. Saint Ravenboo

    What Are You Doing In Zelda?

    Opposites attract, I suppose.
  12. Saint Ravenboo

    What Are You Doing In Zelda?

    He's talking about Wind Waker. If you've played the game, you can piece that together.
  13. Saint Ravenboo

    Are you Emotional or Intellectual First?

    I'm probably a mix between the two, I can get very emotional at times, but other times I can really think smart at the moment. Depends on how I'm doing at the time.
  14. Saint Ravenboo

    What Made You Happy Today?

    Good luck on the interview, Oocoo! Hope everything goes well and you get the job.
  15. Saint Ravenboo

    What Game(s) Are You Playing at the Moment?

    I ended up deciding to do the full marathon, both Sly Cooper and Ratchet & Clank series. Finished both of the first games in the series, and I finished Going Commando. (The second Ratchet & Clank game, and yes, the innuendo in that title is intentional.) Currently going through my least favorite...
  16. Saint Ravenboo

    What was your most recent purchase?

    PlayStation 2 controllers. My old ones were having problems, with some even having exposed wires. Oh, and about a week ago, I had to order a new TV, since my other one broke.
  17. Saint Ravenboo

    What Are the Games You Played The Most?

    Have no fear, I can usually switch between games 10 times in one day, so I know the feeling of changing games constantly.
  18. Saint Ravenboo

    Your Favorite Leisure Activity as a Kid.

    I remember Tonka. Man, those were the days.
  19. Saint Ravenboo

    Things That Are on Your Mind

    As I've been getting older, I've been noticing the exact opposite. Nowadays I've been growing resentment more frequently. I know it's unhealthy, but it's been harder to forgive and forget. I fear soon that I'll end up like Dracula and wanting to commit genocide.
  20. Saint Ravenboo

    What Annoyed You Today?

    Not so much annoyed, but more so worried. My therapist is asking to do telehealth and even though my sister's will be in the other room, I'm afraid she will hear things that I talk about with my therapist since the room is not insulated at my house. I can hear my dad playing music from the other...
  21. Saint Ravenboo

    What Made You Happy Today?

    The smoke from the two fires in my area cleared up enough for me to eat outside again. Another thing that made me happy today is that I finally finished my playthrough of Going Commando.
  22. Saint Ravenboo

    Staff and User Rankings

    Welcome to the mod circle, please don't be like the DMV.
  23. Saint Ravenboo

    Rate the Last Game That You Played

    Ratchet & Clank 2: Going Commando, I'd have to give this game a low 6 out of 10, it's definitely enjoyable, but there's too many glitches in a certain level of the game, Planet Boldan, to the point where it's child's play to escape through half the level without even trying. Another thing is...
  24. Saint Ravenboo

    Things That Are on Your Mind

    It's great that you don't have to do surgery anymore. I'm still dreading mine.
  25. Saint Ravenboo

    What Annoyed You Today?

    I try to avoid that as much as possible.
  26. Saint Ravenboo

    Things That Are on Your Mind

    I use my garage as storage space, but I understand the limited parking, because there's always a lot of parties going on in my area.
  27. Saint Ravenboo

    Indeed, it's one of my absolute favorites.

    Indeed, it's one of my absolute favorites.
  28. Saint Ravenboo

    Your Favorite Leisure Activity as a Kid.

    I bet you were almost shot by Will Smith thinking you were an alien with all those science books.
  29. Saint Ravenboo

    What Made You Happy Today?

    I saw that feed myself, it's so wholesome.
  30. Saint Ravenboo

    What Are You Doing In Zelda?

    Majora's Mask really push the limits on how scary and dark a Zelda game can get.
  31. Saint Ravenboo

    What Are You Doing In Zelda?

    I honestly don't hate Phantom Hourglass, I only dislike playing it compared to the other games in the classic Zelda format.
  32. Saint Ravenboo

    What Are You Doing In Zelda?

    That's me with Phantom Hourglass. I've never had a liking to it. Though, the fairy companion is great and that one.
  33. Saint Ravenboo

    Things That Are on Your Mind

    Hopefully things go well. I wish your parents the best. Hopefully they get better.
  34. Saint Ravenboo

    Things That Are on Your Mind

    That's great to hear! Hopefully all things go well. I'm wishing the best for you.
  35. Saint Ravenboo

    Things That Are on Your Mind

    Yeah. I decided not to take her for a walk. The air is too dangerous for me to be outside for long. So I'm not going to chance it with her.
  36. Saint Ravenboo

    Kara's (Malon's) art

    It's actually a lack of production of melanin in your body. Melanin is responsible for how dark your skin is, the darker your skin, the harder it is to get sunburn. You can actually produce more melanin by being exposed to a certain type of UV light, which gives you a tan. The other type of UV...
  37. Saint Ravenboo

    Things That Are on Your Mind

    I'm worried about taking my dog for a walk, the smoke in the air was irritating my eyes when I went to take her out potty.
  38. Saint Ravenboo

    Things That Are on Your Mind

    There's a fire that happened nearby. Smoke in the air, and it's blocking out the Sun. All of this happening right when the Forum broke. Maybe it's connected, not sure.
  39. Saint Ravenboo

    What Annoyed You Today?

    The Forum broke again.
  40. Saint Ravenboo

    Are the Twilli Gerudo?

    The mirror doesn't count, it was never explicitly said that the Mirror of Twilight was created by the Intelopers, and the Light Spirits was the one that used it to banish them.
  41. Saint Ravenboo

    Are the Twilli Gerudo?

    Like I said, it's never explicitly said which race they're from. For all we know, it could have been a different race that didn't appear in any of the games beforehand. Dark Link was only used as symbolism, during the cutscene of Lanayru telling the story. The theory does hold water, but it's...
  42. Saint Ravenboo

    Are the Twilli Gerudo?

    I definitely agree with this assumption, and this theory does have more water than what's been provided thus far.
  43. Saint Ravenboo

    Are the Twilli Gerudo?

    No, it doesn't. It only shows symbolism, but never the actual invasion. They do come from Hyrule, but it's never actually explicit on what race they are.
  44. Saint Ravenboo

    Are the Twilli Gerudo?

    I have a question. Where did you get the information that Interlopers are Hylian? It's never once stated that in the games.
  45. Saint Ravenboo

    Are the Twilli Gerudo?

    To be honest, this theory has a lot of evidence to support it, but there's one big flaw. The Interlopers were banished far before the first Gerudo in the series appeared in the games, if we go by the official timeline. Which even the official timeline has some holes in it. The Twili could have a...
  46. Saint Ravenboo

    What Game Series Do You Marathon Through?

    I don't have that, and probably never will. Not because I don't want it, I do actually, but I don't have any of the consoles it's on.
  47. Saint Ravenboo

    What Game Series Do You Marathon Through?

    Anyway, we should probably get back on topic. Another marathon run I'd like to do sometime is from Sonic Adventure to Shadow the Hedgehog.
  48. Saint Ravenboo

    What Game Series Do You Marathon Through?

    This is exactly why I feel some video game characters are best not to bring back after their official story arc ends, just for fan appeasement.
  49. Saint Ravenboo

    What Game Series Do You Marathon Through?

    Yeah. Bigger 3D games tend to make me lose my interest halfway through, and I usually end up not finishing them. I also need to finish Metal Gear Solid 1.
  50. Saint Ravenboo

    What Game Series Do You Marathon Through?

    Usually in most cases one would play a replay a game in the series, but what about replaying a game series in order. Whether it be in chronological order, or order of release. What games in a series do you play back to back? For me I usually do a marathon of Ratchet & Clank 1, Sly 1, Ratchet &...
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